unified.md 2.8 KB

A unified documentation for PixivFE


This section contains some potential features or redesigns that can be implemented into PixivFE.


Summary: Pixivision is a service owned by Pixiv that publishes articles about various types of artwork themes...

Notes: Pixivision is an independent service. Most of the data comes from Pixivision's website. Pixivision does not provide an API for data access. Pages on Pixivision seems to be static, so the HTML could be easily parsed.


  • Write a separate module for Pixivision and integrate it into PixivFE.
  • We do web scraping and HTML parsing for this one.


Summary: Sketch is a service owned by Pixiv that allow users to livestream, mostly for their drawing process.

Notes: Sketch is an independent service. Most of the data comes from Pixivision's website. Sketch has a dedicated API for data access. Sketch uses the same type of authentication that Pixiv has. Detailed notes TBA.


  • Thanks to the public API, pages could be build easily.
  • For the streaming part, we may have to include a JavaScript library for HLS streaming.

Ugoira support

Summary: Ugoiras are Pixiv's "animated image" format.

Notes: Ugoiras are basically a bunch of sorted images combined with a fixed delay for each of them. Pixiv provides one JSON endpoint for delays and filenames and one endpoint for the (ZIP) images archive. One has to write their own player based on things Pixiv provide. You can checkout Pixiv's implementation on their own ugoira player here.


  • GIF/APNG/WEBP renderer.
  • Some people want to convert ugoiras to video formats? (no idea)

Landing page

Summary: PixivFE's homepage.

Notes: Pixiv's homepage contains a lot of interesting contents. PixivFE's backend for the landing page already implemented almost all of the data from Pixiv. The only thing left is to write the frontend for them. Detailed notes TBA.


  • Spend some time to write some HTML/SCSS.
  • Currently, you have to authenticate (login) in order to access the full landing page. Can we show the full page to unauthenticated users as well?

Popular artworks

"User discovery" page

Search page

Novel page

Image grid layout

App API support


Server's PixivFE Git version/commit

Artwork filters


This section documents some bad/buggy designs in PixivFE's design, both frontend and backend.

Cookies management / validation


Undocumented code


Browser compatibility / Universal CSS


This section contains multiple external links to materials/resources that could help.