docker-compose.yml 822 B

  1. version: "3.7"
  2. services:
  3. pixivfe:
  4. container_name: pixivfe
  5. hostname: pixivfe
  6. image: vnpower/pixivfe:latest
  7. restart: unless-stopped
  8. user: 1000:1000
  9. read_only: true
  10. security_opt:
  11. - no-new-privileges:true
  12. cap_drop:
  13. - ALL
  14. ports:
  15. - "8282:8282" # Specify `` instead if using a reverse proxy
  16. env_file: .env
  17. healthcheck:
  18. test: ["CMD", "wget", "--spider", "-q", "--tries=1", ""]
  19. interval: 30s
  20. timeout: 3s
  21. start_period: 15s
  22. retries: 3
  23. secrets:
  24. - pixivfe_token
  25. secrets:
  26. pixivfe_token:
  27. # Copy the contents of the `PHPSESSID` cookie into `pixivfe_token.txt`
  28. # See for instructions
  29. file: ./docker/pixivfe_token.txt