cadsoft 1.1 KB

  1. Freeware License
  2. The "Freeware" version of EAGLE Light is limited to "non-profit" or
  3. evaluation use. By "non-profit" we mean that as soon as you earn money
  4. by using EAGLE, you have to register it! This allows anybody who wishes
  5. to use EAGLE Light for their private hobby projects to do so. Also students
  6. can use this version for any educational projects. It is even ok to use this
  7. version in a commercial environment as long as you just want to evaluate the
  8. program. As soon as you start using it for commercial projects, you will
  9. have to register it.
  10. This particular license is valid without a printed "User License Certificate".
  11. For more details please see "".
  12. The Freeware version of EAGLE Light is copyright protected software,
  13. © 2006 CadSoft Computer GmbH, all rights reserved worldwide.
  14. No part of the executable files that come with EAGLE nor the freeware.key
  15. file that implements the Freeware license may be altered in any way.
  16. CadSoft reserves the right to decide whether to continue this Freeware
  17. program with the future versions of EAGLE.