install.dox 2.1 KB

  1. /**
  2. @page Installation Installation
  3. ENet should be trivially simple to integrate with most applications.
  4. First, make sure you download the latest source distribution here @ref
  5. SourceDistro.
  6. @section Unix Unix-like Operating Systems
  7. If you are using an ENet release, then you should simply be able to build it
  8. by doing the following:
  9. ./configure && make && make install
  10. If you obtained the package from CVS, you must have automake and autoconf
  11. available to generate the build system first by doing the following command
  12. before using the above mentioned build procedure:
  13. autoreconf -vfi
  14. @subsection SolarisBSD Solaris and BSD
  15. When building ENet under Solaris, you must specify the -lsocket and
  16. -lnsl parameters to your compiler to ensure that the sockets library
  17. is linked in.
  18. @section Windows Microsoft Windows
  19. There is an included MSVC 6 project (enet.dsp) which you may use to
  20. build a suitable library file. Alternatively, you may simply drag all
  21. the ENet source files into your main project.
  22. You will have to link to the Winsock2 libraries, so make sure to add
  23. ws2_32.lib and winmm.lib to your library list (Project Settings | Link |
  24. Object/library modules).
  25. @subsection enet.dsp Building with the included enet.dsp
  26. Load the included enet.dsp. MSVC may ask you to convert it if you
  27. are on a newer version of MSVC - just allow the conversion and save
  28. the resulting project as "enet" or similar. After you build this
  29. project, it will output an "enet.lib" file to either the "Debug/"
  30. or "Release/" directory, depending on which configuration you have
  31. selected to build. By default, it should produce "Debug/enet.lib".
  32. You may then copy the resulting "enet.lib" file and the header files
  33. found in the "include/" directory to your other projects and add it to
  34. their library lists. Make sure to also link against "ws2_32.lib" and
  35. "winmm.lib" as described above.
  36. @subsection DLL DLL
  37. If you wish to build ENet as a DLL you must first define ENET_DLL
  38. within the project (Project Settings | C/C++ | Preprocessor |
  39. Preprocessor definitions) or, more invasively, simply define ENET_DLL
  40. at the top of enet.h.
  41. */