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This file is auto-generated from the SuperTux source code, using the template


This class provides the ability to create, edit, and remove images floating in midair on the screen. It is implemented as a wrapper around a sprite, so any sprite actions are applicable.


Floating Images are created in a script or from the console. Constructor:

<floatimage> <- FloatingImage(string filename)

This creates a FloatingImage from filename (which is relative to the data directory root).


This class inherits functions and variables from the following base classes:


Method Explanation
void set_layer(int layer) Sets the layer of the floating image.
int get_layer() Returns the layer the floating image is on.
void set_pos(float x, float y) Sets the location of the image in relation to the current anchor point.
float get_x() Returns the image's X coordinate relative to the current anchor point.
float get_y() Returns the image's Y coordinate relative to the current anchor point.
float get_pos_x() Deprecated! Use get_x() instead!

Returns the image's X coordinate relative to the current anchor point.
float get_pos_y() Deprecated! Use get_y() instead!

Returns the image's Y coordinate relative to the current anchor point.
void set_anchor_point(int anchor) Sets the image's anchor point.

anchor - Anchor point as represented by the ANCHOR_* constants (see AnchorPoints).
int get_anchor_point() Returns the current anchor point.
void set_visible(bool visible) Sets the visibility of the floating image.
bool get_visible() Returns the visibility state of the floating image.
void set_action(string action) Sets the action of the image. This is only useful when the image is a sprite.

action - Name of the action, as defined in the sprite.
string get_action() Returns the name of the action of the image, as defined in the sprite. This is only useful when the image is a sprite.
void fade_in(float time) Fades in the image for the next time seconds.
void fade_out(float time) Fades out the image for the next time seconds.


Variable Explanation
int layer
bool visible
int anchor_point The current anchor point.

