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- import requests, json, docker, io, sys
- inputDescription = " ".join(sys.argv[1:])
- imageName = input("Enter the name of the image: ")
- client = docker.from_env()
- s = requests.Session()
- output=""
- with s.post('http://localhost:11434/api/generate', json={'model': 'dockerit', 'prompt': inputDescription}, stream=True) as r:
- for line in r.iter_lines():
- if line:
- j = json.loads(line)
- if "response" in j:
- output = output +j["response"]
- output = output[output.find("---start")+9:output.find("---end")-1]
- f = io.BytesIO(bytes(output, 'utf-8'))
- client.images.build(fileobj=f, tag=imageName)
- container = client.containers.run(imageName, detach=True)
- print("Container named", container.name, " started with id: ",container.id)