plotImpHistory.Rd 1.5 KB

  1. % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
  2. % Please edit documentation in R/tools.R
  3. \name{plotImpHistory}
  4. \alias{plotImpHistory}
  5. \title{Plot Boruta object as importance history}
  6. \usage{
  7. plotImpHistory(x, colCode = c("green", "yellow", "red", "blue"),
  8. col = NULL, type = "l", lty = 1, pch = 0,
  9. xlab = "Classifier run", ylab = "Importance", ...)
  10. }
  11. \arguments{
  12. \item{x}{an object of a class Boruta.}
  13. \item{colCode}{a vector containing colour codes for attribute decisions, respectively Confirmed, Tentative, Rejected and shadow.}
  14. \item{col}{standard \code{col} attribute, passed to \code{\link{matplot}}. If given, suppresses effects of \code{colCode}.}
  15. \item{type}{Plot type that will be passed to \code{\link{matplot}}.}
  16. \item{lty}{Line type that will be passed to \code{\link{matplot}}.}
  17. \item{pch}{Point mark type that will be passed to \code{\link{matplot}}.}
  18. \item{xlab}{X axis label that will be passed to \code{\link{matplot}}.}
  19. \item{ylab}{Y axis label that will be passed to \code{\link{matplot}}.}
  20. \item{...}{additional graphical parameter that will be passed to \code{\link{matplot}}.}
  21. }
  22. \value{
  23. Invisible copy of \code{x}.
  24. }
  25. \description{
  26. Alternative plot method for Boruta objects, showing matplot of attribute importances over run.
  27. }
  28. \note{
  29. This function will throw an error when \code{x} lacks importance history, i.e., was made with \code{holdHistory} set to \code{FALSE}.
  30. }
  31. \examples{
  32. \dontrun{
  33. library(mlbench); data(Sonar)
  34. #Takes some time, so be patient
  35. Boruta(Class~.,data=Sonar,doTrace=2)->Bor.son
  36. print(Bor.son)
  37. plotImpHistory(Bor.son)
  38. }
  39. }