123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354 |
- defmodule FileHandling do
- def read_lines filename do
- File.stream!(filename)
- |> Stream.map(&String.trim_trailing/1)
- |> Enum.to_list
- end
- end
- defmodule ListProcessing do
- # separate lists at "" element
- def split_at_nil(nil, acc) do {:cont, Enum.reverse(acc), []} end
- def split_at_nil(elem, acc) do {:cont, [elem | acc]} end
- def remaining_elems [] do {:cont, []} end
- def remaining_elems other do {:cont, Enum.reverse(other), []} end
- def lines_to_integer enum do
- enum |> Enum.map(
- fn
- "" -> nil
- number_string -> String.to_integer(number_string, 10)
- end
- )
- end
- end
- # Need to wrap the code in a function to be able to see the struct.
- defmodule Main do
- def main do
- lines = FileHandling.read_lines "input"
- calories = ListProcessing.lines_to_integer lines
- calories_grouped = Enum.chunk_while(
- calories,
- [],
- &ListProcessing.split_at_nil/2,
- &ListProcessing.remaining_elems/1
- )
- calories_summed_per_elf = Enum.map(
- calories_grouped,
- fn
- [] -> 0
- calories -> Enum.sum calories
- end
- )
- calories_sorted_per_elf = Enum.sort(
- calories_summed_per_elf,
- fn calories1, calories2 -> calories1 >= calories2 end
- )
- IO.puts("most calories carried by any elf: #{List.first(calories_sorted_per_elf)}")
- end
- end
- Main.main