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- All icons come from Open Game Art (art by onyum.com, comissionned by Bart Kelsey)
- released under CC-BY-SA 3+
- * options_players & random_kart were tweaked by Marianne Gagnon
- Except :
- main_*.png icons, hourglass, back, back_addons, next_addons, package.png
- released under Creative-Commons BY-SA 3, By yeKcim (Anthony Carré)
- mode_tt, released under Creative-Commons BY-SA 3, incorporatings artwork from yeKcim and onyum.com,
- modified by Totoplus62
- mode_easter, mode_ftl, mode_soccer, mode_normal, race_giveup: by Totoplus62, released under CC-BY-SA 3.0
- tutorial.png by Totoplus62, released under CC-BY-SA 3.0
- Logo and Logo_slim : under CC-BY-SA 3.0+ by 'rastapax'
- difficulty_*.png icons, released under Creative-Commons BY-SA 3, By Conso (Constantin Pelikan)
- title_font, by Marianne Gagnon (Auria), released under CC-BY-SA 3+
- screen*.png, by Marianne Gagnon (Auria), including elements from the public domain Tango icon set
- Gauge and bar by Totoplus62, released under CC-BY-SA 3
- menu_story by tavariz91, released under CC-0
- ====
- Glass Skin by Auria, under CC-BY-SA 3+
- except background, under CC-BY-SA, by 'elisee'