#29 Support saving multiple files in one time

Umnik3 년 전을 오픈 · 3개의 코멘트
Umnik 코멘트됨, 3 년 전

Someone some@email.domine

10:29 PM (7 minutes ago) to me

Do you have any discussion channels like on telegram, discord, matrix,...

Also main problem with save to is it doesn't work (not shown as option in share menu) in case of multiple files. It only works for single file.

Someone <some@email.domine> 10:29 PM (7 minutes ago) to me Do you have any discussion channels like on telegram, discord, matrix,... Also main problem with save to is it doesn't work (not shown as option in share menu) in case of multiple files. It only works for single file.
Umnik 코멘트됨, 3 년 전

Added in 1.13 version

Added in 1.13 version
Umnik 코멘트됨, 3 년 전

Sharing from Google Photos may not work. Will be fixed.

Sharing from Google Photos may not work. Will be fixed.
Umnik 코멘트됨, 3 년 전

In 1.14 version added sharing photos and videos in same time

In 1.14 version added sharing photos and videos in same time
Umnik 3 년 전가 Close
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