123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390 |
- #define LOG_TAG "GPSd_HAL"
- #include <android/hardware/gnss/1.0/types.h>
- #include <log/log.h>
- #include <cutils/properties.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include "Gnss.h"
- #include "GnssMeasurement.h"
- namespace android {
- namespace hardware {
- namespace gnss {
- namespace V1_1 {
- namespace implementation {
- using GnssSvFlags = IGnssCallback::GnssSvFlags;
- const uint32_t MIN_INTERVAL_MILLIS = 100;
- sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_1::IGnssCallback> Gnss::sGnssCallback = nullptr;
- Gnss::Gnss() : mMinIntervalMs(1000), mGnssConfiguration{new GnssConfiguration()} {}
- Gnss::~Gnss() {
- stop();
- }
- // Methods from ::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnss follow.
- Return<bool> Gnss::setCallback(const sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnssCallback>&) {
- // Mock handles only new callback (see setCallback1_1) coming from Android P+
- return false;
- }
- Return<bool> Gnss::start() {
- if (mIsActive) {
- ALOGW("Gnss has started. Restarting...");
- stop();
- }
- mIsActive = true;
- mThread = std::thread([this]() {
- struct gps_data_t gps_data;
- int gpsopen = -1;
- char gpsdhost[PROP_VALUE_MAX];
- char gpsdport[PROP_VALUE_MAX];
- char gpsdauto[PROP_VALUE_MAX];
- int is_automotive;
- char gpslat[PROP_VALUE_MAX];
- char gpslon[PROP_VALUE_MAX];
- long last_recorded_fix = 0;
- char dtos[100];
- GnssLocation location;
- // Normally, GPSd will be running on localhost, but we can set a system property
- // "service.gpsd.host" to some other hostname in order to open a GPSd instance
- // running on a different host.
- property_get("service.gpsd.host", gpsdhost, "localhost");
- property_get("service.gpsd.port", gpsdport, "2947");
- is_automotive = (property_get("service.gpsd.automotive", gpsdauto, "") > 0);
- // Load coordinates stored in persist properties as current location
- // This is to provide instantaneous fix to the last good location
- // in order to provide instantaneous ability to begin navigator routing.
- if (is_automotive && property_get("persist.service.gpsd.latitude", gpslat, "") > 0
- && property_get("persist.service.gpsd.longitude", gpslon, "") > 0){
- location = {
- .gnssLocationFlags = 0xDD,
- .latitudeDegrees = atof(gpslat),
- .longitudeDegrees = atof(gpslon),
- .speedMetersPerSec = 0.0,
- .bearingDegrees = 0.0,
- .horizontalAccuracyMeters = 0.0,
- .speedAccuracyMetersPerSecond = 0.0,
- .bearingAccuracyDegrees = 0.0,
- .timestamp = (long) time(NULL)
- };
- this->reportLocation(location);
- }
- memset(&gps_data, 0, sizeof(gps_data));
- while (mIsActive == true) {
- // If the connection to GPSd is not open, try to open it.
- // If the attempt to open it fails, sleep 5 seconds and try again.
- // Note the continue; statement that will skip the reading in the
- // event that the connection to GPSd cannot be established.
- if (gpsopen != 0){
- ALOGD("%s: gpsd_host: %s, gpsd_port: %s", __func__, gpsdhost, gpsdport);
- if ((gpsopen = gps_open(gpsdhost, gpsdport, &gps_data)) == 0){
- ALOGD("%s: gps_open SUCCESS", __func__);
- gps_stream(&gps_data, WATCH_ENABLE, NULL);
- } else {
- ALOGD("%s: gps_open FAIL (%d). Trying again in 5 seconds.", __func__, gpsopen);
- sleep(5);
- continue;
- }
- }
- // Wait for data from gpsd, then process it.
- if (gps_waiting (&gps_data, 2000000)) {
- errno = 0;
- if (gps_read (&gps_data, NULL, 0) != -1) {
- if (gps_data.status >= 1 && gps_data.fix.mode >= 2){
- // Every 30 seconds, store current coordinates to persist property.
- if (is_automotive && ((long) gps_data.fix.time) > last_recorded_fix + 30){
- last_recorded_fix = (long) gps_data.fix.time;
- sprintf(dtos, "%lf", gps_data.fix.latitude);
- property_set("persist.service.gpsd.latitude", dtos);
- sprintf(dtos, "%lf", gps_data.fix.longitude);
- property_set("persist.service.gpsd.longitude", dtos);
- }
- unsigned short flags =
- V1_0::GnssLocationFlags::HAS_LAT_LONG |
- V1_0::GnssLocationFlags::HAS_SPEED |
- V1_0::GnssLocationFlags::HAS_BEARING |
- V1_0::GnssLocationFlags::HAS_HORIZONTAL_ACCURACY |
- V1_0::GnssLocationFlags::HAS_SPEED_ACCURACY |
- V1_0::GnssLocationFlags::HAS_BEARING_ACCURACY;
- location = {
- .latitudeDegrees = (double) gps_data.fix.latitude,
- .longitudeDegrees = (double) gps_data.fix.longitude,
- .speedMetersPerSec = (float) gps_data.fix.speed,
- .bearingDegrees = (float) gps_data.fix.track,
- .horizontalAccuracyMeters = (float) gps_data.fix.eph,
- .speedAccuracyMetersPerSecond = (float) gps_data.fix.eps,
- .bearingAccuracyDegrees = (float) gps_data.fix.epd,
- .timestamp = (long) gps_data.fix.time
- };
- if (gps_data.fix.mode == 3){
- flags |= V1_0::GnssLocationFlags::HAS_ALTITUDE |
- V1_0::GnssLocationFlags::HAS_VERTICAL_ACCURACY;
- location.altitudeMeters = gps_data.fix.altitude;
- location.verticalAccuracyMeters = gps_data.fix.epv;
- }
- location.gnssLocationFlags = flags;
- this->reportLocation(location);
- } else if (is_automotive && last_recorded_fix == 0){
- location.timestamp = (long) time(NULL);
- this->reportLocation(location);
- }
- GnssSvStatus svStatus = {.numSvs = (uint32_t) gps_data.satellites_visible};
- for (int i = 0; i < gps_data.satellites_visible; i++){
- GnssConstellationType constellation_type = GnssConstellationType::UNKNOWN;
- switch (gps_data.skyview[i].gnssid){
- case 0:
- constellation_type = GnssConstellationType::GPS;
- break;
- case 1:
- constellation_type = GnssConstellationType::SBAS;
- break;
- case 2:
- constellation_type = GnssConstellationType::GALILEO;
- break;
- case 3:
- constellation_type = GnssConstellationType::BEIDOU;
- break;
- case 4:
- constellation_type = GnssConstellationType::UNKNOWN;
- break;
- case 5:
- constellation_type = GnssConstellationType::QZSS;
- break;
- case 6:
- constellation_type = GnssConstellationType::GLONASS;
- break;
- }
- svStatus.gnssSvList[i] = getSvInfo(
- gps_data.skyview[i].svid,
- constellation_type,
- gps_data.skyview[i].ss,
- gps_data.skyview[i].elevation,
- gps_data.skyview[i].azimuth,
- gps_data.skyview[i].used
- );
- svStatus.gnssSvList[i].svFlag = 0;
- if (gps_data.skyview[i].used == 1) svStatus.gnssSvList[i].svFlag |= GnssSvFlags::USED_IN_FIX;
- if (gps_data.skyview[i].elevation > -91 && gps_data.skyview[i].azimuth > -1){
- svStatus.gnssSvList[i].svFlag |= GnssSvFlags::HAS_ALMANAC_DATA;
- if (gps_data.skyview[i].ss > 0)
- svStatus.gnssSvList[i].svFlag |= GnssSvFlags::HAS_EPHEMERIS_DATA;
- }
- }
- this->reportSvStatus(svStatus);
- }
- }
- }
- // Close the GPS
- gps_stream(&gps_data, WATCH_DISABLE, NULL);
- gps_close (&gps_data);
- });
- return true;
- }
- Return<bool> Gnss::stop() {
- mIsActive = false;
- if (mThread.joinable()) {
- mThread.join();
- }
- return true;
- }
- Return<void> Gnss::cleanup() {
- // TODO implement
- return Void();
- }
- Return<bool> Gnss::injectTime(int64_t, int64_t, int32_t) {
- // TODO implement
- return bool{};
- }
- Return<bool> Gnss::injectLocation(double, double, float) {
- // TODO implement
- return bool{};
- }
- Return<void> Gnss::deleteAidingData(::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnss::GnssAidingData) {
- return Void();
- }
- Return<bool> Gnss::setPositionMode(::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnss::GnssPositionMode,
- ::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnss::GnssPositionRecurrence,
- uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) {
- // TODO implement
- return bool{};
- }
- Return<sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IAGnssRil>> Gnss::getExtensionAGnssRil() {
- // TODO implement
- return ::android::sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IAGnssRil>{};
- }
- Return<sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnssGeofencing>> Gnss::getExtensionGnssGeofencing() {
- // TODO implement
- return ::android::sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnssGeofencing>{};
- }
- Return<sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IAGnss>> Gnss::getExtensionAGnss() {
- // TODO implement
- return ::android::sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IAGnss>{};
- }
- Return<sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnssNi>> Gnss::getExtensionGnssNi() {
- // TODO implement
- return ::android::sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnssNi>{};
- }
- Return<sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnssMeasurement>> Gnss::getExtensionGnssMeasurement() {
- // TODO implement
- return new GnssMeasurement();
- }
- Return<sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnssNavigationMessage>>
- Gnss::getExtensionGnssNavigationMessage() {
- // TODO implement
- return ::android::sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnssNavigationMessage>{};
- }
- Return<sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnssXtra>> Gnss::getExtensionXtra() {
- // TODO implement
- return ::android::sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnssXtra>{};
- }
- Return<sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnssConfiguration>>
- Gnss::getExtensionGnssConfiguration() {
- // TODO implement
- return new GnssConfiguration();
- }
- Return<sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnssDebug>> Gnss::getExtensionGnssDebug() {
- // TODO implement
- return ::android::sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnssDebug>{};
- }
- Return<sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnssBatching>> Gnss::getExtensionGnssBatching() {
- // TODO implement
- return ::android::sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnssBatching>{};
- }
- // Methods from ::android::hardware::gnss::V1_1::IGnss follow.
- Return<bool> Gnss::setCallback_1_1(
- const sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_1::IGnssCallback>& callback) {
- if (callback == nullptr) {
- ALOGE("%s: Null callback ignored", __func__);
- return false;
- }
- sGnssCallback = callback;
- uint32_t capabilities = 0x0;
- auto ret = sGnssCallback->gnssSetCapabilitesCb(capabilities);
- if (!ret.isOk()) {
- ALOGE("%s: Unable to invoke callback", __func__);
- }
- IGnssCallback::GnssSystemInfo gnssInfo = {.yearOfHw = 2018};
- ret = sGnssCallback->gnssSetSystemInfoCb(gnssInfo);
- if (!ret.isOk()) {
- ALOGE("%s: Unable to invoke callback", __func__);
- }
- auto gnssName = "GPSd GNSS Implementation v1.1";
- ret = sGnssCallback->gnssNameCb(gnssName);
- if (!ret.isOk()) {
- ALOGE("%s: Unable to invoke callback", __func__);
- }
- return true;
- }
- Return<bool> Gnss::setPositionMode_1_1(
- ::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnss::GnssPositionMode,
- ::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnss::GnssPositionRecurrence, uint32_t minIntervalMs,
- uint32_t, uint32_t, bool) {
- mMinIntervalMs = (minIntervalMs < MIN_INTERVAL_MILLIS) ? MIN_INTERVAL_MILLIS : minIntervalMs;
- return true;
- }
- Return<sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_1::IGnssConfiguration>>
- Gnss::getExtensionGnssConfiguration_1_1() {
- return mGnssConfiguration;
- }
- Return<sp<::android::hardware::gnss::V1_1::IGnssMeasurement>>
- Gnss::getExtensionGnssMeasurement_1_1() {
- // TODO implement
- return new GnssMeasurement();
- }
- Return<bool> Gnss::injectBestLocation(const GnssLocation&) {
- return true;
- }
- Return<GnssSvInfo> Gnss::getSvInfo(int16_t svid, GnssConstellationType type, float cN0DbHz,
- float elevationDegrees, float azimuthDegrees, int16_t used) const {
- GnssSvInfo svInfo = {.svid = svid,
- .constellation = type,
- .cN0Dbhz = cN0DbHz,
- .elevationDegrees = elevationDegrees,
- .azimuthDegrees = azimuthDegrees,
- .svFlag = 0};
- if (used)
- svInfo.svFlag |= GnssSvFlags::USED_IN_FIX;
- if (elevationDegrees > 0 && azimuthDegrees > 0)
- svInfo.svFlag |= GnssSvFlags::HAS_EPHEMERIS_DATA | GnssSvFlags::HAS_ALMANAC_DATA;
- return svInfo;
- }
- Return<void> Gnss::reportLocation(const GnssLocation& location) const {
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
- if (sGnssCallback == nullptr) {
- ALOGE("%s: sGnssCallback is null.", __func__);
- return Void();
- }
- sGnssCallback->gnssLocationCb(location);
- return Void();
- }
- Return<void> Gnss::reportSvStatus(const GnssSvStatus& svStatus) const {
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
- if (sGnssCallback == nullptr) {
- ALOGE("%s: sGnssCallback is null.", __func__);
- return Void();
- }
- sGnssCallback->gnssSvStatusCb(svStatus);
- return Void();
- }
- } // namespace implementation
- } // namespace V1_1
- } // namespace gnss
- } // namespace hardware
- } // namespace android