graphics_xml.txt 3.6 KB

  1. Graphics GSOC XML additions
  2. ===========================
  3. This document will list in depth all new XML values added during the graphics GSOC, for use
  4. by the blender exporter scripts.
  5. Glow colors
  6. -----------
  7. The glow colors for nitro bottles and boxes are settable in stk_config.xml.
  8. They are three-value RGB colors.
  9. Example: <glow-colors nitro="0 0 255" box="255 0 0" />
  10. Particle wind
  11. -------------
  12. Particles may be affected by wind. This is used with the snow particles.
  13. Flips is a boolean controlling whether each particle will spin about its own two axis.
  14. It is only applicable to symmetric textures, such as snow flakes.
  15. Speed is a float in no real units.
  16. Example: <wind speed="0.16" flips="Y" />
  17. Forced bloom objects
  18. --------------------
  19. Any object may be marked as forced bloom. This will include the object in the bloom pass
  20. regardless of its brightness.
  21. Example: forcedbloom="Y" inside the <object> tag, in scene.xml.
  22. Forced bloom objects may optionally include a multiplier, ranging from 0.5 to 10:
  23. bloompower="2.5"
  24. Glowing objects
  25. ---------------
  26. Any object may be marked as glowing. The glow is a RGB value.
  27. Example: glow="0 255 0" inside the <object> tag, in scene.xml.
  28. Caustics
  29. --------
  30. A material effect, ie GE_CAUSTICS, to mark a texture as receiving caustics. To be used
  31. for the ocean floor, puddle floor, etc.
  32. Example: graphics-effect="caustics" in materials.xml.
  33. Refractions/reflections
  34. -----------------------
  35. A per-object boolean flag, typically set for subsea windows or the ocean surface.
  36. Example: displacing="Y" in the <object> tag in scene.xml.
  37. Per-track tags
  38. --------------
  39. These are all specified inside track.xml, among the track's author, music, etc.
  40. Cloud shadows
  41. -------------
  42. Boolean whether to have the sun blocked by cloud shadows, moving with the wind.
  43. Disabled by default.
  44. The effect is completely fake, doesn't correspond to any real or simulated clouds, but
  45. nobody's checking, so it looks nice.
  46. Example: clouds="Y" inside the <track> tag.
  47. Bloom
  48. -----
  49. Boolean whether to enable global bloom for this track. Enabled by default.
  50. Example: bloom="Y" inside the <track> tag.
  51. Bloom threshold
  52. ---------------
  53. Float that specifies the minimum luminance needed for a pixel to participate in the bloom.
  54. The default is 0.75.
  55. Example: bloom-threshold="0.75"
  56. Lens flare
  57. ----------
  58. Boolean that specifies whether a lens flare is shown when the player looks at the sun.
  59. The strength and angle depend on the relation of the camera to the sun. Disabled by default.
  60. Example: lens-flare="Y"
  61. Dynamic shadows
  62. ---------------
  63. Boolean on whether this track should use dynamic shadows. Enabled by default.
  64. If disabled, the fallback fake kart shadows will be used.
  65. Example: shadows="N"
  66. God rays
  67. --------
  68. Boolean on rendering god rays when the player looks at the sun. Disabled by default.
  69. Example: god-rays="Y"
  70. Displacement speed
  71. ------------------
  72. Float on the relative speed of any displacing objects in this level. Default 1.0.
  73. 2.0 = double speed, 0.5 = half speed, etc.
  74. Example: displacement-speed="1.5"
  75. Caustics speed
  76. --------------
  77. Float on the relative speed of any caustics objects in this level. Default 1.0.
  78. 2.0 = double speed, 0.5 = half speed, etc.
  79. Example: caustics-speed="1.5"
  80. Fog
  81. ---
  82. The density tag was removed (it was unused anyway).
  83. The max, height start, and height end tags were added.
  84. fog-max: float capping the amount of fog to apply, default 1.0.
  85. fog-start-height: minimum height of fog, default 0.0.
  86. fog-end-height: maximum height of fog, default 100.0.
  87. The fog scales smoothly according to both the height, and the distance from
  88. camera.