123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #
- # Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3.
- # See the file http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
- from inary.actionsapi import get
- from inary.actionsapi import autotools
- from inary.actionsapi import inarytools
- from inary.actionsapi import shelltools
- def setup():
- inarytools.cflags.add("-fPIC", "-D_GNU_SOURCE")
- shelltools.copytree("%s/dhcp" % get.workDIR(), "pppd/plugins")
- inarytools.dosed("pppd/plugins/dhcp/Makefile.linux", "^(CFLAGS=.+)\s-O2", "\\1 %s" % get.CFLAGS())
- # Enable atm
- inarytools.dosed("pppd/Makefile.linux", "^#(HAVE_LIBATM=yes)", "\\1")
- # Enable pam
- inarytools.dosed("pppd/Makefile.linux", "^#(USE_PAM=y)", "\\1")
- # Enable CBCP
- inarytools.dosed("pppd/Makefile.linux", "^#(CBCP=y)", "\\1")
- # Enable IPv6
- inarytools.dosed("pppd/Makefile.linux", "^#(HAVE_INET6)", "\\1")
- # Enable dhcp
- inarytools.dosed("pppd/plugins/Makefile.linux", "^(SUBDIRS\s:=.+)", "\\1 dhcp")
- autotools.configure()
- def build():
- autotools.make()
- def install():
- # The build mechanism is crap. Don't remove \/usr from DESTDIR or else the paths will fail
- autotools.rawInstall("DESTDIR=%s/usr INSTROOT=%s install-etcppp" % ((get.installDIR(),)*2))
- # No suid libraries
- shelltools.chmod("%s/usr/lib/pppd/%s/*.so" % (get.installDIR(),get.srcVERSION()), 0o755)
- # Install Radius config files
- inarytools.insinto("/etc/radiusclient", "pppd/plugins/radius/etc/*")
- # Create peers directory
- inarytools.dodir("/run/ppp")
- inarytools.dodir("/etc/ppp/peers")
- inarytools.dodoc("Changes*", "README*", "FAQ")