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  1. site_name: PixivFE Documentation
  2. docs_dir: doc
  3. site_description: >-
  4. Documentation for PixivFE
  5. nav:
  6. - "Home": ""
  7. - "Instance list": ""
  8. - "Public image proxies": ""
  9. - "Known quirks": ""
  10. - "Hosting":
  11. - "Environment variables": ""
  12. - "Hosting PixivFE": ""
  13. - "Hosting an image proxy server for Pixiv": ""
  14. - "Obtaining the PIXIVFE_TOKEN cookie": ""
  15. repo_name: vnpower/pixivfe
  16. repo_url:
  17. edit_uri: edit/master/doc/
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  151. name: PixivFE on GitLab