1.9 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  3. #
  4. # Copyright (C) 2018 Süleyman POYRAZ (Zaryob)
  5. # Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.
  6. # See the file
  7. from inary.actionsapi import shelltools
  8. from inary.actionsapi import autotools
  9. from inary.actionsapi import inarytools
  10. from inary.actionsapi import get
  11. def setup():
  12. #autotools.autoreconf("-fi")
  13. autotools.configure("--without-webkit \
  14. --disable-gtk-doc \
  15. --disable-altivec \
  16. --disable-alsatest \
  17. --enable-python \
  18. --enable-default-binary \
  19. --enable-mmx \
  20. --enable-sse \
  21. --enable-mp \
  22. --with-linux-input \
  23. --with-poppler \
  24. --with-libjpeg \
  25. --with-libexif \
  26. --with-librsvg \
  27. --with-libtiff \
  28. --with-libmng \
  29. --with-libpng \
  30. --disable-python \
  31. --with-webkit \
  32. --with-lcms \
  33. --with-alsa \
  34. --with-dbus \
  35. --with-aa \
  36. --with-x")
  37. # Add illustrator and other mime types
  38. inarytools.dosed("desktop/", "^MimeType=application/postscript;application/pdf;(.*)$",
  39. "MimeType=\\1;image/x-sun-raster;image/x-gray;image/x-pcx;image/jpg;image/x-bmp;image/pjpeg;image/x-png;application/illustrator;")
  40. def build():
  41. autotools.make()
  42. def install():
  43. autotools.rawInstall("DESTDIR=%s" % get.installDIR())
  44. inarytools.dodoc("AUTHORS", "ChangeLog*", "HACKING", "NEWS", "README", "INSTALL", "LICENSE")