setup.cfg 1.8 KB

  1. [metadata]
  2. name = flexlay
  3. version = 0.2.0
  4. description = "A Generic 2D Game Editor"
  5. long_description = file:
  6. license = GPLv3+
  7. author = "Ingo Ruhnke"
  8. author_email = ""
  9. url =
  10. [options]
  11. packages = find:
  12. [options.entry_points]
  13. gui_scripts =
  14. supertux-editor = supertux.supertux:main
  15. supertux-texteditor = supertux.text_editor.cmd_supertux_textedit:main
  16. [flake8]
  17. max-line-length = 120
  18. [mypy]
  19. plugins = numpy.typing.mypy_plugin
  20. strict = True
  21. check_untyped_defs = True
  22. disallow_untyped_defs = True
  23. warn_return_any = True
  24. warn_unreachable = True
  25. warn_unused_configs = True
  26. warn_unused_ignores = False
  27. # must be False, see
  28. disallow_untyped_calls = False
  29. # triggered by QObject
  30. disallow_subclassing_any = False
  31. # Can't use this due to mypy/pyright having different ideas about cast()
  32. warn_redundant_casts = False
  33. [mypy-flexlay.wip.*]
  34. ignore_errors = True
  35. [pylint]
  36. extension-pkg-whitelist = PyQt5
  37. disable =
  38. broad-except,
  39. consider-using-f-string,
  40. consider-using-in,
  41. duplicate-code,
  42. fixme,
  43. import-outside-toplevel,
  44. invalid-name,
  45. logging-format-interpolation,
  46. logging-fstring-interpolation,
  47. missing-class-docstring,
  48. missing-function-docstring,
  49. missing-module-docstring,
  50. no-else-return,
  51. no-self-use,
  52. protected-access,
  53. superfluous-parens,
  54. too-few-public-methods,
  55. too-many-arguments,
  56. too-many-branches,
  57. too-many-instance-attributes,
  58. too-many-locals,
  59. too-many-public-methods,
  60. too-many-return-statements,
  61. too-many-statements,
  62. unnecessary-lambda,
  63. unspecified-encoding,
  64. unused-argument,
  65. unused-variable,
  66. using-constant-test,
  67. too-many-nested-blocks,
  68. use-implicit-booleaness-not-comparison,
  69. consider-using-from-import,
  70. useless-super-delegation,
  71. consider-iterating-dictionary,
  72. [pylint.FORMAT]
  73. max-line-length = 120
  74. # EOF #