123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475 |
- function svn_prompt_info() {
- local info
- info=$(LANG= svn info 2>&1) || return 1 # capture stdout and stderr
- local repo_need_upgrade=$(svn_repo_need_upgrade $info)
- if [[ -n $repo_need_upgrade ]]; then
- printf '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n' \
- "$repo_need_upgrade" \
- else
- printf '%s%s%s%s %s%s%s:%s%s%s%s' \
- "$(svn_status_info $info)" \
- \
- "${$(svn_current_branch_name $info):gs/%/%%}" \
- \
- "$(svn_current_revision $info)" \
- fi
- }
- function svn_repo_need_upgrade() {
- command grep -q "E155036" <<< "${1:-$(LANG= svn info 2>/dev/null)}" && \
- echo "E155036: upgrade repo with svn upgrade"
- }
- function svn_current_branch_name() {
- omz_urldecode "$(
- command grep '^URL:' <<< "${1:-$(svn info 2>/dev/null)}" | command grep -Eo '(tags|branches)/[^/]+|trunk'
- )"
- }
- function svn_repo_root_name() {
- command grep '^Repository\ Root:' <<< "${1:-$(LANG= svn info 2>/dev/null)}" | sed 's#.*/##'
- }
- function svn_current_revision() {
- echo "${1:-$(LANG= svn info 2>/dev/null)}" | sed -n 's/Revision: //p'
- }
- function svn_status_info() {
- local svn_status_string="$ZSH_THEME_SVN_PROMPT_CLEAN"
- local svn_status="$(svn status 2>/dev/null)";
- if command grep -E '^\s*A' &>/dev/null <<< "$svn_status"; then
- svn_status_string+="${ZSH_THEME_SVN_PROMPT_ADDITIONS:-+}"
- fi
- if command grep -E '^\s*D' &>/dev/null <<< "$svn_status"; then
- svn_status_string+="${ZSH_THEME_SVN_PROMPT_DELETIONS:-✖}"
- fi
- if command grep -E '^\s*M' &>/dev/null <<< "$svn_status"; then
- svn_status_string+="${ZSH_THEME_SVN_PROMPT_MODIFICATIONS:-✎}"
- fi
- if command grep -E '^\s*[R~]' &>/dev/null <<< "$svn_status"; then
- svn_status_string+="${ZSH_THEME_SVN_PROMPT_REPLACEMENTS:-∿}"
- fi
- if command grep -E '^\s*\?' &>/dev/null <<< "$svn_status"; then
- svn_status_string+="${ZSH_THEME_SVN_PROMPT_UNTRACKED:-?}"
- fi
- if command grep -E '^\s*[CI!L]' &>/dev/null <<< "$svn_status"; then
- svn_status_string+="${ZSH_THEME_SVN_PROMPT_DIRTY:-!}"
- fi
- echo $svn_status_string
- }