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  7. The NakedMud Tutorial :: Viewing Commands
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  11. <div class="head">Listing contents</div>
  12. <div class="info">
  13. Zones, and each content type has an associated list command, which will list
  14. all the keys for contents of that type in a zone, or zones themselves. For
  15. zones, mobiles, objects, rooms, and triggers, these commands are zlist, mlist,
  16. olist, rlist, and tlist, respectively. When listing zones, the list will display
  17. each zone's key, its name, who can edit it, and its reset timer. These
  18. variables will be discussed later. For now, it suffices to see an example:
  19. <pre class="mud">
  20. > <font class="cmd">zlist</font>
  21. Key Name Editors Timer
  22. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. admintools Administrative tools Alister -1
  24. examples The "proof of concept" zone Alister 1
  25. limbo The null zone -1
  26. loot generic magical items Alister -1
  27. moonhaven Alister's zone Alister -1
  28. templates game templates Alister -1
  29. </pre>
  30. The display for zone contents is slightly different. Contents will display the
  31. key name, other contents it inherits from, and whether it is is abstract (and
  32. thus cannot be instantiated, only inherited from). Inheritance and abstractness
  33. will be discussed later; NakedMud zone contents are loosely structured like
  34. classes in an object oriented programming language with multiple inheritance.
  35. For now, it suffices to see an example:
  36. <pre class="mud">
  37. > <font class="cmd">olist moonhaven</font>
  38. Key Parents Abstract
  39. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. duelist_guild_sign generic_obj@templates no
  41. duelist_statue generic_obj@templates no
  42. fire_pit generic_obj@templates no
  43. fire_shrine generic_obj@templates no
  44. julianna_token generic_obj@templates no
  45. mage_teleport_orb generic_obj@templates no
  46. rolling_pin generic_obj@templates no
  47. town_fountain generic_obj@templates no
  48. underground_lake generic_obj@templates no
  49. </pre>
  50. Contents from other zones can be listed, simply by specifying the appropriate
  51. zone key after the list command. If no zone key is specified, the currently
  52. occupied zone will be defaulted to. As always, the current zone is implicitly
  53. assumed for all key references, unless otherwise is explicitly specified.
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  63. <!--div class="footer">Edit Date: Nov 15, 2008. By Geoff Hollis</div-->
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