options_video.stkgui 3.7 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <stkgui>
  3. <div x="1%" y="1%" width="98%" height="98%" layout="vertical-row" >
  4. <header text_align="center" width="80%" align="center" text="SuperTuxKart Options"/>
  5. <spacer height="15" width="10"/>
  6. <tabs id="options_choice" height="10%" max_height="110" x="2%" width="98%" align="center">
  7. <icon-button id="tab_video" width="128" height="128" icon="gui/options_video.png"
  8. I18N="Section in the settings menu" text="Graphics"/>
  9. <icon-button id="tab_audio" width="128" height="128" icon="gui/options_audio.png"/>
  10. <icon-button id="tab_ui" width="128" height="128" icon="gui/options_ui.png"/>
  11. <icon-button id="tab_players" width="128" height="128" icon="gui/options_players.png"/>
  12. <icon-button id="tab_controls" width="128" height="128" icon="gui/options_input.png"/>
  13. </tabs>
  14. <box proportion="1" width="100%" layout="vertical-row">
  15. <spacer height="15" width="10"/>
  16. <!-- ************ GRAPHICAL EFFECTS SETTINGS ************ -->
  17. <div width="75%" height="fit" layout="horizontal-row" id="outer_box" >
  18. <label I18N="In the video settings" text="Graphical Effects Level" align="center"/>
  19. <spacer width="20" height="20"/>
  20. <div layout="vertical-row" proportion="1" height="fit" id="inner_box">
  21. <gauge id="gfx_level" min_value="1" max_value="8" width="300" align="center" />
  22. <spacer height="5" width="10"/>
  23. <button id="custom" text="Custom settings..." I18N="In the video settings" align="center"/>
  24. </div>
  25. </div>
  26. <spacer height="10" width="10"/>
  27. <!-- ************ VSYNC ************ -->
  28. <div width="75%" height="fit" layout="horizontal-row" >
  29. <spacer width="40" height="2" />
  30. <checkbox id="vsync"/>
  31. <spacer width="20" height="2" />
  32. <label height="100%" I18N="In the video settings" text="Vertical Sync (requires restart)"/>
  33. </div>
  34. <spacer height="10" width="10"/>
  35. <!-- ************ RESOLUTION CHOICE ************ -->
  36. <spacer height="10" width="10"/>
  37. <label width="100%" I18N="In the video settings" text="Resolution"/>
  38. <scrollable_ribbon id="resolutions" proportion="1" label_location="each"
  39. width="100%" square_items="false"
  40. align="center" child_width="128" child_height="128" max_height="150" />
  41. <spacer height="10" width="10"/>
  42. <div width="75%" height="fit" layout="horizontal-row" >
  43. <spacer width="40" height="100%" />
  44. <checkbox id="fullscreen"/>
  45. <spacer width="20" height="100%" />
  46. <label height="100%" I18N="In the video settings" text="Fullscreen"/>
  47. </div>
  48. <div width="75%" layout="horizontal-row" height="fit">
  49. <spacer width="40" height="100%" />
  50. <checkbox id="rememberWinpos"/>
  51. <spacer width="20" height="100%" />
  52. <label I18N="In the video settings" text="Remember window location"/>
  53. </div>
  54. <spacer height="10" width="10"/>
  55. <div width="100%" height="fit" layout="horizontal-row" >
  56. <spacer width="40" height="100%" />
  57. <button id="apply_resolution"
  58. I18N="In the video settings" text="Apply new resolution" />
  59. </div>
  60. <spacer height="15" width="4"/>
  61. </box>
  62. </div>
  63. <icon-button id="back" x="0" y="0" height="8%" icon="gui/back.png"/>
  64. </stkgui>