API.md 4.2 KB

Chat3 API

Main API

chat3.colorize(name, color, msg)

  • Checks protocol of name and if recent enough returns the colourized msg
  • This does not send the message to the player, but just returns the message.
  • name: Name of player to whom the colorized message is to be sent
  • color: Hex-code or color name (string)
  • msg: Message to colorize

chat3.send(name, msg, prefix, source)

  • Simulate a message being sent to all players
  • name: Sender player name
  • msg: Message to send
  • prefix: An optional string to prefix the colourized message and username
  • source: Used by ranks to allow compatibility between ranks and chat3

Ignore API


  • Returns table of ignored players (e.g.
  • {ignoring = {name1 = true, ...}, ignored_by = {name2 = true, ...}})
  • name: Player username

chat3.ignore.set(name, list)

  • Set a player's ignore list
  • name: Player username
  • list: Table of names (e.g. (e.g.
  • {ignoring = {name1 = true, ...}, ignored_by = {name2 = true, ...}})

chat3.ignore.add_name(name, ignore)

  • Returns success if ignore was added to name's ignoring list and name
  • to ignore's ignored_by list
  • name: Name of player to whose ignore list ignore should be added
  • ignore: Player username to ignore

chat3.ignore.remove_name(name, unignore)

  • Returns success if ignore was removed from name's ignoring list and
  • name from ignore's ignored_by list


  • Returns success if name's ignore list was cleared
  • This should be used over chat3.ignore.set(name, nil) as it also clears
  • ignored_by lists and notifies no longer ignored players. name: Name of player whose ignore list should be cleared

chat3.ignore.can(name, check)

  • Returns true if the player can be ignored
  • If the player cannot be ignored they will be removed from the ignore list of
  • the player ignoring them.
  • name: Name of player whose ignore list is to be checked
  • check: Player username to check if ignored

chat3.ignore.is(name, check)

  • Returns true if the player is being ignored
  • name: Name of player whose ignore list is to be checked
  • target: Player Object of player to check the ignore list of

chat3.ignore.add(name, ignore)

  • Returns success, message after attempting to ignore a player
  • Verbose, chat-friendly version of chat3.ignore.add_name
  • name: Name of player to whose ignore list ignore should be added
  • ignore: Player username to attempt to ignore

chat3.ignore.remove(name, unignore)

  • Returns success, message after attempting to remove a player from another's
  • ignore list.
  • Verbose, chat-friendly version of chat3.ignore.remove_name
  • name: Name of player from whose ignore list unignore should be removed
  • player: Player username to attempt to unignore

chat3.ignore.check(name, check)

  • Returns result, message after attempting to find out if check is being
  • ignored by name.
  • name: Name of player whose ignore list should be checked
  • check: Player username to check if being ignored

chat3.ignore.list(name, subtable)

  • Returns a table containing a list of players being ignored by name, or nil
  • if none, in a format suitable for use with table.concat (e.g. {name1, name2, ...}).
  • name: Name of player whose ignore list should be listed
  • subtable: Table to return (ignoring or ignored_by)

Alternate Username API


  • Returns table of alternate usernames (e.g. {name1 = true, name2 = true, ...})
  • name: Player username

chat3.alt.set(name, list)

  • Set a player's alternate username list
  • name: Player username
  • list: Table of alternate usernames (e.g. {name1 = true, name2 = true, ...})

chat3.alt.add(name, alt)

  • Add an alternate username (returns nil if max has been reached or if the alternate username already exists)
  • name: Base player username
  • alt: New alternate username

chat3.alt.remove(name, alt)

  • Remove an alternate username (returns nil if the username already does not exist)
  • name: Base player username
  • alt: Alternate username to remove


  • Returns a table with a list of alternate usernames (suitable for table.concat)
  • name: Player username