Debugger.h 15 KB

  1. /*
  2. Debugger.h
  3. Original code by Steve Gray.
  4. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
  5. warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
  6. arising from the use of this software.
  7. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
  8. including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
  9. freely, without restriction.
  10. */
  11. #pragma once
  12. #ifndef CONFIG_DEBUGGER
  13. #define DEBUGGER_STACK_PUSH(...)
  14. #define DEBUGGER_STACK_POP()
  15. #else
  16. #ifndef Debugger_h
  17. #define Debugger_h
  18. #include <winsock2.h>
  19. #include "script_object.h"
  21. #define DEBUGGER_XML_TAG "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
  22. #define DEBUGGER_XML_TAG_SIZE (_countof(DEBUGGER_XML_TAG)-1)
  24. // DBGp Error Codes
  25. #define DEBUGGER_E_OK 0
  26. #define DEBUGGER_E_PARSE_ERROR 1
  30. #define DEBUGGER_E_CAN_NOT_OPEN_FILE 100
  31. #define DEBUGGER_E_BREAKPOINT_TYPE 201 // Breakpoint type not supported.
  32. #define DEBUGGER_E_BREAKPOINT_INVALID 202 // Invalid line number or filename.
  33. #define DEBUGGER_E_BREAKPOINT_NO_CODE 203 // No code on breakpoint line.
  34. #define DEBUGGER_E_BREAKPOINT_STATE 204 // Invalid breakpoint state.
  35. #define DEBUGGER_E_BREAKPOINT_NOT_FOUND 205 // No such breakpoint.
  36. #define DEBUGGER_E_EVAL_FAIL 206
  40. #define DEBUGGER_E_INTERNAL_ERROR 998 // Unrecoverable internal error, usually the result of a Winsock error.
  41. #define DEBUGGER_E_CONTINUE -1 // Internal code used by continuation commands.
  42. // Error messages: these are shown directly to the user, so are in the native string format.
  43. #define DEBUGGER_ERR_INTERNAL _T("An internal error has occurred in the debugger engine.")
  44. #define DEBUGGER_ERR_DISCONNECT_PROMPT _T("\nContinue running the script without the debugger?")
  45. #define DEBUGGER_ERR_FAILEDTOCONNECT _T("Failed to connect to an active debugger client.")
  46. // Buffer size required for a given XML message size, plus protocol overhead.
  47. // Format: data_length NULL xml_tag data NULL
  50. class Debugger;
  51. extern Debugger g_Debugger;
  52. // jackieku: modified to hold the buffer.
  53. extern CStringA g_DebuggerHost;
  54. extern CStringA g_DebuggerPort;
  55. extern LPCTSTR g_AutoExecuteThreadDesc;
  56. enum BreakpointTypeType {BT_Line, BT_Call, BT_Return, BT_Exception, BT_Conditional, BT_Watch};
  57. enum BreakpointStateType {BS_Disabled=0, BS_Enabled};
  58. class Breakpoint
  59. {
  60. public:
  61. int id;
  62. char type;
  63. char state = BS_Disabled;
  64. bool temporary = false;
  65. Line *line = nullptr;
  66. Breakpoint *next = nullptr;
  67. // Not yet supported: function, hit_count, hit_value, hit_condition
  68. Breakpoint(BreakpointTypeType aType = BT_Line, int aID = AllocateID())
  69. : id(aID), type((char)aType) {}
  70. static int AllocateID() { return ++sMaxId; }
  71. private:
  72. static int sMaxId; // Highest used breakpoint ID.
  73. };
  74. // Forward-declarations (this file is included in script.h before these are declared).
  75. class Line;
  76. class NativeFunc;
  77. struct UDFCallInfo;
  78. template<typename T, int S> struct ScriptItemList;
  79. typedef ScriptItemList<Var, VARLIST_INITIAL_SIZE> VarList;
  80. struct DbgStack
  81. {
  82. enum StackEntryType {SE_Thread, SE_BIF, SE_UDF};
  83. struct Entry
  84. {
  85. Line *line;
  86. union
  87. {
  88. LPCTSTR desc; // SE_Thread -- "auto-exec", hotkey/hotstring name, "timer", etc.
  89. NativeFunc *func; // SE_BIF
  90. UDFCallInfo *udf; // SE_UDF
  91. };
  92. StackEntryType type;
  93. LPCTSTR Name();
  94. };
  95. Entry *mBottom, *mTop, *mTopBound;
  96. size_t mSize; // i.e. capacity.
  97. DbgStack()
  98. {
  99. // We don't want to set the following too low since the stack would need to be reallocated,
  100. // but also don't want to set it too high since the average script mightn't recurse deeply;
  101. // if the stack size never approaches its maximum, there'll be wasted memory:
  102. mSize = 128;
  103. mBottom = (Entry *)malloc(mSize * sizeof(Entry));
  104. mTop = mBottom - 1; // ++mTop will be the first entry.
  105. mTopBound = mTop + mSize; // Topmost valid position.
  106. }
  107. int Depth()
  108. {
  109. return (int)(mTop + 1 - mBottom);
  110. }
  111. // noinline currently seems to have a slight effect on benchmarks.
  112. // Since it should be called very rarely, we don't want it inlined.
  113. void __declspec(noinline) Expand()
  114. {
  115. mSize *= 2;
  116. // To keep the design as simple as possible, assume the allocation will never fail.
  117. // These reallocations should be very rare: if size starts at 128 and doubles each
  118. // time, three expansions would bring it to 1024 entries, which is probably larger
  119. // than any script could need. (Generally the program's stack will run out before
  120. // script recursion gets anywhere near that deep.)
  121. Entry *new_bottom = (Entry *)realloc(mBottom, mSize * sizeof(Entry));
  122. // Recalculate top of stack.
  123. mTop = mTop - mBottom + new_bottom;
  124. mBottom = new_bottom; // After using its old value.
  125. // Pre-calculate upper bound to keep Push() simple.
  126. mTopBound = mBottom - 1 + mSize;
  127. }
  128. Entry *Push();
  129. void Pop();
  130. void Push(LPCTSTR aDesc);
  131. void Push(NativeFunc *aFunc);
  132. void Push(UDFCallInfo *aRecurse);
  133. void GetLocalVars(int aDepth, VarList *&aVars, VarList *&aStaticVars, VarBkp *&aBkp, VarBkp *&aBkpEnd);
  134. };
  135. #define DEBUGGER_STACK_PUSH(aWhat) g_Debugger.mStack.Push(aWhat);
  136. #define DEBUGGER_STACK_POP() g_Debugger.mStack.Pop();
  137. enum PropertyContextType {PC_Local=0, PC_Global};
  138. class Debugger
  139. {
  140. public:
  141. int Connect(const char *aAddress, const char *aPort);
  142. int Disconnect();
  143. void Exit(ExitReasons aExitReason, char *aCommandName=NULL); // Called when exiting AutoHotkey.
  144. inline bool IsConnected() { return mSocket != INVALID_SOCKET; }
  145. inline bool IsStepping() { return mInternalState >= DIS_StepInto; }
  146. inline bool HasStdErrHook() { return mStdErrMode != SR_Disabled; }
  147. inline bool HasStdOutHook() { return mStdOutMode != SR_Disabled; }
  148. inline bool BreakOnExceptionIsEnabled() { return mBreakOnException.state == BS_Enabled; }
  149. LPCTSTR WhatThrew();
  150. // Code flow notification functions:
  151. int PreExecLine(Line *aLine); // Called before executing each line.
  152. void LeaveFunction();
  153. bool PreThrow(ExprTokenType *aException);
  154. // Receive and process commands. Returns when a continuation command is received.
  155. int ProcessCommands(LPCSTR aBreakReason = nullptr);
  156. int Break(LPCSTR aReason = "ok");
  157. bool HasPendingCommand();
  158. // Streams
  159. int WriteStreamPacket(LPCTSTR aText, LPCSTR aType);
  160. bool OutputStdErr(LPCTSTR aText);
  161. bool OutputStdOut(LPCTSTR aText);
  162. #define DEBUGGER_COMMAND(cmd) int cmd(char **aArgV, int aArgCount, char *aTransactionId)
  163. //
  164. // Debugger commands.
  165. //
  166. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(status);
  167. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(feature_get);
  168. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(feature_set);
  170. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(step_into);
  171. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(step_over);
  172. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(step_out);
  173. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(_break);
  174. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(stop);
  175. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(detach);
  176. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(breakpoint_set);
  177. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(breakpoint_get);
  178. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(breakpoint_update);
  179. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(breakpoint_remove);
  180. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(breakpoint_list);
  181. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(stack_depth);
  182. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(stack_get);
  183. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(context_names);
  184. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(context_get);
  185. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(typemap_get);
  186. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(property_get);
  187. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(property_set);
  188. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(property_value);
  189. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(source);
  190. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(redirect_stdout);
  191. DEBUGGER_COMMAND(redirect_stderr);
  192. Debugger() {}
  193. // Stack - keeps track of threads and function calls.
  194. DbgStack mStack;
  195. friend struct DbgStack;
  196. private:
  198. Line *mCurrLine = nullptr; // Similar to g_script.mCurrLine, but may be different when breaking post-function-call, before continuing expression evaluation.
  199. ExprTokenType *mThrownToken = nullptr; // The exception that triggered the current exception breakpoint.
  200. // Linked list of breakpoints. Using the exception breakpoint as the const head of the list simplifies
  201. // some operations and reduces code size. The first line breakpoint is always mFirstBreakpoint->next.
  202. Breakpoint *const mFirstBreakpoint = &mBreakOnException, *mLastBreakpoint = &mBreakOnException;
  203. Breakpoint mBreakOnException { BT_Exception, 0 }; // Supports a single catchall breakpoint exception.
  204. class Buffer
  205. {
  206. public:
  207. int Write(char *aData, size_t aDataSize=-1);
  208. int WriteF(const char *aFormat, ...);
  209. int WriteEncodeBase64(const char *aData, size_t aDataSize, bool aSkipBufferSizeCheck = false);
  210. int Expand();
  211. int ExpandIfNecessary(size_t aRequiredSize);
  212. void Delete(size_t aDataSize);
  213. void Clear();
  214. Buffer() : mData(NULL), mDataSize(0), mDataUsed(0), mFailed(FALSE) {}
  215. char *mData;
  216. size_t mDataSize;
  217. size_t mDataUsed;
  218. BOOL mFailed;
  219. ~Buffer() {
  220. if (mData)
  221. free(mData);
  222. }
  223. private:
  224. int EstimateFileURILength(LPCTSTR aPath);
  225. void WriteFileURI(LPCWSTR aPath);
  226. } mCommandBuf, mResponseBuf;
  227. enum DebuggerInternalStateType {
  228. DIS_None = 0,
  229. DIS_Starting = DIS_None,
  230. DIS_Run,
  231. DIS_Break,
  232. DIS_StepInto,
  233. DIS_StepOver,
  234. DIS_StepOut
  235. } mInternalState = DIS_Starting;
  236. enum StreamRedirectType {
  237. SR_Disabled = 0,
  238. SR_Copy = 1,
  239. SR_Redirect = 2
  240. } mStdErrMode = SR_Disabled, mStdOutMode = SR_Disabled;
  241. int mContinuationDepth = 0; // Stack depth at last continuation command, for step_into/step_over.
  242. CStringA mContinuationTransactionId {""}; // transaction_id of last continuation command.
  243. int mMaxPropertyData = 1024, mMaxChildren = 1000, mMaxDepth = 1;
  244. HookType mDisabledHooks = 0;
  245. bool mProcessingCommands;
  246. enum PropertyType
  247. {
  248. PropNone = 0,
  249. PropVar,
  250. PropVarBkp,
  251. PropValue, // Read-only (ExprTokenType)
  252. PropEnum
  253. };
  254. struct PropertySource
  255. {
  256. PropertyType kind = PropNone;
  257. Var *var;
  258. VarBkp *bkp;
  259. ResultToken value;
  260. IObject *invokee = nullptr;
  261. PropertySource(LPTSTR aResultBuf)
  262. {
  263. value.InitResult(aResultBuf);
  264. }
  265. ~PropertySource()
  266. {
  267. value.Free();
  268. }
  269. };
  270. struct PropertyInfo : PropertySource
  271. {
  272. LPCSTR name;
  273. CStringA &fullname;
  274. LPSTR facet; // Initialised during writing.
  275. bool is_alias = false, is_builtin = false, is_static = false; // Facets.
  276. int page = 0, pagesize; // Attributes which are also parameters.
  277. int max_data; // Parameters.
  278. int max_depth;
  279. PropertyInfo(CStringA &aNameBuf, LPTSTR aResultBuf)
  280. : PropertySource(aResultBuf), fullname(aNameBuf) {}
  281. };
  282. struct PropertyWriter : public IDebugProperties
  283. {
  284. Debugger &mDbg;
  285. PropertyInfo &mProp;
  286. size_t mNameLength;
  287. int mDepth;
  288. int mError;
  289. PropertyWriter(Debugger &aDbg, PropertyInfo &aProp)
  290. : mDbg(aDbg)
  291. , mProp(aProp)
  292. , mNameLength(aProp.fullname.GetLength())
  293. , mDepth(0)
  294. , mError(0)
  295. {
  296. }
  297. void WriteProperty(LPCSTR aName, ExprTokenType &aValue);
  298. void WriteProperty(LPCWSTR aName, ExprTokenType &aValue);
  299. void WriteProperty(ExprTokenType &aKey, ExprTokenType &aValue);
  300. void WriteBaseProperty(IObject *aBase);
  301. void WriteDynamicProperty(LPTSTR aName);
  302. void WriteEnumItems(IObject *aEnumerable, int aStart, int aEnd);
  303. void _WriteProperty(ExprTokenType &aValue, IObject *aInvokee = nullptr);
  304. void BeginProperty(LPCSTR aName, LPCSTR aType, int aNumChildren, DebugCookie &aCookie);
  305. void EndProperty(DebugCookie aCookie);
  306. ExprTokenType &ThisToken() { return mProp.value; }
  307. };
  308. // Receive next command from debugger UI:
  309. int ReceiveCommand(int *aCommandSize=NULL);
  310. // Send XML response to debugger UI:
  311. int SendResponse(size_t aStartOffset = 0);
  312. int SendErrorResponse(char *aCommandName, char *aTransactionId, int aError=999, char *aExtraAttributes=NULL);
  313. int SendStandardResponse(char *aCommandName, char *aTransactionId);
  314. int SendContinuationResponse(LPCSTR aCommand = nullptr, LPCSTR aStatus = "break", LPCSTR aReason = "ok");
  315. int EnterBreakState(LPCSTR aReason = "ok");
  316. void ExitBreakState();
  317. int WriteBreakpointXml(Breakpoint *aBreakpoint);
  318. Line *FindFirstLineForBreakpoint(int file_index, UINT line_no);
  319. Breakpoint *CreateBreakpoint();
  320. void DeleteBreakpoint(Breakpoint *aBp);
  321. void AppendPropertyName(CStringA &aNameBuf, size_t aParentNameLength, const char *aName);
  322. void AppendStringKey(CStringA &aNameBuf, size_t aParentNameLength, const char *aKey);
  323. int GetPropertyInfo(Var &aVar, PropertyInfo &aProp);
  324. int GetPropertyInfo(VarBkp &aBkp, PropertyInfo &aProp);
  325. int GetPropertyValue(Var &aVar, ResultToken &aValue);
  326. int GetPropertyValue(VarBkp &aBkp, ResultToken &aValue);
  327. int WritePropertyXml(PropertyInfo &aProp);
  328. int WritePropertyXml(PropertyInfo &aProp, LPTSTR aName);
  329. int WritePropertyObjectXml(PropertyInfo &aProp);
  330. int WritePropertyData(LPCTSTR aData, size_t aDataSize, int aMaxEncodedSize);
  331. int WritePropertyData(ExprTokenType &aValue, int aMaxEncodedSize);
  332. int WriteEnumItems(PropertyInfo &aProp);
  333. LPWSTR ParsePropertyKeyLiteral(LPWSTR aPtr, ExprTokenType &aKey);
  334. int ParsePropertyName(LPCSTR aFullName, int aDepth, int aVarScope, ExprTokenType *aSetValue
  335. , PropertySource &aResult);
  336. int ParsePropertyName(LPWSTR aNamePtr, int aDepth, int aVarScope, ExprTokenType *aSetValue
  337. , PropertySource &aResult);
  338. int property_get_or_value(char **aArgV, int aArgCount, char *aTransactionId, bool aIsPropertyGet);
  339. int redirect_std(char **aArgV, int aArgCount, char *aTransactionId, char *aCommandName);
  340. int run_step(char **aArgV, int aArgCount, char *aTransactionId, char *aCommandName, DebuggerInternalStateType aNewState);
  341. // Decode a file URI in-place.
  342. void DecodeURI(char *aUri);
  343. static const char *sBase64Chars;
  344. static size_t Base64Encode(char *aBuf, const char *aInput, size_t aInputSize = -1);
  345. static size_t Base64Decode(char *aBuf, const char *aInput, size_t aInputSize = -1);
  346. //typedef int (Debugger::*CommandFunc)(char **aArgV, int aArgCount, char *aTransactionId);
  347. typedef DEBUGGER_COMMAND((Debugger::*CommandFunc));
  348. struct CommandDef
  349. {
  350. const char *mName;
  351. CommandFunc mFunc;
  352. };
  353. static CommandDef sCommands[];
  354. // Debugger::ParseArgs
  355. //
  356. // Returns DEBUGGER_E_OK on success, or a DBGp error code otherwise.
  357. //
  358. // The Xdebug/DBGp documentation is very vague about command line rules,
  359. // so this function has no special treatment of quotes, backslash, etc.
  360. // There is currently no way to include a literal " -" in an arg as it
  361. // would be recognized as the beginning of the next arg.
  362. //
  363. int ParseArgs(char *aArgs, char **aArgV, int &aArgCount, char *&aTransactionId);
  364. // Caller must verify that aArg is within bounds:
  365. inline char *ArgValue(char **aArgV, int aArg) { return aArgV[aArg] + 1; }
  366. inline char ArgChar(char **aArgV, int aArg) { return *aArgV[aArg]; }
  367. // Fatal debugger error. Prompt user to terminate script or only disconnect debugger.
  369. };
  370. constexpr auto SCRIPT_STACK_BUF_SIZE = 2048; // Character limit for Error().Stack and stack traces generated by the error dialog.
  371. void GetScriptStack(LPTSTR aBuf, int aBufSize, DbgStack::Entry *aTop = nullptr);
  372. #endif
  373. #endif