123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106 |
- ###############################################
- #!file Makefile
- #!author TooOld2Rock'nRoll (toooldtorock-n-roll@riseup.net)
- #!date 2022
- #!remark Last modified in 2023/oct
- #!brief Makefile for the Arcade Fighter Demo.
- #!see - Mecklenburg, R. - 2009 - Managing Projects with GNU Make (Nutshell Handbooks)
- ###############################################
- SHELL := /bin/bash # Use bash syntax
- #executable name will only be set if not yet thru the command line
- name ?= arcade_fighter_demo
- #the project structure
- srcdir := src
- incdir := inc
- objdir := .obj
- create_dirs := $(objdir)
- #local library
- afdir := lib/ArcadeFighter
- aflib := -lArcadeFighter
- #flags for the compiler
- override CFLAGS += -g -Wall -pthread -MP -MD
- override CXXFLAGS += $(CFLAGS)
- #where to look for header files
- CPPFLAGS := -I$(incdir) -I$(afdir)/inc
- #where to look for pre compiled libraries
- LDFLAGS := -L$(afdir)
- #list of libraries to link, -ldl should be the last one...
- LDLIBS := $(aflib) -lfmt -lSDL2 -lSDL2_mixer -lGL -ldl
- #********************************
- #list all source files
- vpath %.c $(srcdir)
- vpath %.cpp $(srcdir)
- c_files := $(wildcard $(srcdir)/*.c)
- cpp_files := $(wildcard $(srcdir)/*.cpp)
- #change path of .o files to the objdir target.
- c_objs := $(patsubst $(srcdir)/%.c,$(objdir)/%.o,$(c_files))
- cpp_objs := $(patsubst $(srcdir)/%.cpp,$(objdir)/%.o,$(cpp_files))
- #create necessary directories if not created yet
- create-output-directories := \
- $(shell for d in $(create_dirs); \
- do [[ -d $$d ]] || mkdir -p $$d; \
- done)
- #if you need to debug something....
- #$(info SRC_LIST: $(c_files) $(cpp_files))
- #$(info OBJ_LIST: $(c_objs) $(cpp_objs))
- #*******************************
- #********build targets**********
- #*******************************
- .PHONY: all mem_profiling clean $(afdir)
- # help - The default goal
- #TODO make a proper help!!!
- #@$(MAKE) --print-data-base --question no-such-target /
- #$(GREP) -v -e '^no-such-target' -e '^makefile' /
- #$(AWK) '/^[^.%][-A-Za-z0-9_]*: { print substr($$1, 1, length($$1)-1) }' /
- #$(SORT) /
- #$(PR) --omit-pagination --width=80 --columns=4
- all: $(name)
- #change flags depending on target!
- mem_profiling: RULE_FORWARD := mem_profiling
- mem_profiling: CFLAGS += -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer
- #mem_profiling: LDLIBS +=
- mem_profiling: all
- $(name): $(afdir) $(c_objs) $(cpp_objs)
- $(LINK.cpp) -o $@ $(c_objs) $(cpp_objs) $(LDLIBS)
- #make .o into .d files and set as dependency (to recompile on header files changes)
- #clean does not need to generate a list of dependencies!
- ifneq "$(MAKECMDGOALS)" "clean"
- -include $(c_objs:.o=.d) $(cpp_objs:.o=.d)
- endif
- #compile .c files
- $(c_objs): $(create_dirs)
- $(COMPILE.c) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $(patsubst $(objdir)/%.o,$(srcdir)/%.c,$@)
- #compile .cpp files
- $(cpp_objs): $(create_dirs)
- $(COMPILE.cc) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $(patsubst $(objdir)/%.o,$(srcdir)/%.cpp,$@)
- #compile the ArcadeFighter lib
- $(afdir):
- $(MAKE) --directory=$(afdir) $(MAKEFLAGS) $(RULE_FORWARD)
- #remove all files generated by make
- clean:
- $(MAKE) --directory=$(afdir) clean
- rm -rf $(objdir)/*
- rm -f $(name)