credits.stxt 28 KB

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  27. (blank)
  28. (person
  29. (name "Tobias \"Tobbi\" Markus")
  30. (info (_ "Maintainer, Programming"))
  31. )
  32. (blank)
  33. (person
  34. (name "Carsten \"RustyBox\" Wirtz")
  35. (info (_ "Graphics, Level Design, Story"))
  36. )
  37. (blank)
  38. (person
  39. (name "Kai Alex \"Serano\" Jockers")
  40. (info (_ "Level Design, Story, Optimisation, Coordination"))
  41. )
  42. (blank)
  43. (person
  44. (name "Alexander \"Alzter\" S.")
  45. (info (_ "Graphics"))
  46. )
  47. (blank)
  48. (person
  49. (name "Daniel \"WeLuvGoatz\" Ward")
  50. (info (_ "Graphics, Programming, Level Design"))
  51. )
  52. (blank)
  53. (person
  54. (name "Semphris")
  55. (info (_ "Features and Programming"))
  56. )
  57. (blank)
  58. (person
  59. (name "mrkubax10")
  60. (info (_ "Minor features and programming"))
  61. )
  62. (blank)
  63. (person
  64. (name "Zwatotem")
  65. (info (_ "Programming, Level Updates"))
  66. )
  67. (blank)
  68. (person
  69. (name "HybridDog")
  70. (info (_ "Graphics, Programming"))
  71. )
  72. (blank)
  73. (person
  74. (name "Christian \"christ2go\" Hagemeier")
  75. (info (_ "Programming"))
  76. )
  77. (blank)
  78. (person
  79. (name "Alasdair \"Servalot\"")
  80. (info (_ "Level Design"))
  81. )
  82. (blank)
  83. (person
  84. (name "Vankata453")
  85. (info (_ "Programming"))
  86. )
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  93. (blank)
  94. (person
  95. (name "Bill Kendrick")
  96. (info (_ "Original Developer"))
  97. (image "images/credits/bill.jpg")
  98. )
  99. (blank)
  100. (person
  101. (name "Ingo \"grumbel\" Ruhnke")
  102. (info (_ "Graphics, Programming, Level Design"))
  103. (image "images/credits/ingo.jpg")
  104. )
  105. (blank)
  106. (person
  107. (name "Matthias \"MatzeB\" Braun")
  108. (info (_ "Graphics, Programming, Level Design"))
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  110. )
  111. (blank)
  112. (person
  113. (name "Marek \"Wansti\" Moeckel")
  114. (info (_ "Music, Level Design"))
  115. (image "images/credits/wansti.jpg")
  116. )
  117. (blank)
  118. (person
  119. (name "Stephen Groundwater")
  120. (info (_ "Graphics"))
  121. (image "images/credits/gwater.jpg")
  122. )
  123. (blank)
  124. (person
  125. (name "Christoph Sommer")
  126. (info (_ "Programming, Graphics, Level Design"))
  127. (image "images/credits/christoph.jpg")
  128. )
  129. (blank)
  130. (person
  131. (name "Wolfgang Becker")
  132. (info (_ "Programming, Level Design"))
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  135. (blank)
  136. (person
  137. (name "Christopher A. \"paroneayea\" Webber")
  138. (info (_ "Graphics, Story"))
  139. (image "images/credits/paroneayea.jpg")
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  141. (blank)
  142. (person
  143. (name "Ondřej \"Ravu al Hemio\" Hošek")
  144. (info (_ "Programming, Documentation"))
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  146. )
  147. (blank)
  148. (person
  149. (name "Ryan \"sik0fewl\" Flegel")
  150. (info (_ "Programming"))
  151. )
  152. (blank)
  153. (person
  154. (name "Tobias \"tobgle\" Gläßer")
  155. (info (_ "Programming, Previous Maintainer"))
  156. )
  157. (blank)
  158. (person
  159. (name "Ricardo \"blacksheep\" Cruz")
  160. (info (_ "Programming"))
  161. )
  162. (blank)
  163. (person
  164. (name "Mathnerd314")
  165. (info (_ "Programming"))
  166. )
  167. (blank)
  168. (person
  169. (name "Tim \"tuxdev\" Goya")
  170. (info (_ "Programming"))
  171. )
  172. (blank)
  173. (person
  174. (name "LMH")
  175. (info (_ "Programming"))
  176. )
  177. (blank)
  178. (person
  179. (name "M. Teufel")
  180. (info (_ "Coordination"))
  181. )
  182. (blank)
  183. (person
  184. (name "Karkus476")
  185. (info (_ "Programming, \"Flexlay\" Level editor"))
  186. )
  187. (blank)
  188. (person
  189. (name "Hume")
  190. (info (_ "Programming"))
  191. )
  192. (blank)
  193. (person
  194. (name "Miloš Klouček")
  195. (info (_ "Programming"))
  196. )
  197. (blank)
  198. (person
  199. (name "Seebi \"Flakebi\"")
  200. (info (_ "Windows build fixes"))
  201. )
  202. (blank)
  203. (person
  204. (name "Jacob \"maths22\" Burroughs")
  205. (info (_ "Packaging, Nightly builds"))
  206. )
  207. (blank)
  208. (person
  209. (name "Benjamin \"GiBy\" Leduc")
  210. (info (_ "Translation Guru (and many details anyone else could have done)"))
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  215. (type "heading")
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  218. (blank)
  219. (person
  220. (name "165your4")
  221. )
  222. (person
  223. (name "Matthias \"MatzeB\" Braun")
  224. )
  225. (person
  226. (name "Jason Lavallée")
  227. )
  228. (person
  229. (name "Bleed -")
  230. )
  231. (person
  232. (name "Wolfgang Becker")
  233. )
  234. (person
  235. (name "CT. da'Bomb")
  236. )
  237. (person
  238. (name "Sydney Dykstra")
  239. )
  240. (person
  241. (name "Stephen Groundwater")
  242. )
  243. (person
  244. (name "Kai Alex \"Serano\" Jockers")
  245. )
  246. (person
  247. (name "Devyn Collier Johnson")
  248. )
  249. (person
  250. (name "Raghavendra \"raghukamath\" Kamath"))
  251. (person
  252. (name "Ingo \"grumbel\" Ruhnke")
  253. )
  254. (person
  255. (name "Alexander \"Alzter\" S.")
  256. )
  257. (person
  258. (name "Christoph Sommer")
  259. )
  260. (person
  261. (name "Carsten \"RustyBox\" Wirtz")
  262. )
  263. (person
  264. (name "Daniel \"WeLuvGoatz\" Ward")
  265. )
  266. (person
  267. (name "Romero Nickerson")
  268. )
  269. (person
  270. (name "Andre \"C4INAN\" Pinheiro")
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  272. (blank)
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  274. (text
  275. (type "heading")
  276. (string (_ "Level Design"))
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  278. (blank)
  279. (person
  280. (name "AllytheOcelot")
  281. )
  282. (person
  283. (name "Wolfgang Becker")
  284. )
  285. (person
  286. (name "Matthias \"MatzeB\" Braun")
  287. )
  288. (person
  289. (name "CT. da'Bomb")
  290. )
  291. (person
  292. (name "Hume")
  293. )
  294. (person
  295. (name "Kai Alex \"Serano\" Jockers")
  296. )
  297. (person
  298. (name "LMH")
  299. )
  300. (person
  301. (name "Arvid Norlander")
  302. )
  303. (person
  304. (name "Ingo \"grumbel\" Ruhnke")
  305. )
  306. (person
  307. (name "Christoph Sommer")
  308. )
  309. (person
  310. (name "Carsten \"RustyBox\" Wirtz")
  311. )
  312. (person
  313. (name "Daniel \"WeLuvGoatz\" Ward")
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  315. (blank)
  316. (blank)
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  318. (type "heading")
  319. (string (_ "Music"))
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  322. (text
  323. (type "normal")
  324. (string "Lukas Nystrand (as Mortimer Twang)")
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  326. (text
  327. (type "normal")
  328. (string "Asbjoern Andersen (as Mystical)")
  329. )
  330. (text
  331. (type "normal")
  332. (string "Jason Lavallée"))
  333. (text
  334. (type "normal")
  335. (string "DJ Gentoo")
  336. )
  337. (text
  338. (type "normal")
  339. (string "semajD")
  340. )
  341. (text
  342. (type "normal")
  343. (string "treskalle")
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  345. (text
  346. (type "normal")
  347. (string "Chris Huelsbeck")
  348. )
  349. (text
  350. (type "normal")
  351. (string "Bart K.")
  352. )
  353. (text
  354. (type "normal")
  355. (string "remaxim")
  356. )
  357. (text
  358. (type "normal")
  359. (string "Marek \"Wansti\" Moeckel")
  360. )
  361. (text
  362. (type "normal")
  363. (string "Chris Leutwyler")
  364. )
  365. (text
  366. (type "normal")
  367. (string "Forty-Two")
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  369. (text
  370. (type "normal")
  371. (string "Tobias \"ToBeFree\" Frei")
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  373. (blank)
  374. (blank)
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  376. (type "heading")
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  382. (string "Wolfgang Becker")
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  384. (text
  385. (type "normal")
  386. (string "")
  387. )
  388. (text
  389. (type "normal")
  390. (string "Matthias Braun")
  391. )
  392. (text
  393. (type "normal")
  394. (string "Ricardo Cruz")
  395. )
  396. (text
  397. (type "normal")
  398. (string "Marianne Gagnon")
  399. )
  400. (text
  401. (type "normal")
  402. (string "Stephen Groundwater")
  403. )
  404. (text
  405. (type "normal")
  406. (string "Nathan McCoy")
  407. )
  408. (text
  409. (type "normal")
  410. (string "Marek Moeckel")
  411. )
  412. (text
  413. (type "normal")
  414. (string "Paulo Morfeo")
  415. )
  416. (text
  417. (type "normal")
  418. (string "Natalie")
  419. )
  420. (text
  421. (type "normal")
  422. (string "Q.K.")
  423. )
  424. (text
  425. (type "normal")
  426. (string "RodirodDude")
  427. )
  428. (text
  429. (type "normal")
  430. (string "Some_Person")
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  432. (text
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  436. (text
  437. (type "normal")
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  440. (text
  441. (type "normal")
  442. (string "Yaniel")
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  444. (text
  445. (type "normal")
  446. (string "Bastian Zapf")
  447. )
  448. (text
  449. (type "normal")
  450. (string "Daniel Alston")
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  452. (text
  453. (type "normal")
  454. (string "Mathilda Edmunds")
  455. )
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  457. (blank)
  458. (text
  459. (type "heading")
  460. (string (_ "Additional contributors"))
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  462. (blank)
  463. (person
  464. (name "Arian Behvandnejad")
  465. (info (_ "Bug fixes"))
  466. )
  467. (person
  468. (name "brmbrmcar")
  469. (info (_ "Scripting functions, Level fixes"))
  470. )
  471. (person
  472. (name "Daniel Butum")
  473. (info (_ "Code quality fixes"))
  474. )
  475. (person
  476. (name "Vincent Cheng")
  477. (info (_ "Various contributions"))
  478. )
  479. (person
  480. (name "chrism")
  481. (info (_ "Various contributions"))
  482. )
  483. (person
  484. (name "Daniela Ferraz")
  485. (info (_ "Various contributions"))
  486. )
  487. (person
  488. (name "Fabian Greffrath")
  489. (info (_ "Build issue fix"))
  490. )
  491. (person
  492. (name "Jann Horn")
  493. (info (_ "Code contributions"))
  494. )
  495. (person
  496. (name "HybridDog")
  497. (info (_ "Code contributions")))
  498. (person
  499. (name "David King")
  500. (info (_ "Code contribution, AppData file"))
  501. )
  502. (person
  503. (name "Jonas Kuemmerlin")
  504. (info (_ "Bug fix"))
  505. )
  506. (person
  507. (name "mahboi")
  508. (info (_ "Menu reorganization"))
  509. )
  510. (person
  511. (name "Matt McCutchen")
  512. (info (_ "Various contributions"))
  513. )
  514. (person
  515. (name "nicholas")
  516. (info (_ "Fixing tile bugs"))
  517. )
  518. (person
  519. (name "Eric Newberry")
  520. (info (_ "Build error fix"))
  521. )
  522. (person
  523. (name "José Rebelo")
  524. (info (_ "Scripting function fix"))
  525. )
  526. (person
  527. (name "Semphris")
  528. (info (_ "New features and notable updates"))
  529. )
  530. (person
  531. (name "Willy Scheibel")
  532. (info (_ "Support for \"glbinding\" as optional OpenGL binding"))
  533. )
  534. (person
  535. (name "Matthew Taylor")
  536. (info (_ "New menu code"))
  537. )
  538. (person
  539. (name "WindowsDylan")
  540. (info (_ "Big Tux Walking Sprites improvements"))
  541. )
  542. (person
  543. (name "Bastiaan \"basti_\" Zapf")
  544. (info (_ "Programming"))
  545. )
  546. (person
  547. (name "Benjamin P. \"litespeed\" Jung")
  548. (info (_ "Graphics"))
  549. )
  550. (person
  551. (name "Duong-Khang \"neoneurone\" Nguyen")
  552. (info (_ "Contrib Programming"))
  553. )
  554. (person
  555. (name "Richard Smith")
  556. (info (_ "Contrib Programming"))
  557. )
  558. (person
  559. (name "martinvanzijl")
  560. (info (_ "Various Contributions"))
  561. )
  562. (person
  563. (name "kernigh")
  564. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  565. )
  566. (person
  567. (name "qwertychouskie")
  568. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  569. )
  570. (person
  571. (name "DivVerent")
  572. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  573. )
  574. (person
  575. (name "markand")
  576. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  577. )
  578. (person
  579. (name "shawnanastasio")
  580. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  581. )
  582. (person
  583. (name "Cleverking2003")
  584. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  585. )
  586. (person
  587. (name "PT400C")
  588. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  589. )
  590. (person
  591. (name "Alexander Wilms")
  592. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  593. )
  594. (person
  595. (name "Erratic-C-Programmer")
  596. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  597. )
  598. (person
  599. (name "Andre \"C4INAN\" Pinheiro")
  600. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  601. )
  602. (person
  603. (name "comradekingu")
  604. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  605. )
  606. (person
  607. (name "Clint Moyer")
  608. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  609. )
  610. (person
  611. (name "Frost3424")
  612. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  613. )
  614. (person
  615. (name "Vankata453")
  616. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  617. )
  618. (person
  619. (name "Lennard Hofmann")
  620. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  621. )
  622. (person
  623. (name "Linus Probert")
  624. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  625. )
  626. (person
  627. (name "Namhyeon Go")
  628. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  629. )
  630. (person
  631. (name "Maxim Bernard")
  632. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  633. )
  634. (person
  635. (name "RamiSlicer")
  636. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  637. )
  638. (person
  639. (name "Raoul1808")
  640. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  641. )
  642. (person
  643. (name "Omer I.S.")
  644. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  645. )
  646. (person
  647. (name "Sean Yeh")
  648. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  649. )
  650. (person
  651. (name "Reiner Herrmann")
  652. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  653. )
  654. (person
  655. (name "Wuzzy")
  656. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  657. )
  658. (person
  659. (name "bar (bruhmoent)")
  660. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  661. )
  662. (person
  663. (name "Jiří Paleček")
  664. (info (_ "Contributions"))
  665. )
  666. (blank)
  667. (blank)
  668. (text
  669. (type "heading")
  670. (string (_ "Localization"))
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  672. (blank)
  673. (text
  674. (type "reference")
  675. (string "Afrikaans")
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  677. (person
  678. (name "Martin van Zijl")
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  680. (blank)
  681. (text
  682. (type "reference")
  683. (string "Albanian")
  684. )
  685. (person
  686. (name "Indrit Bashkimi")
  687. )
  688. (blank)
  689. (text
  690. (type "reference")
  691. (string "Arabic")
  692. )
  693. (person
  694. (name "Fahad Al-Saidi, Israa Zamzami")
  695. )
  696. (blank)
  697. (text
  698. (type "reference")
  699. (string "Armenian")
  700. )
  701. (person
  702. (name "Grant Davtjan")
  703. )
  704. (blank)
  705. (text
  706. (type "reference")
  707. (string "Asturian (Spain)")
  708. )
  709. (person
  710. (name "Tornes Ḷḷume")
  711. )
  712. (blank)
  713. (text
  714. (type "reference")
  715. (string "Azerbaijani")
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  717. (person
  718. (name "yakup")
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  720. (blank)
  721. (text
  722. (type "reference")
  723. (string "Basque")
  724. )
  725. (person
  726. (name "Bingen Galartza Iparragirre, Mielanjel Iraeta, Urtzi Odriozola")
  727. )
  728. (blank)
  729. (text
  730. (type "reference")
  731. (string "Belarusian")
  732. )
  733. (person
  734. (name "se luxxy, Mihas \"meequz\" Varantsou")
  735. )
  736. (blank)
  737. (text
  738. (type "reference")
  739. (string "Breton")
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  741. (person
  742. (name "Gwenn Meynier, Irriep Nala Novram")
  743. )
  744. (blank)
  745. (text
  746. (type "reference")
  747. (string "Bulgarian")
  748. )
  749. (person
  750. (name "Tony Ivanov, G Vassilev, Lyubomir Vasilev")
  751. )
  752. (blank)
  753. (text
  754. (type "reference")
  755. (string "Catalan")
  756. )
  757. (person
  758. (name "Martí Bosc, Catalanoic, Marc Celeiro, Yael Codesal, Francesc Famadas,")
  759. )
  760. (person
  761. (name "Alícia Folgarona, Jordi Mas, Ariadna Pascual, Antoni Villalonga")
  762. )
  763. (blank)
  764. (text
  765. (type "reference")
  766. (string "Chinese (Simplified)")
  767. )
  768. (person
  769. (name "Liu Sizhuang, Franklin Weng, 玉堂白鹤")
  770. )
  771. (blank)
  772. (text
  773. (type "reference")
  774. (string "Chinese (Mandarin)")
  775. )
  776. (person
  777. (name "bluebat, CodingJellyfish, cges30901, Wei-Lun Chao, Zhao Wei Lun, James Ou, Franklin Weng")
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  779. (blank)
  780. (text
  781. (type "reference")
  782. (string "Chinese (Taiwan)")
  783. )
  784. (person
  785. (name "黃柏諺, James Ou, Hsiu-Ming Chang, cges30901, Jeff Huang, V字龍(Vdragon), Franklin Weng")
  786. )
  787. (blank)
  788. (text
  789. (type "reference")
  790. (string "Croatian")
  791. )
  792. (person
  793. (name "Ilija Ćulap")
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  795. (blank)
  796. (text
  797. (type "reference")
  798. (string "Czech")
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  800. (person
  801. (name "fri, Matouš Dřízhal, Ondřej Hošek, Hume, Jiří Paleček, Jakub Vaněk")
  802. )
  803. (blank)
  804. (text
  805. (type "reference")
  806. (string "Danish")
  807. )
  808. (person
  809. (name "Anders, Joe Hansen, jonaskoelker")
  810. )
  811. (blank)
  812. (text
  813. (type "reference")
  814. (string "Dutch")
  815. )
  816. (person
  817. (name "Anne, Pieter De Decker, Toon van Gerwen, Dennis Holierhoek,")
  818. )
  819. (person
  820. (name "Mar, Heimen Stoffels, Bert Van de Poel, Frank van der Loo")
  821. )
  822. (blank)
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  828. (name "Rubén Leal Coba, Benjamin Leduc, KalipoWars, Frist Lsat,"))
  829. (person
  830. (name "Verdulo :-), Любомир Василев, Rachel Singh, Robin van der Vliet, tellovishous, vpzomtrrfrt"))
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  845. (name "Jaakoppi Horila, Lapamiko, Oi Suomi On!, Lauri \"xet7\" Ojansivu,")
  846. )
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  848. (name "Jan Solanti, Saku Tiihonen, tingberg, Yaniel")
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  850. (blank)
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  852. (type "reference")
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  856. (name "Amaury Doaré, Anonymouse, Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni,")
  857. )
  858. (person
  859. (name "Benjamin Bertrand, Thomas Bigot, Laurent Brousse, David D,")
  860. )
  861. (person
  862. (name "Bertrand Delaitre, Antoine Dumondel, Raphaël Desprez-Le Goarant, Groog,"))
  863. (person
  864. (name "Inperpetuammemoriam, Jean-Philippe L'Étoile, Simon Le Guével,"))
  865. (person
  866. (name "Benjamin Leduc, Céline Marmin, Lucas Mascaro, MCMic, mol1,")
  867. )
  868. (person
  869. (name "Nexus nexus, Irriep Nala Novram, Léo Poughon, Nathanael Ready,")
  870. )
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  872. (name "Frederic Rodrigo, Semphris, Sylvain St-Amand, zecas \"zezinho\""))
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  887. (name "Pablo Rodriguez, xanvieiro")
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  895. (name "Anonymouse, Ettore Atalan, Matthias Braun, Florian Forster,")
  896. )
  897. (person
  898. (name "Inperpetuammemoriam, Marcel Haring, Ondřej Hošek, M&m, Moritz Hofmann,")
  899. )
  900. (person
  901. (name "Tobias Markus, millimarg, Marten S., Christoph Sommer,"))
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  910. (person
  911. (name "Wasilis Mandratzis-Walz, Vangelis Nomikos, Marinus Savoritias,")
  912. )
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  914. (name "Vangelis Skarmoutsos, SomeRandomUser"))
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  924. (name "Yevgney Sliosarenko, Yevgeny, Omeritzics"))
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  931. (name "Andy1210, Baráth Béla, Levente Krisztián Büte, Tibor Buzási, Galp Flark,")
  932. )
  933. (person
  934. (name " Krisztián Gyurász, gyeben, Kristóf Kófiás, Norbert Molnár,")
  935. )
  936. (person
  937. (name "Balázs Podolcsák, D. J. S., symvizan, Haba Tamás, Balázs Úr, Kővágó Zoltán")
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  941. (type "reference")
  942. (string "Indonesian")
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  945. (name "Christian Elbrianno Yoga")
  946. )
  947. (blank)
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  949. (type "reference")
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  951. )
  952. (person
  953. (name "Am1g0, Angela, Bananasoft, Paride Barison, William Beltrán,")
  954. )
  955. (person
  956. (name "Marcello Bolognesi, Simone Centonze, Gianfranco Del Borrello,")
  957. )
  958. (person
  959. (name "Enrico, Benedetto Gregorio, Sebastiano Guerrini, Iknos,")
  960. )
  961. (person
  962. (name "Manuela Kessler, Riccardo Di Maio, Irene Di Rosa,")
  963. )
  964. (person
  965. (name "Airina Santonocito, Seb47TV, Ioma Taani"))
  966. (blank)
  967. (text
  968. (type "reference")
  969. (string "Japanese")
  970. )
  971. (person
  972. (name "あわしろいくや, 堀 風羽, Ubuntu Jackson, Sugahara Masayuki, Nakano Ryo, Sumita \"tako44\" Sanshiro")
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  976. (type "reference")
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  980. (name "Roland Kim, Myeongjin")
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  984. (type "reference")
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  988. (name "Alisa P")
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  990. (blank)
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  992. (type "reference")
  993. (string "Lithuanian")
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  995. (person
  996. (name "Deividas Tvarijonas, Mantas Kriaučiūnas, Andrius Štikonas, Tom Urisk")
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  1004. (name "Wuzzy")
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  1006. (blank)
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  1008. (type "reference")
  1009. (string "Low German")
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  1011. (person
  1012. (name "Benedikt Straub")
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  1014. (blank)
  1015. (text
  1016. (type "reference")
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  1018. )
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  1020. (name "abuyop")
  1021. )
  1022. (blank)
  1023. (text
  1024. (type "reference")
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  1027. (person
  1028. (name "Adharsh 01, Adithyan S S, Balasankar C")
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  1032. (type "reference")
  1033. (string "Nepali")
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  1035. (person
  1036. (name "Shalil Awaley, Manish Dangol, Prabin Gautam, Bansaj Pradhan,")
  1037. )
  1038. (person
  1039. (name "rajansilwal, sailendrafsf"))
  1040. (blank)
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  1042. (type "reference")
  1043. (string "Norwegian Bokmål")
  1044. )
  1045. (person
  1046. (name "comradekingu, Karl Ove Hufthammer, Allan Nordhøy")
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  1048. (blank)
  1049. (text
  1050. (type "reference")
  1051. (string "Norwegian Nynorsk")
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  1054. (name "Karl Ove Hufthammer")
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  1058. (type "reference")
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  1062. (name "Arkadiusz Chojnicki, Seba D., Łukasz Hryniuk, Dominik Klementowski, Marcin Kocur, Simon Kornowski,")
  1063. )
  1064. (person
  1065. (name "Marcin Kralka, MarPiRK, mkkot, Rob PlayZ, Marcin S, Krzysiek Szeląg, Paweł Talar, Zwatotem")
  1066. )
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  1069. (type "reference")
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  1072. (person
  1073. (name "Fúlvio Alves, Gabriel Arruda, Marcelo Bitencourt, Melo Everton,")
  1074. )
  1075. (person
  1076. (name "Thiago Corbari Feldhaus (Ninja Apps), Daniela Ferraz, Victor Gonçalves,")
  1077. )
  1078. (person
  1079. (name "Joel Gil Leon, MDK3, Jonatas L. Nogueira \"Jesusaves\","))
  1080. (person
  1081. (name "Krishnamurti Lelis Lima Vieira Nunes, Filipe Oliveira,")
  1082. )
  1083. (person
  1084. (name "Marcelo Paez, Rodrigo Piñero, Herval Ribeiro, Rui, Caio César Tavares"))
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  1087. (type "reference")
  1088. (string "Portuguese (European)")
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  1091. (name "BlaCoiso, Hugo Carvalho, Ricardo Cruz, Daniela Ferraz,")
  1092. )
  1093. (person
  1094. (name "Jose Jorge, Sérgio Lopes, Sérgio Marques, André Pinheiro, Rui, zecas")
  1095. )
  1096. (blank)
  1097. (text
  1098. (type "reference")
  1099. (string "Romanian")
  1100. )
  1101. (person
  1102. (name "Nicolae Crefelean, Razvan Dajboc, Anca Moșescu")
  1103. )
  1104. (blank)
  1105. (text
  1106. (type "reference")
  1107. (string "Russian")
  1108. )
  1109. (person
  1110. (name "Dmitry \"starwars32\" Anikonov, Constantin Baranov,")
  1111. )
  1112. (person
  1113. (name "Kirill Kapralov, Artem Krosheninnikov, se luxxy, Евгений малянов,")
  1114. )
  1115. (person
  1116. (name "melikamp, Evgeny Satanovsky, Savsish, Simple88, Andrei Stepanov,"))
  1117. (person
  1118. (name "Svetlana Tkachenko, Translator TRA, Deividas Tvarijonas, Roman M. Yagodin")
  1119. )
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  1122. (type "reference")
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  1125. (person
  1126. (name "Alert Aleksandar, Mladen Pejaković, Slobodan Simić, Sinisa, X X")
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  1134. (name "Roman 'Kaktuxista' Benji, DusXMT, MiroslavR, Jose Riha")
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  1138. (type "reference")
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  1142. (name "Marko Burjek, Gorzy Gorup, Andrej Mernik, Nwolfy")
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  1146. (type "reference")
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  1150. (name "alexlikerock, Francisco B.G., William Beltrán,")
  1151. )
  1152. (person
  1153. (name "Jacob Burroughs, G BR, Fernando Carmona, Tam Ezquerra, Franchulo,")
  1154. )
  1155. (person
  1156. (name "Germana, Kory Giles, juanda097, Joel Gil Leon, Pedro Montaño, Diego J. Romero López,"))
  1157. (person
  1158. (name "Rami Slicer, Swyter, Josep Tomàs, Alejandro Torres, Juan José Trujillo")
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  1162. (type "reference")
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  1166. (name "Salomón Duarte, Alejo Fernandez")
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  1170. (type "reference")
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  1173. (person
  1174. (name "Javier Beaumont, Sergio López Briñas, Fernando Carmona")
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  1178. (type "reference")
  1179. (string "Swedish")
  1180. )
  1181. (person
  1182. (name "Kristoffer Grundström, Simon Kornowski, Anders Jonsson,")
  1183. )
  1184. (person
  1185. (name "Arvid Norlander, Sebastian Rasmussen, theschitz"))
  1186. (blank)
  1187. (text
  1188. (type "reference")
  1189. (string "Tatar")
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  1191. (person
  1192. (name "Bulat Ibrahim, Timur Seber")
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  1194. (blank)
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  1196. (type "reference")
  1197. (string "Turkish")
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  1199. (person
  1200. (name "Big Brother, Erdy, faradundamarti, Alkım Kaçmaz, meczup, Mahmut Özcan,")
  1201. )
  1202. (person
  1203. (name "Emre Özkartal, Yusuf Özsoy, root, Sarper S, Utku Tönel, yakup")
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  1207. (type "reference")
  1208. (string "Ukrainian")
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  1210. (person
  1211. (name "Eugene Loza, Max Lyashuk, Olexandr Nesterenko, Arvid Norlander, Ievgen Tkach, Eugen Uvin")
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  1213. (blank)
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  1215. (type "reference")
  1216. (string "Uzbek")
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  1218. (person
  1219. (name "Umidjon Almasov")
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  1221. (blank)
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  1223. (type "reference")
  1224. (string "Vietnamese")
  1225. )
  1226. (person
  1227. (name "Phan Anh, Trong Dzang, nguyen vui")
  1228. )
  1229. (blank)
  1230. (blank)
  1231. (text
  1232. (type "heading")
  1233. (string (_ " Special Thanks to"))
  1234. )
  1235. (blank)
  1236. (person
  1237. (name "Larry Ewing")
  1238. (info (_ "Creator of Tux, the Linux penguin"))
  1239. )
  1240. (blank)
  1241. (person
  1242. (name (_ "SDL, OpenAL and OpenGL"))
  1243. (info (_ "For making such a great gaming experience
  1244. possible on Linux"))
  1245. )
  1246. (blank)
  1247. (person
  1248. (name (_ "and you, the player"))
  1249. (info (_ "for giving this game a chance and playing it"))
  1250. )
  1251. (blank)
  1252. (blank)
  1253. (text
  1254. (type "heading")
  1255. (string (_ "Contact"))
  1256. )
  1257. (blank)
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  1259. (type "normal")
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  1263. (type "reference")
  1264. (string "")
  1265. )
  1266. (blank)
  1267. (text
  1268. (type "normal")
  1269. (string (_ "Or visit us directly at IRC:"))
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  1271. (text
  1272. (type "reference")
  1273. (string (_ "#supertux at"))
  1274. )
  1275. (blank)
  1276. (text
  1277. (type "normal")
  1278. (string (_ "Or at our Forum:"))
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  1280. (text
  1281. (type "reference")
  1282. (string "")
  1283. )
  1284. (blank)
  1285. (text
  1286. (type "normal")
  1287. (string (_ "Comments, ideas and suggestions"))
  1288. )
  1289. (text
  1290. (type "normal")
  1291. (string (_ "go to our mailing list"))
  1292. )
  1293. (text
  1294. (type "reference")
  1295. (string "")
  1296. )
  1297. (blank)
  1298. (text
  1299. (type "normal")
  1300. ; l10n: typo contact
  1301. (string (_ "Typographical errors can be"))
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  1305. ; l10n: typo contact
  1306. (string (_ "reported to"))
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  1309. (type "reference")
  1310. ; l10n: typo contact, see <>
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  1312. )
  1313. (blank)
  1314. (blank)
  1315. (blank)
  1316. (text
  1317. (type "heading")
  1318. (string (_ "Want to help…"))
  1319. )
  1320. (blank)
  1321. (text
  1322. (type "normal")
  1323. (string (_ "…with localization?"))
  1324. )
  1325. (text
  1326. (type "reference")
  1327. (string "")
  1328. )
  1329. (blank)
  1330. (blank)
  1331. (text
  1332. (type "normal")
  1333. (string (_ "…with something else?"))
  1334. )
  1335. (text
  1336. (type "reference")
  1337. (string "")
  1338. )
  1339. (blank)
  1340. (blank)
  1341. (blank)
  1342. (text
  1343. (type "normal")
  1344. (string (_ "Thank you for"))
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  1359. )
  1360. (blank)
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