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This file is auto-generated from the SuperTux source code, using the template


A TileMap that was given a name can be controlled by scripts. The tilemap can be moved by specifying a path for it.


A TileMap is instantiated by placing a definition inside a level. It can then be accessed by its name from a script or via from the console.


This class inherits functions and variables from the following base classes:


Method Explanation
void set_solid(bool solid = true) Switches the tilemap's real solidity to solid.

NOTE: The effective solidity is also influenced by the alpha of the tilemap.
bool get_solid() Returns the effective solidity of the tilemap.
int get_tile_id(int x, int y) Returns the ID of the tile at the given coordinates or 0 if out of bounds. The origin is at the top left.
int get_tile_id_at(float x, float y) Returns the ID of the tile at the given position (in world coordinates).
void change(int x, int y, int newtile) Changes the tile at the given coordinates to newtile. The origin is at the top left.
void change_at(float x, float y, int newtile) Changes the tile at the given position (in-world coordinates) to newtile.
void change_all(int oldtile, int newtile) Changes all tiles with the given ID.
void fade(float alpha, float time) Starts fading the tilemap to the opacity given by alpha. Destination opacity will be reached after time seconds. Also influences solidity.
void tint_fade(float time, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha) Starts fading the tilemap to tint given by RGBA. Destination opacity will be reached after time seconds. Doesn't influence solidity.
void set_alpha(float alpha) Instantly switches the tilemap's opacity to alpha. Also influences solidity.
float get_alpha() Returns the tilemap's opacity.

NOTE: While the tilemap is fading in or out, this will return the current alpha value, not the target alpha.


Variable Explanation
bool solid Equivalent to get_solid() and set_solid().
float alpha Determines the tilemap's current opacity. requested tilemap opacity

