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This file is auto-generated from the SuperTux source code, using the template


This class provides additional controlling functions for a sector, other than the ones listed at GameObjectManager.


An instance under sector.settings is available from scripts and the console.


This class inherits functions and variables from the following base classes:


Method Explanation
bool is_free_of_solid_tiles(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, bool ignore_unisolid) Checks if the specified sector-relative rectangle is free of solid tiles.

ignore_unisolid - If true, unisolid tiles will be ignored.
bool is_free_of_statics(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, bool ignore_unisolid) Checks if the specified sector-relative rectangle is free of both: 1) Solid tiles. 2) MovingObjects in COLGROUP_STATIC.

NOTE: This does not include badguys or players.

ignore_unisolid - If true, unisolid tiles will be ignored.
bool is_free_of_movingstatics(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) Checks if the specified sector-relative rectangle is free of both: 1) Solid tiles. 2) MovingObjects in COLGROUP_STATIC, COLGROUP_MOVINGSTATIC or COLGROUP_MOVING. This includes badguys and players.
bool is_free_of_specifically_movingstatics(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) Checks if the specified sector-relative rectangle is free of MovingObjects in COLGROUP_MOVINGSTATIC.

NOTE: This does not include moving badguys or players.
void set_gravity(float gravity)
float get_gravity(float gravity)


Variable Explanation
float gravity The sector's gravity.

