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  24. <header id="title-block-header">
  25. <h1 class="title">Emacs spell check</h1>
  26. </header>
  27. <h1 id="why">Why?</h1>
  28. <p>It is essential when doing writing that you have some way to check your spelling errors. Especially if your someone like me that makes them frequently.</p>
  29. <h1 id="what-to-do">What to do?</h1>
  30. <ol>
  31. <li>Specify in your config a location to a spell checking program.</li>
  32. </ol>
  33. <p><code class="verbatim">(setq ispell-program-name "C:/SGZ_Pro/z-Apps_Drivers/Hunspell/hunspell-1.3.2-3-w32-bin/bin/hunspell.exe")</code></p>
  34. <ol>
  35. <li>Restart emacs</li>
  36. <li>Now to launch emacs spell checking programming you do <code class="verbatim">M-x flyspell-mode</code></li>
  37. </ol>
  38. <p>Now emacs will highlight the words you misspelled and with <code class="verbatim">[s</code> you can go backwards in misspelled words and with <code class="verbatim">]s</code> You can go forward in misspelled words. Then z= to give a prompt of correct words that can be used to replace the misspelled words</p>
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