translations.xml 709 B

  1. <?xml version="1.0" ?>
  2. <INARY>
  3. <Source>
  4. <Name>cinnamon-desktop</Name>
  5. <Summary xml:lan="en">The cinnamon-desktop package contains an internal library (libcinnamondesktop) used to implement some portions of the CINNAMON desktop</Summary>
  6. <Description xml:lan="en">The cinnamon-desktop package contains an internal library (libcinnamondesktop) used to implement some portions of the CINNAMON desktop, and also some data files and other shared components of the CINNAMON user environment.</Description>
  7. </Source>
  8. <Package>
  9. <Name>cinnamon-desktop-devel</Name>
  10. <Summary xml:lan="tr">cinnamon-desktop için geliştirm dosyaları</Summary>
  11. </Package>
  12. </INARY>