.travis.yml 628 B

  1. # Travis-CI build for pushing the SuperTux/wiki repository to the GitHub Wiki
  2. # repository for the SuperTux/supertux project.
  3. language: ruby
  4. # Use containerized infrastructure, for faster builds.
  5. sudo: false
  6. addons:
  7. apt:
  8. sources:
  9. - git-core
  10. packages:
  11. - git
  12. # Only push master branch to remote master.
  13. branches:
  14. only:
  15. - master
  16. install: true
  17. script:
  18. - git --version
  19. - openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_6626094401ff_key -iv $encrypted_6626094401ff_iv -in key.enc -out key -d
  20. - chmod 600 ./key
  21. - GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -i ./key' git push git@github.com:SuperTux/supertux.wiki.git HEAD:master