509 B

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. # Library directory
  3. LIBDIR="bin"
  4. # If we are launching from a symlink, such as /usr/local/bin/, we need to get where
  5. # the symlink points to
  6. pth="`readlink $0`"
  7. # $pth will be empty if our start path wasnt a symlink
  8. if [ $pth ]; then
  9. GAMEDIR="`dirname $pth`"
  10. else
  11. GAMEDIR="`dirname $0`"
  12. fi
  13. # Change to the game dir, and go!
  14. cd $GAMEDIR
  15. # export game library directory
  16. test -n "${LIBDIR}" && export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${GAMEDIR}/${LIBDIR}"
  17. bin/supertuxkart $*