1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829 |
- This document must be used as reference. Please consult
- /usr/share/doc/ja-ipafonts-[version]/license-ipafonts.eucjp.gz.
- --
- Terms of redistribution of IPA (Information-technology Promotion Agency,
- Japan) fonts
- "GRASS Japan web site" (http://www.grass-japan.org/FOSS4G/) administrator
- Orkney Inc., Japan
- Redistribution of IPA fonts (hereinafter referred to as the "fonts"),
- which is delivered or distributed by "GRASS Japan web site"
- (http://www.grass-japan.org/FOSS4G/) administrator and Orkney Inc.,
- provided as a part of GRASS GIS / MapServer / PostGIS (hereinafter
- referred to as the "software"), achievements of "Open Source GIS Platform
- Development" (Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan, Open
- Software Utilization Infrastructure Improvement Program, 2003) is
- permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- 1) Redistribution of Fonts is allowed only when users bundle the fonts
- to redistributed software and attach this document.
- 2) When redistributing, users must express that the fonts being
- redistributed is IPA fonts clearly.
- 3) 1) and 2) also apply to modified IPA fonts or derivatives.
- 4) "GRASS Japan web site" administrator, Orkney Inc., and
- Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan are not liable for
- any problem caused by the fonts.