123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324 |
- .. _stdlib_stdstringlib:
- ==================
- The String library
- ==================
- the string lib implements string formatting and regular expression matching routines.
- --------------
- Squirrel API
- --------------
- ++++++++++++++
- Global Symbols
- ++++++++++++++
- .. js:function:: endswith(str, cmp)
- returns `true` if the end of the string `str` matches a the string `cmp` otherwise returns `false`
- .. js:function:: escape(str)
- Returns a string with backslashes before characters that need to be escaped(`\",\a,\b,\t,\n,\v,\f,\r,\\,\",\',\0,\xnn`).
- .. js:function:: format(formatstr, ...)
- Returns a string formatted according `formatstr` and the optional parameters following it.
- The format string follows the same rules as the `printf` family of
- standard C functions( the "*" is not supported). ::
- e.g.
- sq> print(format("%s %d 0x%02X\n","this is a test :",123,10));
- this is a test : 123 0x0A
- .. js:function:: printf(formatstr, ...)
- Just like calling `print(format(formatstr` as in the example above, but is more convenient AND more efficient. ::
- e.g.
- sq> printf("%s %d 0x%02X\n","this is a test :",123,10);
- this is a test : 123 0x0A
- .. js:function:: lstrip(str)
- Strips white-space-only characters that might appear at the beginning of the given string
- and returns the new stripped string.
- .. js:function:: rstrip(str)
- Strips white-space-only characters that might appear at the end of the given string
- and returns the new stripped string.
- .. js:function:: split(str, separators [, skipempty])
- returns an array of strings split at each point where a separator character occurs in `str`.
- The separator is not returned as part of any array element.
- The parameter `separators` is a string that specifies the characters as to be used for the splitting.
- The parameter `skipempty` is a boolean (default false). If `skipempty` is true, empty strings are not added to array.
- ::
- eg.
- local a = split("1.2-3;;4/5",".-/;");
- // the result will be [1,2,3,,4,5]
- or
- local b = split("1.2-3;;4/5",".-/;",true);
- // the result will be [1,2,3,4,5]
- .. js:function:: startswith(str, cmp)
- returns `true` if the beginning of the string `str` matches the string `cmp`; otherwise returns `false`
- .. js:function:: strip(str)
- Strips white-space-only characters that might appear at the beginning or end of the given string and returns the new stripped string.
- ++++++++++++++++++
- The regexp class
- ++++++++++++++++++
- .. js:class:: regexp(pattern)
- The regexp object represents a precompiled regular expression pattern. The object is created
- through `regexp(pattern)`.
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\` | Quote the next metacharacter |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `^` | Match the beginning of the string |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `.` | Match any character |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `$` | Match the end of the string |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `|` | Alternation |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `(subexp)` | Grouping (creates a capture) |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `(?:subexp)` | No Capture Grouping (no capture) |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `[]` | Character class |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- +---------------------+---------------------------------------------+
- | `*` | Match 0 or more times |
- +---------------------+---------------------------------------------+
- | `+` | Match 1 or more times |
- +---------------------+---------------------------------------------+
- | `?` | Match 1 or 0 times |
- +---------------------+---------------------------------------------+
- | `{n}` | Match exactly n times |
- +---------------------+---------------------------------------------+
- | `{n,}` | Match at least n times |
- +---------------------+---------------------------------------------+
- | `{n,m}` | Match at least n but not more than m times |
- +---------------------+---------------------------------------------+
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\t` | tab (HT, TAB) |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\n` | newline (LF, NL) |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\r` | return (CR) |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\f` | form feed (FF) |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\l` | lowercase next char |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\u` | uppercase next char |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\a` | letters |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\A` | non letters |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\w` | alphanumeric `[_0-9a-zA-Z]` |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\W` | non alphanumeric `[^_0-9a-zA-Z]` |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\s` | space |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\S` | non space |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\d` | digits |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\D` | non digits |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\x` | hexadecimal digits |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\X` | non hexadecimal digits |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\c` | control characters |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\C` | non control characters |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\p` | punctuation |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\P` | non punctuation |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\b` | word boundary |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- | `\\B` | non word boundary |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
- .. js:function:: regexp.capture(str [, start])
- returns an array of tables containing two indexes ("begin" and "end") of
- the first match of the regular expression in the string `str`.
- An array entry is created for each captured sub expressions. If no match occurs returns null.
- The search starts from the index `start`
- of the string; if `start` is omitted the search starts from the beginning of the string.
- The first element of the returned array(index 0) always contains the complete match.
- ::
- local ex = regexp(@"(\d+) ([a-zA-Z]+)(\p)");
- local string = "stuff 123 Test;";
- local res = ex.capture(string);
- foreach(i,val in res)
- {
- print(format("match number[%02d] %s\n",
- i,string.slice(val.begin,val.end))); //prints "Test"
- }
- ...
- will print
- match number[00] 123 Test;
- match number[01] 123
- match number[02] Test
- match number[03] ;
- .. js:function:: regexp.match(str)
- returns a true if the regular expression matches the string
- `str`, otherwise returns false.
- .. js:function:: regexp.search(str [, start])
- returns a table containing two indexes ("begin" and "end") of the first match of the regular expression in
- the string `str`, otherwise if no match occurs returns null. The search starts from the index `start`
- of the string; if `start` is omitted the search starts from the beginning of the string.
- ::
- local ex = regexp("[a-zA-Z]+");
- local string = "123 Test;";
- local res = ex.search(string);
- print(string.slice(res.begin,res.end)); //prints "Test"
- -------------
- -------------
- .. _sqstd_register_stringlib:
- .. c:function:: SQRESULT sqstd_register_stringlib(HSQUIRRELVM v)
- :param HSQUIRRELVM v: the target VM
- :returns: an SQRESULT
- :remarks: The function aspects a table on top of the stack where to register the global library functions.
- initialize and register the string library in the given VM.
- +++++++++++++
- Formatting
- +++++++++++++
- .. c:function:: SQRESULT sqstd_format(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQInteger nformatstringidx, SQInteger * outlen, SQChar ** output)
- :param HSQUIRRELVM v: the target VM
- :param SQInteger nformatstringidx: index in the stack of the format string
- :param SQInteger * outlen: a pointer to an integer that will be filled with the length of the newly created string
- :param SQChar ** output: a pointer to a string pointer that will receive the newly created string
- :returns: an SQRESULT
- :remarks: the newly created string is allocated in the scratchpad memory.
- creates a new string formatted according to the object at position `nformatstringidx` and the optional parameters following it.
- The format string follows the same rules as the `printf` family of
- standard C functions( the "*" is not supported).
- ++++++++++++++++++
- Regular Expessions
- ++++++++++++++++++
- .. c:function:: SQRex* sqstd_rex_compile(const SQChar * pattern, const SQChar ** error)
- :param SQChar * pattern: a pointer to a zero terminated string containing the pattern that has to be compiled.
- :param SQChar ** error: a pointer to a string pointer that will be set with an error string in case of failure.
- :returns: a pointer to the compiled pattern
- compiles an expression and returns a pointer to the compiled version.
- in case of failure returns NULL.The returned object has to be deleted
- through the function sqstd_rex_free().
- .. c:function:: void sqstd_rex_free(SQRex * exp)
- :param SQRex * exp: the expression structure that has to be deleted.
- deletes a expression structure created with sqstd_rex_compile()
- .. c:function:: SQBool sqstd_rex_match(SQRex * exp,const SQChar * text)
- :param SQRex * exp: a compiled expression
- :param SQChar * text: the string that has to be tested
- :returns: SQTrue if successful otherwise SQFalse
- returns SQTrue if the string specified in the parameter text is an
- exact match of the expression, otherwise returns SQFalse.
- .. c:function:: SQBool sqstd_rex_search(SQRex * exp, const SQChar * text, const SQChar ** out_begin, const SQChar ** out_end)
- :param SQRex * exp: a compiled expression
- :param SQChar * text: the string that has to be tested
- :param SQChar ** out_begin: a pointer to a string pointer that will be set with the beginning of the match
- :param SQChar ** out_end: a pointer to a string pointer that will be set with the end of the match
- :returns: SQTrue if successful otherwise SQFalse
- searches the first match of the expression in the string specified in the parameter text.
- if the match is found returns SQTrue and the sets out_begin to the beginning of the
- match and out_end at the end of the match; otherwise returns SQFalse.
- .. c:function:: SQBool sqstd_rex_searchrange(SQRex * exp, const SQChar * text_begin, const SQChar * text_end, const SQChar ** out_begin, const SQChar ** out_end)
- :param SQRex * exp: a compiled expression
- :param SQChar * text_begin: a pointer to the beginnning of the string that has to be tested
- :param SQChar * text_end: a pointer to the end of the string that has to be tested
- :param SQChar ** out_begin: a pointer to a string pointer that will be set with the beginning of the match
- :param SQChar ** out_end: a pointer to a string pointer that will be set with the end of the match
- :returns: SQTrue if successful otherwise SQFalse
- searches the first match of the expression in the string delimited
- by the parameter text_begin and text_end.
- if the match is found returns SQTrue and sets out_begin to the beginning of the
- match and out_end at the end of the match; otherwise returns SQFalse.
- .. c:function:: SQInteger sqstd_rex_getsubexpcount(SQRex * exp)
- :param SQRex * exp: a compiled expression
- :returns: the number of sub expressions matched by the expression
- returns the number of sub expressions matched by the expression
- .. c:function:: SQBool sqstd_rex_getsubexp(SQRex * exp, SQInteger n, SQRexMatch * subexp)
- :param SQRex * exp: a compiled expression
- :param SQInteger n: the index of the submatch(0 is the complete match)
- :param SQRexMatch * a: pointer to structure that will store the result
- :returns: the function returns SQTrue if n is a valid index; otherwise SQFalse.
- retrieve the begin and and pointer to the length of the sub expression indexed
- by n. The result is passed through the struct SQRexMatch.