earthship.lua 1.3 KB

  1. ----------------------------------------------------------
  2. -- Modern Eco-Construction
  3. -- techniques more popular today/only possible with present technology
  4. --(although some techniques are actually very old)
  5. -------------------------------------------------
  6. -------------------------------------------------
  8. --made from straw bales (or equivalent), covered with some layer (e.g. clay, plaster etc)
  9. --for our purposes... cob then whitewash will do
  10. --common in farms where straw is abundant, but soil is valuable.
  11. minetest.register_node('earthbuild:strawbale', {
  12. description = 'Straw-bale Wall',
  13. drawtype = "normal",
  14. tiles = {"earthbuild_wattle_and_daub.png"},
  15. paramtype = "light",
  16. --drop = "default:dirt",
  17. groups = {crumbly = 1, snappy = 2, falling_node = 1},
  18. sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults(),
  19. })
  20. --make from thatch
  21. minetest.register_craft({
  22. output = 'earthbuild:strawbale 6',
  23. recipe = {
  24. {'earthbuild:thatch', 'earthbuild:thatch', 'earthbuild:thatch'},
  25. {'earthbuild:thatch', 'earthbuild:thatch', 'earthbuild:thatch'},
  26. {'', 'earthbuild:cob', ''},
  27. }
  28. })
  29. --make from straw
  30. minetest.register_craft({
  31. output = 'earthbuild:strawbale 6',
  32. recipe = {
  33. {'farming:straw', 'farming:straw', 'farming:straw'},
  34. {'farming:straw', 'farming:straw', 'farming:straw'},
  35. {'', 'earthbuild:cob', ''},
  36. }
  37. })