ar.json 9.9 KB

  1. {
  2. "directionality":"rtl",
  3. "languageName": "العربيّة",
  4. "loginUsername": "اسم المستخدم أو البريد الإلكترونيّ",
  5. "loginPassword": "كلمة المرور",
  6. "loginSignIn": "تسجيل الدخول",
  7. "loginRememberMe": "تذكّرني",
  8. "loginForgotPassword": "نسيت كلمة المرور؟",
  9. "notices": "تغريدات",
  10. "followers": "متابِعين",
  11. "following": "متابَعين",
  12. "groups": "جماعة",
  13. "compose": "اكتب تغريدة جديدة...",
  14. "queetVerb": "تغريد",
  15. "queetsNounPlural": "تغريدات",
  16. "logout": "تسجيل الخروج",
  17. "languageSelected": "اللغة:",
  18. "viewMyProfilePage": "عرض صفحة ملفي الشخصي",
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  20. "collapse": "إغلاق",
  21. "details": "التفاصيل",
  22. "expandFullConversation": "مشاهدة المحادثة",
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  26. "requeetedVerb": "مُعاد تغريدها",
  27. "favoritedVerb": "مُفضّلة",
  28. "replyTo": "أرسِل ردًا إلى",
  29. "requeetedBy": "{requeeted-by} مُعاد تغريدها بواسطة",
  30. "favoriteNoun": "مفضّلة",
  31. "favoritesNoun": "مفضّلة",
  32. "requeetNoun": "إعادة تغريد",
  33. "requeetsNoun": "إعادة تغريد",
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  35. "newQueets": "{new-notice-count} تغريدة جديدة",
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  37. "longmonthsFebruary": "فبراير",
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  41. "longmonthsJune": "يونيو",
  42. "longmonthsJuly": "يوليو",
  43. "longmonthsAugust": "أغسطس",
  44. "longmonthsSeptember": "سبتمبر",
  45. "longmonthsOctober": "أكتوبر",
  46. "longmonthsNovember": "نوفمبر",
  47. "longmonthsDecember": "ديسمبر",
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  49. "shortmonthsFebruary": "فبراير",
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  51. "shortmonthsApril": "أبريل",
  52. "shortmonthsMay": "مايو",
  53. "shortmonthsJune": "يونيو",
  54. "shortmonthsJuly": "يوليو",
  55. "shortmonthsAugust": "أغسطس",
  56. "shortmonthsSeptember": "سبتمبر",
  57. "shortmonthsOctober": "أكتوبر",
  58. "shortmonthsNovember": "نوفمبر",
  59. "shortmonthsDecember": "ديسمبر",
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  61. "time12pm": "{time} مساءً",
  62. "longDateFormat": "{time12} - {day} {month} {year}",
  63. "shortDateFormatSeconds": "{seconds} ث",
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  67. "shortDateFormatDateAndY": "{day} {month} {year}",
  68. "now": "الآن",
  69. "posting": "إرسال",
  70. "viewMoreInConvBefore": "→ عرض المزيد في المحادثة",
  71. "viewMoreInConvAfter": "عرض المزيد في المحادثة ←",
  72. "mentions": "الإشارات",
  73. "timeline": "تغريدات",
  74. "publicTimeline": "المسار الزمني العام",
  75. "publicAndExtTimeline": "کل شبكة كاملة",
  76. "searchVerb": "بحث",
  77. "deleteVerb": "حذف",
  78. "cancelVerb": "إلغاء",
  79. "deleteConfirmation": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذه التغريدة؟",
  80. "userExternalFollow": "تابِع",
  81. "userExternalFollowHelp": "رقم حسابك (على سبيل المثال",
  82. "userFollow": "تابِع",
  83. "userFollowing": "مُتابَع",
  84. "userUnfollow": "إلغاء المتابعة",
  85. "joinGroup": "الانضمام إلى المجموعة",
  86. "joinExternalGroup": "الانضمام إلى المجموعة",
  87. "isMemberOfGroup": "مغادرة المجموعة",
  88. "leaveGroup": "مغادرة المجموعة",
  89. "memberCount": "الأعضاء",
  90. "adminCount": "الإداريين",
  91. "settings": "الإعدادات",
  92. "saveChanges": "حفظ التغييرات",
  93. "linkColor": "لون الرابط",
  94. "backgroundColor": "لون الخلفيّة",
  95. "newToQuitter": "هل أنت جديد على ترك؟",
  96. "signUp": "سجّل الآن!",
  97. "signUpFullName": "الاسم الكامل",
  98. "signUpEmail": "البريد الإلكترونيّ",
  99. "signUpButtonText": "التسجيل في ترك",
  100. "welcomeHeading": "مرحبًا بك في ترك.",
  101. "welcomeText": "",
  102. "registerNickname": "اسم المستخدم",
  103. "registerHomepage": "موقع إلكتروني",
  104. "registerBio": "النبذة التعريفيّة",
  105. "registerLocation": "الموقع الجغرافي",
  106. "registerRepeatPassword": "تأكيد كلمة المرور",
  107. "moreSettings": "مزيد من الإعدادات",
  108. "otherServers": "",
  109. "editMyProfile": "تعديل الملف الشخصي",
  110. "notifications": "التنبيهات",
  111. "xFavedYourQueet": "بتفضيل تغريدتك",
  112. "xRepeatedYourQueet": "بإعادة تغريد",
  113. "xStartedFollowingYou": "بمتابعتك",
  114. "followsYou": "يُتابعك",
  115. "FAQ": "FAQ",
  116. "inviteAFriend": "دعوة أصدقائك!",
  117. "goToExternalProfile": "اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي الكامل",
  118. "cropAndSave": "قُص و احفظ.",
  119. "showTerms": "Read our Terms of Use",
  120. "ellipsisMore": "More",
  121. "blockUser": "Block",
  122. "goToOriginalNotice": "Go to original notice",
  123. "goToTheUsersRemoteProfile": "Go to the user's remote profile",
  124. "clickToDrag":"Click to drag",
  125. "keyboardShortcuts":"Keyboard shortcuts",
  126. "classicInterface":"Classic {site-title}",
  127. "accessibilityToggleLink":"For better accessibility, click this link to switch to the classic interface",
  128. "tooltipBookmarkStream":"Add this stream to your bookmarks",
  129. "tooltipTopMenu":"Menu and settings",
  130. "tooltipAttachImage":"Attach an image",
  131. "tooltipShortenUrls":"Shorten all URLs in the Queet",
  132. "tooltipReloadStream":"Refresh this stream",
  133. "tooltipRemoveBookmark":"Remove this bookmark",
  134. "clearHistory":"Clear browsing history",
  135. "ERRORsomethingWentWrong":"Something went wrong.",
  136. "ERRORmustBeLoggedIn":"You must be logged in to view this stream.",
  137. "ERRORcouldNotFindUserWithNickname":"Could not find a user with nickname \"{nickname}\" on this server",
  138. "ERRORcouldNotFindGroupWithNickname":"Could not find a group with nickname \"{nickname}\" on this server",
  139. "ERRORcouldNotFindPage":"Could not find that page.",
  140. "ERRORnoticeRemoved": "This notice has been removed.",
  141. "ERRORnoContactWithServer": "Can not establish a connection to the server. The server could be overloaded, or there might be a problem with your internet connecton. Please try again later!",
  142. "ERRORattachmentUploadFailed": "The upload failed. The format might be unsupported or the size too large.",
  143. "hideRepliesToPeopleIDoNotFollow":"Hide replies to people I don't follow",
  144. "markAllNotificationsAsSeen":"Mark all notifications as seen",
  145. "notifyRepliesAndMentions":"Mentions and replies",
  146. "notifyFavs":"Favorites",
  147. "notifyRepeats":"Requeets",
  148. "notifyFollows":"New followers",
  149. "timelineOptions":"Timeline options",
  150. "ERRORfailedSavingYourSetting":"Failed saving your setting",
  151. "ERRORfailedMarkingAllNotificationsAsRead":"Failed marking all notifications as seen.",
  152. "newNotification": "{new-notice-count} new notification",
  153. "newNotifications": "{new-notice-count} new notifications",
  154. "thisIsANoticeFromABlockedUser":"Warning: This is a notice from a user you have blocked. Click to show it.",
  155. "nicknamesListWithListName":"{nickname}’s list: {list-name}",
  156. "myListWithListName":"My list: {list-name}",
  157. "listMembers":"Members",
  158. "listSubscribers":"Subscribers",
  159. "ERRORcouldNotFindList":"There is no such list.",
  160. "emailAlreadyInUse":"Already in use",
  161. "addEditLanguageLink":"Help translate {site-title} to another language",
  162. "onlyPartlyTranslated":"{site-title} is only partly translated to <em>{language-name}</em> ({percent}%). You can help complete the translation at <a href=\"\">Qvitter's repository homepage</a>",
  163. "startRant":"Start a rant",
  164. "continueRant":"Continue the rant",
  165. "hideEmbeddedInTimeline":"Hide embedded content in this timeline",
  166. "hideQuotesInTimeline":"Hide quotes in this timeline",
  167. "userBlocks":"Accounts you're blocking",
  168. "buttonBlocked":"Blocked",
  169. "buttonUnblock":"Unblock",
  170. "failedBlockingUser":"Failed to block the user.",
  171. "failedUnblockingUser":"Failed to unblock the user.",
  172. "unblockUser": "Unblock",
  173. "tooltipBlocksYou":"You are blocked from following {username}.",
  174. "silenced":"Silenced",
  175. "silencedPlural":"Silenced profiles",
  176. "silencedUsersOnThisInstance":"Silenced profiles on {site-title}",
  177. "sandboxed":"Sandboxed",
  178. "sandboxedPlural":"Sandboxed profiles",
  179. "sandboxedUsersOnThisInstance":"Sandboxed profiles on {site-title}",
  180. "silencedStreamDescription":"Silenced users can't login or post quips and the quips they've already posted are hidden. For local users it's like a delete that can be reversed, for remote users it's like a site wide block.",
  181. "sandboxedStreamDescription":"Quips from sandboxed users are excluded from the Public Timeline and The Whole Known Network. Apart from that, they can use the site like any other user.",
  182. "onlyShowNotificationsFromUsersIFollow":"Only show notifications from users I follow",
  183. "userOptions":"More user actions",
  184. "silenceThisUser":"Silence {nickname}",
  185. "sandboxThisUser":"Sandbox {nickname}",
  186. "unSilenceThisUser":"Unsilence {nickname}",
  187. "unSandboxThisUser":"Unsandbox {nickname}",
  188. "ERRORfailedSandboxingUser":"Failed sandboxing/unsandboxing the user",
  189. "ERRORfailedSilencingUser":"Failed silencing/unsilencing the user",
  190. "muteUser":"Mute",
  191. "unmuteUser":"Unmute",
  192. "hideNotificationsFromMutedUsers":"Hide notifications from muted users",
  193. "thisIsANoticeFromAMutedUser":"You have muted the author of this quip. Click here to show it anyway.",
  194. "userMutes":"Accounts you're muting",
  195. "userBlocked":"Blocked accounts",
  196. "userMuted":"Muted accounts",
  197. "mutedStreamDescription":"You've hidden these accounts from your timeline. You will still recieve notifications from these accounts, unless you select &quot;Hide notifications from muted users&quot; from the cog wheel menu on the notifications page.",
  198. "profileAndSettings":"Profile and settings",
  199. "profileSettings":"Profile settings",
  200. "thisIsABookmark":"This is a bookmark created in the Classic interface"
  201. }