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  25. <h1 class="title">Eevee Evolutions</h1>
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  27. <p>New Evee evolution speculation is happening right now and I would like to give my take on all the possible ones that could happen. Maybe I will draw one of the likely new Evee evolutions to come out. These are the ones that are available to work with:</p>
  28. <ul>
  29. <li>Bug</li>
  30. <li>Poison</li>
  31. <li>Flying</li>
  32. <li>Rock</li>
  33. <li>Ground</li>
  34. <li>Dragon</li>
  35. <li>Steel</li>
  36. <li>Fighting</li>
  37. <li>Ghost</li>
  38. </ul>
  39. <p>However, a lot of them I think are unlikely to happen.</p>
  40. <h1 id="impossible-to-happen-in-my-opinion">IMPOSSIBLE TO HAPPEN (In my opinion)</h1>
  41. <h2 id="dragon">Dragon</h2>
  42. <p>Evee doesn't look like a lizard animal like most dragon types. Evee looks more like a combination of a dog and a cat. So dragon doesn't fit in my opinion.</p>
  43. <h2 id="steel">Steel</h2>
  44. <p>Evee doesn't look like a peice of metal, like most steel types. So once again just doesn't fit in my opinion. At less somehow a peice of metal gets attached to it. Unlikely I think.</p>
  45. <h2 id="fighting">Fighting</h2>
  46. <p>Evee is litterally a normal type. So if it evolved into a fighting type that would be weird because evee originally a normal type has a weakness towards fighting types.</p>
  47. <h2 id="ghost">Ghost</h2>
  48. <p>Evee evolving into a ghost type would mean, a little cute evee death happened…</p>
  49. <h1 id="possible-to-happen">POSSIBLE TO HAPPEN!</h1>
  50. <h2 id="bug">Bug</h2>
  51. <p>An evee bug type would be pretty cool. The transformation from this soft puppy to an insect will be interesting.</p>
  52. <h2 id="poison">Poison</h2>
  53. <p>Evee gaining the ability to release toxins or inject toxins either way would be epic. Possibly some stinger on the tail. However, they need to keep evee still cute.</p>
  54. <h2 id="flying">Flying</h2>
  55. <p>Evee growing wings would be interesting, given that evee has been firmly put on the ground all of it's life.</p>
  56. <h2 id="rock">Rock</h2>
  57. <p>Evee freaking throwing rocks and having a tail made out of rocks will be very cool.</p>
  58. <h2 id="ground">Ground</h2>
  59. <p>IDK what evee's going to do by being a ground type.</p>
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