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  • GNU Guile as programming language
  • guile-fslib for handling of locations of static files in the file system
  • guile-fibers for the concurrent web server

Environment creation

The dependencies specified above can be installed using GNU Guix and the following specifications for an environment:


Starting the server

  1. activate the GNU Guix environment:

#+begin_src shell bash guix-env/env.bash #+end_src

  1. Start the server:

#+begin_src shell # GUILE_LOAD_PATH="$(pwd)/app:${GUILE_LOAD_PATH}" # once guile-fslib is on GNU Guix: # guile -L app app/main.scm # for now: pushd app guile -L . -L lib/fslib --fresh-auto-compile main.scm #+end_src

  1. The website should now be reachable at http://localhost:8080.

OUTDATED Unit tests

To run the unit tests, issue the guile command for the specific tests as follows:

guile -L . test/test-path-handling.scm

TODO To do [0/4]

INPROGRESS Get guile-fslib on GNU Guix

TODO Change dependencies to include guile-fslib

TODO Make a plan about what to put on the website

TODO Write actual website using responsive design