Download the latest release from here.
Use navicat-patcher.exe
to replace Navicat Activation Public Key that is stored in navicat.exe
or libcc.dll
navicat-patcher.exe <Navicat installation path> [RSA-2048 PEM file]
<Navicat installation path>
: The full path to Navicat installation folder.
This parameter must be specified.
[RSA-2048 PEM file]
: The full path or relative path to a RSA-2048 private key file.
This parameter is optional. If not specified, navicat-patcher.exe
will generate a new RSA-2048 private key file RegPrivateKey.pem
at current directory.
Example: (in cmd.exe)
navicat-patcher.exe "C:\Program Files\PremiumSoft\Navicat Premium 12"
It has been tested on Navicat Premium 12.1.12 Simplified Chinese version. The following is an example of output.
* Navicat Patcher by @DoubleLabyrinth *
* Release date: Jan 19 2019 *
Press Enter to continue or Ctrl + C to abort.
MESSAGE: PatchSolution0 will be omitted.
MESSAGE: PatchSolution3: Keywords[0] has been found:
Relative Machine Code Offset = +0x0000000001644a08
Relative Machine Code RVA = +0x0000000001645608
Patch Offset = +0x00000000023d56e4
Patch Size = 3 byte(s)
MESSAGE: PatchSolution3: Keywords[110] has been found:
Relative Machine Code Offset = +0x000000000165155e
Relative Machine Code RVA = +0x000000000165215e
Patch Offset = +0x0000000001651561
Patch Size = 1 byte(s)
MESSAGE: PatchSolution2 will be omitted.
MESSAGE: PatchSolution1: Keywords[0] has been found: offset = +0x021f7390.
MESSAGE: PatchSolution1: Keywords[1] has been found: offset = +0x0074bd39.
MESSAGE: PatchSolution1: Keywords[2] has been found: offset = +0x021f70a0.
MESSAGE: PatchSolution1: Keywords[3] has been found: offset = +0x0074bd1f.
MESSAGE: PatchSolution1: Keywords[4] has been found: offset = +0x021f708c.
MESSAGE: Generating new RSA private key, it may take a long time.
MESSAGE: New RSA private key has been saved to RegPrivateKey.pem.
Your RSA public key:
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
* PatchSulution3 *
@ +023d56e4: 4D 49 49 ---> 4D 49 49
@ +01644a63: 42 49 ---> 42 49
@ +01644a68: 6A ---> 6A
@ +01644ace: 41 ---> 41
@ +023d58d4: 36 63 6A ---> 47 36 74
@ +023d58d8: 78 6C 6A 75 75 51 61 ---> 4D 44 6A 57 79 77 31
@ +023d58e8: 77 49 44 41 ---> 77 49 44 41
@ +0165155c: 51 41 ---> 51 41
@ +01651561: 42 ---> 42
* PatchSulution1 *
@ +0x021f7390
+0x00000000021F7390 44 37 35 31 32 35 42 37 30 37 36 37 42 39 34 31 D75125B70767B941
+0x00000000021F73A0 34 35 42 34 37 43 31 43 42 33 43 30 37 35 35 45 45B47C1CB3C0755E
+0x00000000021F73B0 37 43 43 42 38 38 32 35 43 35 44 43 45 30 43 35 7CCB8825C5DCE0C5
@ +0x021f708c
+0x00000000021F7080 31 32 32 35 4f 45 29 2e 00 00 00 00 39 32 39 33 1225OE).....9293
+0x00000000021F7090 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3...............
+0x00000000021F7080 31 32 32 35 4f 45 29 2e 00 00 00 00 32 37 45 38 1225OE).....27E8
+0x00000000021F7090 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E...............
MESSAGE: Patch has been done successfully.
to generate snKey and Activation Code navicat-keygen.exe <-bin|-text> [-adv] <RSA-2048 PrivateKey(PEM file)>
: Must be -bin
or -text
If -bin
is specified, navicat-keygen.exe
will finally generate license_file
. It is used for Navicat old activation method only.
If -text
is specified, navicat-keygen.exe
will finally generate a Base64-style string which is Activation Code. It is used for Navicat new activation method.
This parameter must be specified.
: Enable advanced mode.
This parameter is optional. If specified, navicat-keygen.exe
will ask you input Navicat product ID number, language signature numbers. It is for future use generally.
<RSA-2048 PrivateKey(PEM file)>
: The full path or relative path to a RSA-2048 private key file.
This parameter must be specified.
Example: (in cmd.exe)
navicat-keygen.exe -text .\RegPrivateKey.pem
You will be asked to select Navicat product, language and input major version number. After that an randomly generated snKey will be given.
Select Navicat product:
0. DataModeler
1. Premium
2. MySQL
3. PostgreSQL
4. Oracle
5. SQLServer
6. SQLite
7. MariaDB
8. MongoDB
9. ReportViewer
(Input index)> 1
Select product language:
0. English
1. Simplified Chinese
2. Traditional Chinese
3. Japanese
4. Polish
5. Spanish
6. French
7. German
8. Korean
9. Russian
10. Portuguese
(Input index)> 1
(Input major version number, range: 0 ~ 15, default: 12)> 12
Serial number:
Your name:
You can use this snKey to activate your Navicat preliminarily.
Then you will be asked to input Your name
and Your organization
. Just set them whatever you want, but not too long.
Your name: DoubleLabyrinth
Your organization: DoubleLabyrinth
Input request code (in Base64), input empty line to end:
After that, you will be asked to input the request code. Now DO NOT CLOSE KEYGEN.
Disconnect your network and open Navicat. Find and click Registration
. Fill Registration Key
by snKey that the keygen gave and click Activate
Generally online activation will failed and Navicat will ask you do Manual Activation
, just choose it.
Copy your request code and paste it in the keygen. Input empty line to tell the keygen that your input ends.
Your name: DoubleLabyrinth
Your organization: DoubleLabyrinth
Input request code (in Base64), input empty line to end:
Request Info:
{"K":"NAVO2ORPIN5AGQEE", "DI":"R91j6WyMhxHznAKSxxxx", "P":"WIN"}
Response Info:
Manual Activation
window, then click Activate
. If nothing wrong, activation should be done successfully.