rules.lua 2.0 KB

  1. local rules = {
  2. 'We are in BETA right now, some stuff is somewhat broken right now.',
  3. '',
  4. 'Want interact? visit the page below to find out how to get it.',
  5. '',
  6. 'Para español visite',
  7. '',
  8. "Rules:",
  9. "1. Never ever ask for, or give out, any personal information, this is a bannable offense.",
  10. "2. Don't be rude.",
  11. "3. Don't spam chat.",
  12. "4. Be civil, we're here to have fun, not to have dumb arguments about stuff (Politics, religion, current events, etc).",
  13. "5. Do not try and bypass the chat filter. I look over the chat, and will punish offenders.",
  14. "6. PVP is allowed, but all spawns, malls, and post offices are no PVP zones.",
  15. "7. Absolutely no talking about fortnite. :P",
  16. "8. Don't give out the keyword, point people to the below site.",
  17. "9. No ban evading.",
  18. "10. Do not pretend to be somebody else, using fake identities​ is 100% acceptable and encouraged, but don't pretend to be another person.",
  19. "11. Don't waste your time asking for privs, you'll be given them if you need them.",
  20. "12. Only YOU can prevent forest fires, cut fire lanes BEFORE starting a burn.",
  21. "",
  22. 'You can request custom skins via email (',
  23. 'English is the primary language here. You may not get responses if you chat in other languages.',
  24. 'If you need/want more help use the /helpform command.',
  25. 'Please report bugs., or the discord channel.',
  26. '',
  27. 'Breaking these rules could result in you being sent to jail or banned.'}
  28. for i = 1, #rules do
  29. rules[i] = minetest.formspec_escape(rules[i])
  30. end
  31. rules.txt = table.concat(rules, ',')
  32. spawn_rules_formspec =
  33. 'size[11,10]'..
  34. 'no_prepend[]'..
  35. 'bgcolor[#080808BB;true]'..
  36. 'background[0,-1;12,11;spawn_poster.png]'..
  37. 'hypertext[0,.2;12,1;;<center><style color=black size=40>~~Rules~~</style></center>]'..
  38. 'textlist[2,1.5;11,6;msg;'..rules.txt..';0;true]'