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- <h1 class="title">CMD Commands</h1>
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- <h1 id="delete-a-file-del">Delete a file <code class="verbatim">del</code></h1>
- <pre class="cmd"><code># delete a file
- del filename
- # delete al files in a directory
- del *
- # delete all files with an extension
- del *.py
- # delete multiple files
- del 1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png
- </code></pre>
- <h1 id="rename-a-file-rename-or-ren">Rename a file <code class="verbatim">rename</code> or <code class="verbatim">ren</code></h1>
- <pre class="cmd"><code>rename old_name new_name
- </code></pre>
- <h1 id="licence">Licence</h1>
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