123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610 |
- import sys
- import re
- import importlib
- from numbers import Number
- from os.path import splitext, join
- from random import choice
- from html.parser import HTMLParser
- from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlparse
- from lxml import html
- from lxml.etree import ElementBase, XPath, XPathError, XPathSyntaxError, _ElementStringResult, _ElementUnicodeResult
- from babel.core import get_global
- from searx import settings
- from searx.data import USER_AGENTS
- from searx.version import VERSION_STRING
- from searx.languages import language_codes
- from searx.exceptions import SearxXPathSyntaxException, SearxEngineXPathException
- from searx import logger
- logger = logger.getChild('utils')
- blocked_tags = ('script',
- 'style')
- ecma_unescape4_re = re.compile(r'%u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})', re.UNICODE)
- ecma_unescape2_re = re.compile(r'%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})', re.UNICODE)
- xpath_cache = dict()
- lang_to_lc_cache = dict()
- class NotSetClass:
- pass
- NOTSET = NotSetClass()
- def searx_useragent():
- """Return the searx User Agent"""
- return 'searx/{searx_version} {suffix}'.format(
- searx_version=VERSION_STRING,
- suffix=settings['outgoing'].get('useragent_suffix', ''))
- def gen_useragent(os=None):
- """Return a random browser User Agent
- See searx/data/useragents.json
- """
- return str(USER_AGENTS['ua'].format(os=os or choice(USER_AGENTS['os']), version=choice(USER_AGENTS['versions'])))
- class HTMLTextExtractorException(Exception):
- pass
- class HTMLTextExtractor(HTMLParser):
- def __init__(self):
- HTMLParser.__init__(self)
- self.result = []
- self.tags = []
- def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
- self.tags.append(tag)
- def handle_endtag(self, tag):
- if not self.tags:
- return
- if tag != self.tags[-1]:
- raise HTMLTextExtractorException()
- self.tags.pop()
- def is_valid_tag(self):
- return not self.tags or self.tags[-1] not in blocked_tags
- def handle_data(self, data):
- if not self.is_valid_tag():
- return
- self.result.append(data)
- def handle_charref(self, name):
- if not self.is_valid_tag():
- return
- if name[0] in ('x', 'X'):
- codepoint = int(name[1:], 16)
- else:
- codepoint = int(name)
- self.result.append(chr(codepoint))
- def handle_entityref(self, name):
- if not self.is_valid_tag():
- return
- self.result.append(name)
- def get_text(self):
- return ''.join(self.result).strip()
- def html_to_text(html_str):
- """Extract text from a HTML string
- Args:
- * html_str (str): string HTML
- Returns:
- * str: extracted text
- Examples:
- >>> html_to_text('Example <span id="42">#2</span>')
- 'Example #2'
- >>> html_to_text('<style>.span { color: red; }</style><span>Example</span>')
- 'Example'
- """
- html_str = html_str.replace('\n', ' ')
- html_str = ' '.join(html_str.split())
- s = HTMLTextExtractor()
- try:
- s.feed(html_str)
- except HTMLTextExtractorException:
- logger.debug("HTMLTextExtractor: invalid HTML\n%s", html_str)
- return s.get_text()
- def extract_text(xpath_results, allow_none=False):
- """Extract text from a lxml result
- * if xpath_results is list, extract the text from each result and concat the list
- * if xpath_results is a xml element, extract all the text node from it
- ( text_content() method from lxml )
- * if xpath_results is a string element, then it's already done
- """
- if isinstance(xpath_results, list):
- result = ''
- for e in xpath_results:
- result = result + extract_text(e)
- return result.strip()
- elif isinstance(xpath_results, ElementBase):
- text = html.tostring(
- xpath_results, encoding='unicode', method='text', with_tail=False
- )
- text = text.strip().replace('\n', ' ')
- return ' '.join(text.split())
- elif isinstance(xpath_results, (_ElementStringResult, _ElementUnicodeResult, str, Number, bool)):
- return str(xpath_results)
- elif xpath_results is None and allow_none:
- return None
- elif xpath_results is None and not allow_none:
- raise ValueError('extract_text(None, allow_none=False)')
- else:
- raise ValueError('unsupported type')
- def normalize_url(url, base_url):
- """Normalize URL: add protocol, join URL with base_url, add trailing slash if there is no path
- Args:
- * url (str): Relative URL
- * base_url (str): Base URL, it must be an absolute URL.
- Example:
- >>> normalize_url('https://example.com', 'http://example.com/')
- 'https://example.com/'
- >>> normalize_url('//example.com', 'http://example.com/')
- 'http://example.com/'
- >>> normalize_url('//example.com', 'https://example.com/')
- 'https://example.com/'
- >>> normalize_url('/path?a=1', 'https://example.com')
- 'https://example.com/path?a=1'
- >>> normalize_url('', 'https://example.com')
- 'https://example.com/'
- >>> normalize_url('/test', '/path')
- raise ValueError
- Raises:
- * lxml.etree.ParserError
- Returns:
- * str: normalized URL
- """
- if url.startswith('//'):
- parsed_search_url = urlparse(base_url)
- url = '{0}:{1}'.format(parsed_search_url.scheme or 'http', url)
- elif url.startswith('/'):
- url = urljoin(base_url, url)
- if '://' not in url:
- url = urljoin(base_url, url)
- parsed_url = urlparse(url)
- if not parsed_url.netloc:
- raise ValueError('Cannot parse url')
- if not parsed_url.path:
- url += '/'
- return url
- def extract_url(xpath_results, base_url):
- """Extract and normalize URL from lxml Element
- Args:
- * xpath_results (Union[List[html.HtmlElement], html.HtmlElement]): lxml Element(s)
- * base_url (str): Base URL
- Example:
- >>> def f(s, search_url):
- >>> return searx.utils.extract_url(html.fromstring(s), search_url)
- >>> f('<span id="42">https://example.com</span>', 'http://example.com/')
- 'https://example.com/'
- >>> f('https://example.com', 'http://example.com/')
- 'https://example.com/'
- >>> f('//example.com', 'http://example.com/')
- 'http://example.com/'
- >>> f('//example.com', 'https://example.com/')
- 'https://example.com/'
- >>> f('/path?a=1', 'https://example.com')
- 'https://example.com/path?a=1'
- >>> f('', 'https://example.com')
- raise lxml.etree.ParserError
- >>> searx.utils.extract_url([], 'https://example.com')
- raise ValueError
- Raises:
- * ValueError
- * lxml.etree.ParserError
- Returns:
- * str: normalized URL
- """
- if xpath_results == []:
- raise ValueError('Empty url resultset')
- url = extract_text(xpath_results)
- return normalize_url(url, base_url)
- def dict_subset(d, properties):
- """Extract a subset of a dict
- Examples:
- >>> dict_subset({'A': 'a', 'B': 'b', 'C': 'c'}, ['A', 'C'])
- {'A': 'a', 'C': 'c'}
- >>> >> dict_subset({'A': 'a', 'B': 'b', 'C': 'c'}, ['A', 'D'])
- {'A': 'a'}
- """
- result = {}
- for k in properties:
- if k in d:
- result[k] = d[k]
- return result
- def get_torrent_size(filesize, filesize_multiplier):
- """
- Args:
- * filesize (str): size
- * filesize_multiplier (str): TB, GB, .... TiB, GiB...
- Returns:
- * int: number of bytes
- Example:
- >>> get_torrent_size('5', 'GB')
- 5368709120
- >>> get_torrent_size('3.14', 'MiB')
- 3140000
- """
- try:
- filesize = float(filesize)
- if filesize_multiplier == 'TB':
- filesize = int(filesize * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)
- elif filesize_multiplier == 'GB':
- filesize = int(filesize * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)
- elif filesize_multiplier == 'MB':
- filesize = int(filesize * 1024 * 1024)
- elif filesize_multiplier == 'KB':
- filesize = int(filesize * 1024)
- elif filesize_multiplier == 'TiB':
- filesize = int(filesize * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000)
- elif filesize_multiplier == 'GiB':
- filesize = int(filesize * 1000 * 1000 * 1000)
- elif filesize_multiplier == 'MiB':
- filesize = int(filesize * 1000 * 1000)
- elif filesize_multiplier == 'KiB':
- filesize = int(filesize * 1000)
- except ValueError:
- filesize = None
- return filesize
- def convert_str_to_int(number_str):
- """Convert number_str to int or 0 if number_str is not a number."""
- if number_str.isdigit():
- return int(number_str)
- else:
- return 0
- def int_or_zero(num):
- """Convert num to int or 0. num can be either a str or a list.
- If num is a list, the first element is converted to int (or return 0 if the list is empty).
- If num is a str, see convert_str_to_int
- """
- if isinstance(num, list):
- if len(num) < 1:
- return 0
- num = num[0]
- return convert_str_to_int(num)
- def is_valid_lang(lang):
- """Return language code and name if lang describe a language.
- Examples:
- >>> is_valid_lang('zz')
- False
- >>> is_valid_lang('uk')
- (True, 'uk', 'ukrainian')
- >>> is_valid_lang(b'uk')
- (True, 'uk', 'ukrainian')
- >>> is_valid_lang('en')
- (True, 'en', 'english')
- >>> searx.utils.is_valid_lang('Español')
- (True, 'es', 'spanish')
- >>> searx.utils.is_valid_lang('Spanish')
- (True, 'es', 'spanish')
- """
- if isinstance(lang, bytes):
- lang = lang.decode()
- is_abbr = (len(lang) == 2)
- lang = lang.lower()
- if is_abbr:
- for l in language_codes:
- if l[0][:2] == lang:
- return (True, l[0][:2], l[3].lower())
- return False
- else:
- for l in language_codes:
- if l[1].lower() == lang or l[3].lower() == lang:
- return (True, l[0][:2], l[3].lower())
- return False
- def _get_lang_to_lc_dict(lang_list):
- key = str(lang_list)
- value = lang_to_lc_cache.get(key, None)
- if value is None:
- value = dict()
- for lc in lang_list:
- value.setdefault(lc.split('-')[0], lc)
- lang_to_lc_cache[key] = value
- return value
- def _match_language(lang_code, lang_list=[], custom_aliases={}):
- """auxiliary function to match lang_code in lang_list"""
- if lang_code in custom_aliases:
- lang_code = custom_aliases[lang_code]
- if lang_code in lang_list:
- return lang_code
- subtags = get_global('likely_subtags').get(lang_code)
- if subtags:
- subtag_parts = subtags.split('_')
- new_code = subtag_parts[0] + '-' + subtag_parts[-1]
- if new_code in custom_aliases:
- new_code = custom_aliases[new_code]
- if new_code in lang_list:
- return new_code
- return _get_lang_to_lc_dict(lang_list).get(lang_code, None)
- def match_language(locale_code, lang_list=[], custom_aliases={}, fallback='en-US'):
- """get the language code from lang_list that best matches locale_code"""
- language = _match_language(locale_code, lang_list, custom_aliases)
- if language:
- return language
- locale_parts = locale_code.split('-')
- lang_code = locale_parts[0]
- if len(locale_parts) > 1:
- country_alias = get_global('territory_aliases').get(locale_parts[-1])
- if country_alias:
- language = _match_language(lang_code + '-' + country_alias[0], lang_list, custom_aliases)
- if language:
- return language
- alias = get_global('language_aliases').get(lang_code)
- if alias:
- language = _match_language(alias, lang_list, custom_aliases)
- if language:
- return language
- if lang_code != locale_code:
- language = _match_language(lang_code, lang_list, custom_aliases)
- return language or fallback
- def load_module(filename, module_dir):
- modname = splitext(filename)[0]
- if modname in sys.modules:
- del sys.modules[modname]
- filepath = join(module_dir, filename)
- spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(modname, filepath)
- module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
- sys.modules[modname] = module
- spec.loader.exec_module(module)
- return module
- def to_string(obj):
- """Convert obj to its string representation."""
- if isinstance(obj, str):
- return obj
- if isinstance(obj, Number):
- return str(obj)
- if hasattr(obj, '__str__'):
- return obj.__str__()
- if hasattr(obj, '__repr__'):
- return obj.__repr__()
- def ecma_unescape(s):
- """Python implementation of the unescape javascript function
- https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-unescape-string
- https://developer.mozilla.org/fr/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Objets_globaux/unescape
- Examples:
- >>> ecma_unescape('%u5409')
- '吉'
- >>> ecma_unescape('%20')
- ' '
- >>> ecma_unescape('%F3')
- 'ó'
- """
- s = ecma_unescape4_re.sub(lambda e: chr(int(e.group(1), 16)), s)
- s = ecma_unescape2_re.sub(lambda e: chr(int(e.group(1), 16)), s)
- return s
- def get_string_replaces_function(replaces):
- rep = {re.escape(k): v for k, v in replaces.items()}
- pattern = re.compile("|".join(rep.keys()))
- def f(text):
- return pattern.sub(lambda m: rep[re.escape(m.group(0))], text)
- return f
- def get_engine_from_settings(name):
- """Return engine configuration from settings.yml of a given engine name"""
- if 'engines' not in settings:
- return {}
- for engine in settings['engines']:
- if 'name' not in engine:
- continue
- if name == engine['name']:
- return engine
- return {}
- def get_xpath(xpath_spec):
- """Return cached compiled XPath
- There is no thread lock.
- Worst case scenario, xpath_str is compiled more than one time.
- Args:
- * xpath_spec (str|lxml.etree.XPath): XPath as a str or lxml.etree.XPath
- Returns:
- * result (bool, float, list, str): Results.
- Raises:
- * TypeError: Raise when xpath_spec is neither a str nor a lxml.etree.XPath
- * SearxXPathSyntaxException: Raise when there is a syntax error in the XPath
- """
- if isinstance(xpath_spec, str):
- result = xpath_cache.get(xpath_spec, None)
- if result is None:
- try:
- result = XPath(xpath_spec)
- except XPathSyntaxError as e:
- raise SearxXPathSyntaxException(xpath_spec, str(e.msg)) from e
- xpath_cache[xpath_spec] = result
- return result
- if isinstance(xpath_spec, XPath):
- return xpath_spec
- raise TypeError('xpath_spec must be either a str or a lxml.etree.XPath')
- def eval_xpath(element, xpath_spec):
- """Equivalent of element.xpath(xpath_str) but compile xpath_str once for all.
- See https://lxml.de/xpathxslt.html#xpath-return-values
- Args:
- * element (ElementBase): [description]
- * xpath_spec (str|lxml.etree.XPath): XPath as a str or lxml.etree.XPath
- Returns:
- * result (bool, float, list, str): Results.
- Raises:
- * TypeError: Raise when xpath_spec is neither a str nor a lxml.etree.XPath
- * SearxXPathSyntaxException: Raise when there is a syntax error in the XPath
- * SearxEngineXPathException: Raise when the XPath can't be evaluated.
- """
- xpath = get_xpath(xpath_spec)
- try:
- return xpath(element)
- except XPathError as e:
- arg = ' '.join([str(i) for i in e.args])
- raise SearxEngineXPathException(xpath_spec, arg) from e
- def eval_xpath_list(element, xpath_spec, min_len=None):
- """Same as eval_xpath, check if the result is a list
- Args:
- * element (ElementBase): [description]
- * xpath_spec (str|lxml.etree.XPath): XPath as a str or lxml.etree.XPath
- * min_len (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to None.
- Raises:
- * TypeError: Raise when xpath_spec is neither a str nor a lxml.etree.XPath
- * SearxXPathSyntaxException: Raise when there is a syntax error in the XPath
- * SearxEngineXPathException: raise if the result is not a list
- Returns:
- * result (bool, float, list, str): Results.
- """
- result = eval_xpath(element, xpath_spec)
- if not isinstance(result, list):
- raise SearxEngineXPathException(xpath_spec, 'the result is not a list')
- if min_len is not None and min_len > len(result):
- raise SearxEngineXPathException(xpath_spec, 'len(xpath_str) < ' + str(min_len))
- return result
- def eval_xpath_getindex(elements, xpath_spec, index, default=NOTSET):
- """Call eval_xpath_list then get one element using the index parameter.
- If the index does not exist, either aise an exception is default is not set,
- other return the default value (can be None).
- Args:
- * elements (ElementBase): lxml element to apply the xpath.
- * xpath_spec (str|lxml.etree.XPath): XPath as a str or lxml.etree.XPath.
- * index (int): index to get
- * default (Object, optional): Defaults if index doesn't exist.
- Raises:
- * TypeError: Raise when xpath_spec is neither a str nor a lxml.etree.XPath
- * SearxXPathSyntaxException: Raise when there is a syntax error in the XPath
- * SearxEngineXPathException: if the index is not found. Also see eval_xpath.
- Returns:
- * result (bool, float, list, str): Results.
- """
- result = eval_xpath_list(elements, xpath_spec)
- if index >= -len(result) and index < len(result):
- return result[index]
- if default == NOTSET:
- raise SearxEngineXPathException(xpath_spec, 'index ' + str(index) + ' not found')
- return default