hr.po 13 KB

  3. # This file is distributed under the same license as the SuperTux package.
  4. #
  5. # Translators:
  6. # IAN RODRÍGUEZ Lorenzo, 2022
  7. # Ilija Ćulap <>, 2013
  8. msgid ""
  9. msgstr ""
  10. "Project-Id-Version: SuperTux\n"
  11. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
  12. "POT-Creation-Date: 2025-01-26 01:42+0000\n"
  13. "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-08-10 22:58+0000\n"
  14. "Last-Translator: IAN RODRÍGUEZ Lorenzo, 2022\n"
  15. "Language-Team: Croatian (\n"
  16. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  17. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  18. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
  19. "Language: hr\n"
  20. "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
  21. #: data/levels/world1/23rd_airborne.stl:3
  22. msgid "23rd Airborne"
  23. msgstr "23. zračnodesantna"
  24. #: data/levels/world1/23rd_airborne.stl:598
  25. #: data/levels/world1/between_glaciers.stl:855
  26. #: data/levels/world1/between_glaciers.stl:863
  27. #: data/levels/world1/crystal_mine.stl:1535
  28. #: data/levels/world1/crystal_mine.stl:1543
  29. #: data/levels/world1/frosted_fields.stl:188
  30. #: data/levels/world1/path_in_the_clouds.stl:348
  31. #: data/levels/world1/path_in_the_clouds.stl:1126
  32. #: data/levels/world1/shattered_bridge.stl:628
  33. #: data/levels/world1/stone_cold.stl:397 data/levels/world1/worldmap.stwm:229
  34. msgid "You found a secret area!"
  35. msgstr "Pronašli ste novu tajnu!"
  36. #: data/levels/world1/above_arctic_skies.stl:3
  37. msgid "Above the Arctic Skies"
  38. msgstr "Iznad arktičkog neba"
  39. #: data/levels/world1/above_arctic_skies.stl:162
  40. msgid ""
  41. "-Air Flower\n"
  42. "!images/powerups/airflower/air_flower-0.png\n"
  43. "#The Air Flower gives Tux the ability to glide in the air for a few seconds, while holding the JUMP Key."
  44. msgstr "- Zračni cvijet\n!images/powerups/airflower/air_flower-0.png\n#Zračni cvijet daje Tuxu mogućnost da klizi u zraku nekoliko sekundi, dok drži tipku SKOK."
  45. #: data/levels/world1/between_glaciers.stl:3
  46. msgid "Between Two Glaciers"
  47. msgstr "Između dva ledenjaka"
  48. #: data/levels/world1/between_glaciers.stl:108
  49. msgid ""
  50. "-Crystals\n"
  51. "#This level contains four coloured crystals. Can you find them?\n"
  52. "#\n"
  53. "#Note: These crystals do not serve any purpose at the moment but they might will in a future release of the game."
  54. msgstr "-Kristali\n#Ova razina sadrži četiri kristala u boji. Možete li ih pronaći?\n#\n#Napomena: ovi kristali trenutno nemaju nikakvu svrhu, ali bi mogli biti u budućem izdanju igre."
  55. #: data/levels/world1/castle_of_nolok.stl:3
  56. msgid "The Castle of Nolok"
  57. msgstr "Nolok Dvorac"
  58. #: data/levels/world1/crystal_mine.stl:3
  59. msgid "The Crystal Mine"
  60. msgstr "Rudnik kristala"
  61. #: data/levels/world1/crystal_mine.stl:686
  62. msgid "#You have to activate two switches to open this door."
  63. msgstr "#Morate aktivirati dva prekidača da biste otvorili ova vrata."
  64. #: data/levels/world1/end_of_tunnel.stl:3
  65. msgid "End of the Tunnel"
  66. msgstr "Kraj tunela"
  67. #: data/levels/world1/entrance_cave.stl:3
  68. msgid "Entrance to the Cave"
  69. msgstr "Ulaz u Spilju"
  70. #: data/levels/world1/fork_in_the_road.stl:3
  71. msgid "A Fork in the Road"
  72. msgstr "Račvanje na putu"
  73. #: data/levels/world1/fork_in_the_road.stl:84
  74. msgid ""
  75. "-Switches\n"
  76. "!images/objects/switch/switch-0.png\n"
  77. "!images/objects/pushbutton/pushbutton-0.png\n"
  78. "#Switches can be used to do all manner of things. Press the UP key to use a switch.\n"
  79. "#There are also buttons that you can press by jumping on them."
  80. msgstr "-Prekidači\n!images/objects/switch/switch-0.png\n!images/objects/pushbutton/pushbutton-0.png\n#Prekidači se mogu koristiti za razne stvari. Pritisnite tipku GORE za korištenje prekidača.\n#Postoje i gumbi koje možete pritisnuti skačući po njima."
  81. #: data/levels/world1/fork_in_the_road.stl:93
  82. msgid ""
  83. "-Trampolines\n"
  84. "!images/objects/trampoline/trampoline2-0.png\n"
  85. "#Trampolines allow Tux to jump to new heights. Hold down the JUMP key while bouncing on the trampoline to launch extra high."
  86. msgstr "-Trampolini\n!images/objects/trampoline/trampoline2-0.png\n#Trampolini omogućuju Tuxu da skoči u nove visine. Držite pritisnutu tipku SKOK dok poskakujete na trampolinu kako biste poletjeli ekstra visoko."
  87. #: data/levels/world1/fork_in_the_road.stl:100
  88. msgid ""
  89. "-Climbing\n"
  90. "#Tux can climb! Press the UP key to start climbing. Press the ACTION key or jump to let go."
  91. msgstr "-Penjanje\n#Tux se može penjati! Pritisnite tipku GORE za početak penjanja. Pritisnite tipku ACTION ili skočite da biste je pustili."
  92. #: data/levels/world1/fork_in_the_road.stl:106
  93. msgid ""
  94. "-Secret Exits\n"
  95. "#Some level can have multiple exits. They are mostly hidden, so keep an eye out for them.\n"
  96. "#Maybe they lead you to something special."
  97. msgstr "-Tajni izlazi\n#Neka razina može imati više izlaza. Uglavnom su skriveni, pa pripazite na njih.\n#Možda vas odvedu do nečeg posebnog."
  98. #: data/levels/world1/frosted_fields.stl:3
  99. msgid "The Frosted Fields"
  100. msgstr "Zaleđena polja"
  101. #: data/levels/world1/frozen_bridge.stl:3
  102. msgid "Over the Frozen Bridge"
  103. msgstr "Preko Smrznutog mosta"
  104. #: data/levels/world1/ice_in_the_hole.stl:3
  105. msgid "Ice in the Hole"
  106. msgstr "Led u rupi"
  107. #: data/levels/world1/icy_valley.stl:3
  108. msgid "Icy Valley"
  109. msgstr "Ledena dolina"
  110. #: data/levels/world1/into_stars.stl:3
  111. msgid "Into the Stars"
  112. msgstr "U zvijezdama"
  113. #: data/levels/world1/intro.stl:3
  114. msgid "Picnic With Penny"
  115. msgstr "Izlet s Penny"
  116. #: data/levels/world1/journey_begins.stl:3
  117. msgid "The Journey Begins"
  118. msgstr "Putovanje počinje"
  119. #: data/levels/world1/living_inside_fridge.stl:3
  120. msgid "Living in a Fridge"
  121. msgstr "Zivjeti u frižideru"
  122. #: data/levels/world1/miyamoto_monument.stl:3
  123. msgid "Miyamoto Monument"
  124. msgstr "Spomenik Miyamoto"
  125. #: data/levels/world1/more_snowballs.stl:3
  126. msgid "Oh No! More Snowballs!"
  127. msgstr "O ne! Još gruda snijega!"
  128. #: data/levels/world1/night_chill.stl:3
  129. msgid "Night Chill"
  130. msgstr "Noćno hlađenje"
  131. #: data/levels/world1/or_just_me.stl:3
  132. msgid "...Or Is It Just Me?"
  133. msgstr "...Ili sam to samo ja?"
  134. #: data/levels/world1/path_in_the_clouds.stl:3
  135. msgid "A Path in the Clouds"
  136. msgstr "Put u oblake"
  137. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_castle_cutscene.txt:2
  138. msgid "Tux had reached the end of the castle."
  139. msgstr "Tux je stigao do kraja dvorca."
  140. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_castle_cutscene.txt:3
  141. msgid "But to his surprise all he could find was a letter."
  142. msgstr "Ali na svoje iznenađenje, sve što je mogao pronaći bilo je pismo."
  143. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_castle_cutscene.txt:4
  144. msgid ""
  145. "A letter from Penny telling Tux that Nolok has taken her to a far forest."
  146. msgstr "Pismo od Penny u kojem govori Tuxu da ju je Nolok odveo u daleku šumu."
  147. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_castle_cutscene.txt:5
  148. msgid ""
  149. "Unsure about what Nolok was doing to her, Tux became worried about his "
  150. "beloved Penny."
  151. msgstr "Nesiguran što joj Nolok radi, Tux se zabrinuo za svoju voljenu Penni."
  152. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_castle_cutscene.txt:6
  153. msgid "Until suddenly..."
  154. msgstr "Sve dok odjednom..."
  155. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:2
  156. msgid "Somewhere at the shores of Antarctica..."
  157. msgstr "Negdje na obalama Antarktika..."
  158. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:3
  159. msgid "Tux the penguin was going to meet his friend, Penny, for a picnic."
  160. msgstr "Pingvin Tux išao se naći sa svojom prijateljicom Penni na pikniku."
  161. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:4
  162. msgid "Tux woke up, dizzy, to find that Penny was missing!"
  163. msgstr "Tux se probudio, s vrtoglavicom, i otkrio da je Penny nestala!"
  164. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:5
  165. msgid "Tux was starting to become worried. He then saw a letter, and it read:"
  166. msgstr "Tux se počeo brinuti. Zatim je ugledao pismo, a ono je glasilo:"
  167. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:6
  168. msgid ""
  169. "\"Tux, I have kidnapped your beloved Penny and have taken her to my "
  170. "fortress.\""
  171. msgstr "\"Tux, oteo sam tvoju voljenu Penni i odveo je u svoju tvrđavu.\""
  172. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:7
  173. msgid "\"The path to my fortress is littered with my minions.\""
  174. msgstr "\"Put do moje tvrđave je posut mojim slugama.\""
  175. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:8
  176. msgid "\"You don't have a chance of saving her! Signed, Nolok.\""
  177. msgstr "\"Nemaš šanse da je spasiš! Potpisano, Nolok.\""
  178. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:9
  179. msgid ""
  180. "Realizing the trouble Penny could be in, Tux became determined to save her."
  181. msgstr "Shvativši u kakvoj bi se nevolji Penni mogla naći, Tux je odlučio spasiti je."
  182. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:10
  183. msgid ""
  184. "Then, Tux saw Nolok's castle in the distance and set off to rescue Penny!"
  185. msgstr "Tada je Tux u daljini ugledao Nolokov dvorac i krenuo spasiti Penny!"
  186. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_yeti_cutscene.txt:2
  187. msgid "Exhausted from his long walk, Tux decided to take a little break."
  188. msgstr "Iscrpljen od duge šetnje, Tux je odlučio uzeti mali predah."
  189. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_yeti_cutscene.txt:3
  190. msgid "But then, all of a sudden he heard a loud roar from a distance."
  191. msgstr "Ali onda je odjednom iz daljine začuo glasnu graju."
  192. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_yeti_cutscene.txt:4
  193. msgid "A yeti seems to have observed him from afar."
  194. msgstr "Čini se da ga je jeti promatrao izdaleka."
  195. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_yeti_cutscene.txt:5
  196. msgid ""
  197. "Concerned by the yeti's sudden retreat, Tux decided to continue his journey,"
  198. " ..."
  199. msgstr "Zabrinut Yetijevim naglim povlačenjem, Tux je odlučio nastaviti svoje putovanje..."
  200. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_yeti_cutscene.txt:6
  201. msgid "...while secretly hoping not to run into the yeti again, by any means."
  202. msgstr "... dok se potajno nadao da ni na koji način više neće naletjeti na jetija."
  203. #: data/levels/world1/shattered_bridge.stl:3
  204. msgid "The Shattered Bridge"
  205. msgstr "Srušeni most"
  206. #: data/levels/world1/somewhat_smaller_bath.stl:3
  207. msgid "The Somewhat Smaller Bath"
  208. msgstr "Nešto manja kupka"
  209. #: data/levels/world1/stone_cold.stl:3
  210. msgid "Stone Cold"
  211. msgstr "Hladno od kamena"
  212. #: data/levels/world1/under_the_ice.stl:3
  213. msgid "Under the Ice"
  214. msgstr "Ispod leda"
  215. #: data/levels/world1/via_nostalgica.stl:3
  216. msgid "Via Nostalgica"
  217. msgstr "Via Nostalgica"
  218. #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:3
  219. msgid "Welcome to Antarctica"
  220. msgstr "Dobrodošli na Antartiku"
  221. #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:74
  222. msgid ""
  223. "-Bonus Blocks\n"
  224. "!images/objects/bonus_block/full-0.png\n"
  225. "#Bonus blocks can contain coins, power-ups or special items to help you in your quest.\n"
  226. "#\n"
  227. "#Hit them from below to get at their contents."
  228. msgstr "-Bonus blokovi\n!images/objects/bonus_block/full-0.png\n#Bonusni blokovi mogu sadržavati novčiće, pojačanja ili posebne predmete koji će vam pomoći u vašoj potrazi.\n#\n#Udarite ih odozdo kako biste došli do njihovog sadržaja."
  229. #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:83
  230. msgid ""
  231. "-Eggs\n"
  232. "!images/powerups/egg/egg-shade.png\n"
  233. "#The egg makes Tux grow larger. Tux can then smash wooden blocks with his head."
  234. msgstr "-Jaja\n!images/powerups/egg/egg-shade.png\n#Jaje čini Tuxa većim. Tux tada može glavom razbijati drvene blokove."
  235. #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:90
  236. msgid ""
  237. "-Checkpoints\n"
  238. "!images/objects/resetpoints/bell-m.png\n"
  239. "#Activate the checkpoint. If you die, you can retry the level from here. Every time you retry from a checkpoint, you will lose 10 percent of your coins (at least 25 coins)."
  240. msgstr "-Kontrolne točke\n!images/objects/resetpoints/bell-m.png\n#Aktivirajte kontrolnu točku. Ako umrete, možete ponovno pokušati razinu odavde. Svaki put kad ponovno pokušate s kontrolne točke, izgubit ćete 10 posto svojih novčića (najmanje 25 novčića)."
  241. #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:97
  242. msgid ""
  243. "-Running\n"
  244. "!images/tiles/signs/run.png\n"
  245. "#The path in front of you is blocked. Gain some speed before jumping to pass over the blocks."
  246. msgstr "-Trčanje\n!images/tiles/signs/run.png\n#Put ispred vas je blokiran. Ubrzajte prije nego što skočite i prijeđete preko blokova."
  247. #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:104
  248. msgid ""
  249. "-Fire Flower\n"
  250. "!images/powerups/fireflower/fire_flower-0.png\n"
  251. "#The fire flower gives Tux the ability to shoot fireballs."
  252. msgstr "- Vatreni cvijet\n!images/powerups/fireflower/fire_flower-0.png\n#Vatreni cvijet Tuxu daje mogućnost da gađa vatrenim kuglama."
  253. #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:111
  254. msgid ""
  255. "-Tux Doll\n"
  256. "!images/powerups/1up/1up.png\n"
  257. "#The Tux doll gives Tux 100 coins."
  258. msgstr "-Tux lutka\n!images/powerups/1up/1up.png\n#Lutka Tux daje Tuxu 100 novčića."
  259. #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:118
  260. msgid ""
  261. "-Secret Areas\n"
  262. "#Many levels contain secret areas behind what seems to be plain walls. Look for clues to find them."
  263. msgstr "-Tajna područja\n#Mnoge razine sadrže tajna područja iza onoga što izgleda kao obični zidovi. Potražite tragove kako biste ih pronašli."
  264. #: data/levels/world1/worldmap.stwm:3
  265. msgid "Icy Island"
  266. msgstr "Ledeni otok"
  267. #: data/levels/world1/yeti_boss.stl:3
  268. msgid "No More Mr. Ice Guy"
  269. msgstr "Nema više Mr. Ice Guya"
  270. #: data/levels/world1/yeti_cutscene.stl:3
  271. msgid "A Yeti in the Distance"
  272. msgstr "Jeti u daljini"