.gitignore 543 B

  1. # vim:fileencoding=utf-8:foldmethod=marker:foldmarker={{{,}}}
  2. # commands:
  3. # zo to open fold
  4. # zc to close fold
  5. # {{{ Directories
  6. .cache
  7. .cargo
  8. .local
  9. .mozilla
  10. .pki
  11. .vim
  12. .yarn
  13. awesome_configs
  14. Documents
  16. Music
  17. node_modules
  18. Pictures
  19. Screen
  20. test
  21. text
  22. Videos
  23. Element
  24. dconf
  25. pulse
  26. git
  27. *.mypy_cache/
  28. # End directories }}}
  29. # {{{ Files
  30. .bash_history
  31. .bash_logout
  32. .viminfo
  33. .Xauthority
  34. .yarnrc
  35. .zcompdump*
  36. .zsh_history
  37. ltmain.sh
  38. yarn.lock
  39. *history*
  40. *log*
  41. # End files}}}
  42. # {{{File extensions
  43. *.swp
  44. *.pyc
  45. *.pyo
  46. # End file extensions}}}