The Yeti awaits Tux after the first castle and is the end boss Icy Island. He is found in the level No More Mr Ice Guy.
He is a massive, fuzzy creature preying on Tux in the cold. He may not be the brightest but proves to be quite a threat when enraged.
The Yeti will attack the player in two different ways. First, he will rush towards the player, going from one side to the other. This maneuver is then followed by him stomping three times which attacks Tux indirectly by making icicles fall down.
(Note: The Ghost Tree is a work in progress. Although it is unfinished some incomplete graphics can be found in the game.)
The Ghost Tree, a large errie, purple tree with deep, dark holes as eyes, is the end boss of Rooted Forest.
Planted by Nolok, the Ghost Tree began spreading a horrible disease through out the forest through its roots. It has no mind of its own. Its whole purpose is to spread itself and infect the land.
The Ghost Tree primarily will attack the player from below with its roots, bursting out of the ground. These can be anticipated by the cracks appearing on the ground. Its other attacks are depended on which Ghost Orb they absorbed prior.
The large and imposing Toucan, accompanied by his Master Totems, rules over the tropical temples and is the end boss of Tropical Paradise.
He is very conceited and well spoken, when it is about him. Tux's lack of flight especially brings validation to his superiority, according to him. However, the Toucan himself is not as much of a threat as he makes out to be. The true force behind his rule stems from his army of totems, gifted by Nolok in exchange for his loyalty.
See Nolok for details.
It is yet still unclear if mini bosses are going to be a thing in the actual game. Since entities such as Shadow Tux are confirmed to be added (though not classified as a mini boss at the moment) a proposed list for potential mini bosses with their potential behaviors can be seen here.
Mini bosses would most likely be used in the hidden bonus levels of each world and protect a certain treasure!
A gigantic Ice Crusher/Snowball statoined in an outpost between two glaciers to protect a frozen treasure from Tux. It will chase and try to crush him. Tux must lure them inside a pool of water which later he will freeze to lock it away.
An impenetrable Stone Golem taken over by Nolok's spell watching the treasures of the ancient ruins. It will try to smash Tux with its fists and causes rubble to fall on him, too.
Shadow Tux is a dark spirit taking the form of Tux, which spawned from an eerie disease spread by the Ghost Tree. It haunts an ancient library in the middle of the Corrupted Forest. It mimics Tux's every move but at a delay and will chase after him. Tux must flee from it in a parkour oriented level segment and avoid getting hit.
The Mimic is a large chest holding a sunken treasure which it defends. The ship it resits sunk near the tropical islands. It stays stationary and throws several obstacles at Tux, such as small mimics which jump at Tux, trying to bite him. Tux must navigate through the ship and activate a trap inside that can crush the mimic.
A small, spiky Dragon guards a firery treasure insde a volcanic core. It will cause the volcano to errupt resulting in a run for the exit. Along side the rising lava it will shoot fireballs to imped Tux's progress while hovering above him constantly.