.travis.yml 2.2 KB

  1. language: cpp
  2. os:
  3. - linux
  4. - osx
  5. # When updating be sure to add a section
  6. # to the matrix to cover the distro
  7. dist: bionic
  8. compiler:
  9. - gcc
  10. - clang
  11. jobs:
  12. include:
  13. - os: linux
  14. dist: xenial
  15. compiler: gcc
  16. name: "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS - GCC"
  17. - os: linux
  18. dist: xenial
  19. compiler: clang
  20. name: "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS - Clang"
  21. - os: osx
  22. osx_image: xcode11.3
  23. allow_failures:
  24. - os: osx
  25. fast_finish: true
  26. addons:
  27. apt:
  28. packages:
  29. - python-dev
  30. - libgl1-mesa-glx
  31. - freeglut3-dev
  32. - libopenal-dev
  33. - libsdl-gfx1.2-dev
  34. - libvorbis-dev
  35. - libjpeg-dev
  36. - libpng-dev
  37. - libgtk2.0-dev
  38. - libboost-python-dev
  39. homebrew:
  40. update: true
  41. packages:
  42. - mesa
  43. - openal-soft
  44. - sdl
  45. - libvorbis
  46. - jpeg
  47. - libpng
  48. - gtk+
  49. - gtkglext
  50. - boost-python
  51. script:
  52. - ./sh/vsbuild.sh
  53. # CI/CD hookups
  54. # See https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/deployment/releases/
  55. # for what to do for `before_deploy` and `deploy` sections
  56. before_deploy:
  57. # - pull the submodule here
  58. - ./sh/vspackage.sh
  59. - pwd
  60. - ls
  61. - ls packages
  62. # - export TRAVIS_TAG="composite tag name here"
  63. # - git tag ${TRAVIS_TAG}
  64. deploy:
  65. # # Use DPL V2
  66. edge: true
  67. # # GitHub Releases
  68. provider: releases
  69. token: $GITHUB_TOKEN
  70. file_glob: true
  71. file:
  72. # Upload files in the `packages` directory
  73. - ./packages/*
  74. # # release is a draft so it can be edited, updated, etc.
  75. # # Not needed as we'll do that manually when we'll begin the release.
  76. # draft: true
  77. # prerelease: true
  78. # # GitHub Releases requires a tag; this guarnatees a tag is set
  79. on:
  80. tags: true
  81. repo: vegastrike/Vega-Strike-Engine-Source
  82. # We're compiling the same thing twice, no need to deploy it twice.
  83. condition: "$CC != gcc"
  84. notifications:
  85. webhooks:
  86. urls:
  87. - https://webhooks.gitter.im/e/1361517953461007f39a # community room
  88. on_success: change # options: [always|never|change] default: always
  89. on_failure: always # options: [always|never|change] default: always
  90. on_start: never # options: [always|never|change] default: always