Level-Editor.md 7.0 KB

Editor Tutorials

There are various videos on the internet documenting the use of the built-in level editor. This is a list of some of the useful ones. However, due to the nature of the internet this list is probably incomplete. You're always welcome to add new ones!



Sharing Levels

When you finished creating a level or even more, it is possible to share it with the SuperTux community.

Getting the Relevant Files

You can find them at C:\Users\YOUR-USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\SuperTux\supertux2\levels\YOUR-LEVELSETNAME\ on Windows or /home/YOUR-USERNAME/.local/share/supertux2/levels/YOUR-LEVELSETNAME/ on Linux. There should be some files called level1.stl, level2.stl and so on, depending on the number of levels you have created. Those files contain the actual levels you created. If you created a worldmap, there will also be a file called worldmap.stwm. That file stores the content of the worldmap.

The info File

Another file should be called info without any file ending. It contains the following code:

  (title (_ "Name that should be displayed"))
  (description (_ "A short description"))
  (levelset #f)
  (hide-from-contribs #f)
Property Description
title The name of your add-on that will be displayed to players. This can be translated with a .po language file.
description A short description about your add-on. Write a short summary. This can be translated with a .po language file.
levelset Use #f if you created a worldmap and #t if you didn't.
hide-from-contribs If this is set to #t, your levelset won't show up in-game. This should only be used internaly in SuperTux, so just leave it #f.

The .nfo File

Every add-on needs an .nfo-file which looks like this:

  (id "Worldmap-ID")
  (version 1)
  (type "world")
  (title "Your Worldmap Name")
  (author "Your Name")
  (license "CC-by-sa 4.0")
Property Description
id The ID of your worldmap. You are only allowed to use letters, _ (underscore) and - (minus). To avoid having two add-ons with the same ID, call it yourname_name-of-your-worldmap. The .nfo file should be named after your ID.
version If you updated your worldmap, count up. Only whole numbers are allowed, so don't set it to 1.1 or something.
type Use world or worldmap if you created a worldmap and levelset if you didn't.
title The title of the worldmap.
author Your name/nickname.
license Leave it like this to allow sharing and modification of your worldmap.

Creating the Add-On Structure

To have a working add-on, you will need to structure it similar to the structure described below. Note that if some directory or file is placed between brackets, like [worldmap.stwm], those brakets are not part of the filename. They indicate that this is optional and only necessary in some cases. [...] means that there can be some files, but we won't specify a name or file extension here.

├── [images]
│   └── [...]
├── levels
│       ├── level1.stl
│       ├── level2.stl
│       ├── [...].stl
│       ├── info
│       ├── [worldmap.stwm]
|       └── [...].po
├── [music]
│   └── [...]

Put all graphics in an images/ directory, all sounds in a sounds/ directory and music into a music/ directory, as shown above. To help you properly structure and plan this, you can take a look at the structure for such files used within SuperTux. You will find this at C:\Program Files\SuperTux\data\ (Windows) or /usr/share/supertux2/ (Linux). But be careful, as the file locations in the levels must match the directory structure you create.

Compressing the Add-On as a .zip-Archive

Select the levels-directory, the .nfo-file - and if you added additional content - those directories and compress them as a .zip-file.

Now the player can simply save this file in supertux2/addons/ and enable it in-game at the "Add-ons" menu by checking the checkbox.

Uploading the Add-On

Now you can upload your file. We recommend creating a new topic at the Add-ons forum. Describe your worldmap, and add one or two screenshots, depending on the number of levels you created. Then attach your .zip-file to the post. Caution: Files larger than 2MB in size cannot be uploaded there.

Questions? Problems?

Do you still have questions? Or do you experience any problems? Just contact us and ask.