recoll.rst 1.2 KB

  1. .. _engine recoll:
  2. ======
  3. Recoll
  4. ======
  5. .. sidebar:: info
  6. - `Recoll <>`_
  7. - `recoll-webui <>`_
  8. Recoll_ is a desktop full-text search tool based on Xapian. By itself Recoll_
  9. does not offer web or API access, this can be achieved using recoll-webui_
  10. Configuration
  11. =============
  12. You must configure the following settings:
  13. ``base_url``:
  14. Location where recoll-webui can be reached.
  15. ``mount_prefix``:
  16. Location where the file hierarchy is mounted on your *local* filesystem.
  17. ``dl_prefix``:
  18. Location where the file hierarchy as indexed by recoll can be reached.
  19. ``search_dir``:
  20. Part of the indexed file hierarchy to be search, if empty the full domain is
  21. searched.
  22. Example
  23. =======
  24. Scenario:
  25. #. Recoll indexes a local filesystem mounted in ``/export/documents/reference``,
  26. #. the Recoll search interface can be reached at and
  27. #. the contents of this filesystem can be reached though
  28. .. code:: yaml
  29. base_url:
  30. mount_prefix: /export/documents
  31. dl_prefix:
  32. search_dir: ''