IrrlichtDevice.h 12 KB

  1. // Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
  2. // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
  3. // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
  6. #include "IReferenceCounted.h"
  7. #include "dimension2d.h"
  8. #include "IVideoDriver.h"
  9. #include "EDriverTypes.h"
  10. #include "EDeviceTypes.h"
  11. #include "IEventReceiver.h"
  12. #include "ICursorControl.h"
  13. #include "IVideoModeList.h"
  14. #include "ITimer.h"
  15. #include "IOSOperator.h"
  16. namespace irr
  17. {
  18. class ILogger;
  19. class IEventReceiver;
  20. class IRandomizer;
  21. namespace io {
  22. class IFileSystem;
  23. } // end namespace io
  24. namespace gui {
  25. class IGUIEnvironment;
  26. } // end namespace gui
  27. namespace scene {
  28. class ISceneManager;
  29. } // end namespace scene
  30. //! The Irrlicht device. You can create it with createDevice() or createDeviceEx().
  31. /** This is the most important class of the Irrlicht Engine. You can
  32. access everything in the engine if you have a pointer to an instance of
  33. this class. There should be only one instance of this class at any
  34. time.
  35. */
  36. class IrrlichtDevice : public virtual IReferenceCounted
  37. {
  38. public:
  39. //! Runs the device.
  40. /** Also increments the virtual timer by calling
  41. ITimer::tick();. You can prevent this
  42. by calling ITimer::stop(); before and ITimer::start() after
  43. calling IrrlichtDevice::run(). Returns false if device wants
  44. to be deleted. Use it in this way:
  45. \code
  46. while(device->run())
  47. {
  48. // draw everything here
  49. }
  50. \endcode
  51. If you want the device to do nothing if the window is inactive
  52. (recommended), use the slightly enhanced code shown at isWindowActive().
  53. Note if you are running Irrlicht inside an external, custom
  54. created window: Calling Device->run() will cause Irrlicht to
  55. dispatch windows messages internally.
  56. If you are running Irrlicht in your own custom window, you can
  57. also simply use your own message loop using GetMessage,
  58. DispatchMessage and whatever and simply don't use this method.
  59. But note that Irrlicht will not be able to fetch user input
  60. then. See irr::SIrrlichtCreationParameters::WindowId for more
  61. informations and example code.
  62. */
  63. virtual bool run() = 0;
  64. //! Cause the device to temporarily pause execution and let other processes run.
  65. /** This should bring down processor usage without major
  66. performance loss for Irrlicht */
  67. virtual void yield() = 0;
  68. //! Pause execution and let other processes to run for a specified amount of time.
  69. /** It may not wait the full given time, as sleep may be interrupted
  70. \param timeMs: Time to sleep for in milisecs.
  71. \param pauseTimer: If true, pauses the device timer while sleeping
  72. */
  73. virtual void sleep(u32 timeMs, bool pauseTimer=false) = 0;
  74. //! Provides access to the video driver for drawing 3d and 2d geometry.
  75. /** \return Pointer the video driver. */
  76. virtual video::IVideoDriver* getVideoDriver() = 0;
  77. //! Provides access to the virtual file system.
  78. /** \return Pointer to the file system. */
  79. virtual io::IFileSystem* getFileSystem() = 0;
  80. //! Provides access to the 2d user interface environment.
  81. /** \return Pointer to the gui environment. */
  82. virtual gui::IGUIEnvironment* getGUIEnvironment() = 0;
  83. //! Provides access to the scene manager.
  84. /** \return Pointer to the scene manager. */
  85. virtual scene::ISceneManager* getSceneManager() = 0;
  86. //! Provides access to the cursor control.
  87. /** \return Pointer to the mouse cursor control interface. */
  88. virtual gui::ICursorControl* getCursorControl() = 0;
  89. //! Provides access to the message logger.
  90. /** \return Pointer to the logger. */
  91. virtual ILogger* getLogger() = 0;
  92. //! Gets a list with all video modes available.
  93. /** If you are confused now, because you think you have to
  94. create an Irrlicht Device with a video mode before being able
  95. to get the video mode list, let me tell you that there is no
  96. need to start up an Irrlicht Device with EDT_DIRECT3D8,
  97. EDT_OPENGL or EDT_SOFTWARE: For this (and for lots of other
  98. reasons) the null driver, EDT_NULL exists.
  99. \return Pointer to a list with all video modes supported
  100. by the gfx adapter. */
  101. virtual video::IVideoModeList* getVideoModeList() = 0;
  102. //! Provides access to the operation system operator object.
  103. /** The OS operator provides methods for
  104. getting system specific informations and doing system
  105. specific operations, such as exchanging data with the clipboard
  106. or reading the operation system version.
  107. \return Pointer to the OS operator. */
  108. virtual IOSOperator* getOSOperator() = 0;
  109. //! Provides access to the engine's timer.
  110. /** The system time can be retrieved by it as
  111. well as the virtual time, which also can be manipulated.
  112. \return Pointer to the ITimer object. */
  113. virtual ITimer* getTimer() = 0;
  114. //! Provides access to the engine's currently set randomizer.
  115. /** \return Pointer to the IRandomizer object. */
  116. virtual IRandomizer* getRandomizer() const =0;
  117. //! Sets a new randomizer.
  118. /** \param r Pointer to the new IRandomizer object. This object is
  119. grab()'ed by the engine and will be released upon the next setRandomizer
  120. call or upon device destruction. */
  121. virtual void setRandomizer(IRandomizer* r) =0;
  122. //! Creates a new default randomizer.
  123. /** The default randomizer provides the random sequence known from previous
  124. Irrlicht versions and is the initial randomizer set on device creation.
  125. \return Pointer to the default IRandomizer object. */
  126. virtual IRandomizer* createDefaultRandomizer() const =0;
  127. //! Sets the caption of the window.
  128. /** \param text: New text of the window caption. */
  129. virtual void setWindowCaption(const wchar_t* text) = 0;
  130. //! Returns if the window is active.
  131. /** If the window is inactive,
  132. nothing needs to be drawn. So if you don't want to draw anything
  133. when the window is inactive, create your drawing loop this way:
  134. \code
  135. while(device->run())
  136. {
  137. if (device->isWindowActive())
  138. {
  139. // draw everything here
  140. }
  141. else
  142. device->yield();
  143. }
  144. \endcode
  145. \return True if window is active. */
  146. virtual bool isWindowActive() const = 0;
  147. //! Checks if the Irrlicht window has focus
  148. /** \return True if window has focus. */
  149. virtual bool isWindowFocused() const = 0;
  150. //! Checks if the Irrlicht window is minimized
  151. /** \return True if window is minimized. */
  152. virtual bool isWindowMinimized() const = 0;
  153. //! Checks if the Irrlicht window is running in fullscreen mode
  154. /** \return True if window is fullscreen. */
  155. virtual bool isFullscreen() const = 0;
  156. //! Get the current color format of the window
  157. /** \return Color format of the window. */
  158. virtual video::ECOLOR_FORMAT getColorFormat() const = 0;
  159. //! Notifies the device that it should close itself.
  160. /** IrrlichtDevice::run() will always return false after closeDevice() was called. */
  161. virtual void closeDevice() = 0;
  162. //! Get the version of the engine.
  163. /** The returned string
  164. will look like this: "1.2.3" or this: "1.2".
  165. \return String which contains the version. */
  166. virtual const c8* getVersion() const = 0;
  167. //! Sets a new user event receiver which will receive events from the engine.
  168. /** Return true in IEventReceiver::OnEvent to prevent the event from continuing along
  169. the chain of event receivers. The path that an event takes through the system depends
  170. on its type. See irr::EEVENT_TYPE for details.
  171. \param receiver New receiver to be used. */
  172. virtual void setEventReceiver(IEventReceiver* receiver) = 0;
  173. //! Provides access to the current event receiver.
  174. /** \return Pointer to the current event receiver. Returns 0 if there is none. */
  175. virtual IEventReceiver* getEventReceiver() = 0;
  176. //! Sends a user created event to the engine.
  177. /** Is is usually not necessary to use this. However, if you
  178. are using an own input library for example for doing joystick
  179. input, you can use this to post key or mouse input events to
  180. the engine. Internally, this method only delegates the events
  181. further to the scene manager and the GUI environment. */
  182. virtual bool postEventFromUser(const SEvent& event) = 0;
  183. //! Sets the input receiving scene manager.
  184. /** If set to null, the main scene manager (returned by
  185. GetSceneManager()) will receive the input
  186. \param sceneManager New scene manager to be used. */
  187. virtual void setInputReceivingSceneManager(scene::ISceneManager* sceneManager) = 0;
  188. //! Sets if the window should be resizable in windowed mode.
  189. /** The default is false. This method only works in windowed
  190. mode.
  191. \param resize Flag whether the window should be resizable. */
  192. virtual void setResizable(bool resize=false) = 0;
  193. //! Minimizes the window if possible.
  194. virtual void minimizeWindow() =0;
  195. //! Maximizes the window if possible.
  196. virtual void maximizeWindow() =0;
  197. //! Restore the window to normal size if possible.
  198. virtual void restoreWindow() =0;
  199. //! Activate any joysticks, and generate events for them.
  200. /** Irrlicht contains support for joysticks, but does not generate joystick events by default,
  201. as this would consume joystick info that 3rd party libraries might rely on. Call this method to
  202. activate joystick support in Irrlicht and to receive irr::SJoystickEvent events.
  203. \param joystickInfo On return, this will contain an array of each joystick that was found and activated.
  204. \return true if joysticks are supported on this device and _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_JOYSTICK_EVENTS_
  205. is defined, false if joysticks are not supported or support is compiled out.
  206. */
  207. virtual bool activateJoysticks(core::array<SJoystickInfo>& joystickInfo) =0;
  208. //! Set the current Gamma Value for the Display
  209. virtual bool setGammaRamp(f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue,
  210. f32 relativebrightness, f32 relativecontrast) =0;
  211. //! Get the current Gamma Value for the Display
  212. virtual bool getGammaRamp(f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue,
  213. f32 &brightness, f32 &contrast) =0;
  214. //! Remove messages pending in the system message loop
  215. /** This function is usually used after messages have been buffered for a longer time, for example
  216. when loading a large scene. Clearing the message loop prevents that mouse- or buttonclicks which users
  217. have pressed in the meantime will now trigger unexpected actions in the gui. <br>
  218. So far the following messages are cleared:<br>
  219. Win32: All keyboard and mouse messages<br>
  220. Linux: All keyboard and mouse messages<br>
  221. All other devices are not yet supported here.<br>
  222. The function is still somewhat experimental, as the kind of messages we clear is based on just a few use-cases.
  223. If you think further messages should be cleared, or some messages should not be cleared here, then please tell us. */
  224. virtual void clearSystemMessages() = 0;
  225. //! Get the type of the device.
  226. /** This allows the user to check which windowing system is currently being
  227. used. */
  228. virtual E_DEVICE_TYPE getType() const = 0;
  229. //! Check if a driver type is supported by the engine.
  230. /** Even if true is returned the driver may not be available
  231. for a configuration requested when creating the device. */
  232. static bool isDriverSupported(video::E_DRIVER_TYPE driver)
  233. {
  234. switch (driver)
  235. {
  236. case video::EDT_NULL:
  237. return true;
  238. case video::EDT_SOFTWARE:
  240. return true;
  241. #else
  242. return false;
  243. #endif
  244. case video::EDT_BURNINGSVIDEO:
  246. return true;
  247. #else
  248. return false;
  249. #endif
  250. case video::EDT_DIRECT3D8:
  251. #ifdef _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_DIRECT3D_8_
  252. return true;
  253. #else
  254. return false;
  255. #endif
  256. case video::EDT_DIRECT3D9:
  257. #ifdef _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_DIRECT3D_9_
  258. return true;
  259. #else
  260. return false;
  261. #endif
  262. case video::EDT_OPENGL:
  264. return true;
  265. #else
  266. return false;
  267. #endif
  268. default:
  269. return false;
  270. }
  271. }
  272. };
  273. } // end namespace irr
  274. #endif