8.1 KB

  1. import re
  2. from collections import defaultdict
  3. from operator import itemgetter
  4. from threading import RLock
  5. from urlparse import urlparse, unquote
  6. from searx.engines import engines
  7. CONTENT_LEN_IGNORED_CHARS_REGEX = re.compile('[,;:!?\./\\\\ ()-_]', re.M | re.U)
  8. WHITESPACE_REGEX = re.compile('( |\t|\n)+', re.M | re.U)
  9. # return the meaningful length of the content for a result
  10. def result_content_len(content):
  11. if isinstance(content, basestring):
  12. return len(CONTENT_LEN_IGNORED_CHARS_REGEX.sub('', content))
  13. else:
  14. return 0
  15. def compare_urls(url_a, url_b):
  16. if url_a.netloc != url_b.netloc or url_a.query != url_b.query:
  17. return False
  18. # remove / from the end of the url if required
  19. path_a = url_a.path[:-1]\
  20. if url_a.path.endswith('/')\
  21. else url_a.path
  22. path_b = url_b.path[:-1]\
  23. if url_b.path.endswith('/')\
  24. else url_b.path
  25. return unquote(path_a) == unquote(path_b)
  26. def merge_two_infoboxes(infobox1, infobox2):
  27. if 'urls' in infobox2:
  28. urls1 = infobox1.get('urls', None)
  29. if urls1 is None:
  30. urls1 = []
  31. infobox1.set('urls', urls1)
  32. urlSet = set()
  33. for url in infobox1.get('urls', []):
  34. urlSet.add(url.get('url', None))
  35. for url in infobox2.get('urls', []):
  36. if url.get('url', None) not in urlSet:
  37. urls1.append(url)
  38. if 'attributes' in infobox2:
  39. attributes1 = infobox1.get('attributes', None)
  40. if attributes1 is None:
  41. attributes1 = []
  42. infobox1.set('attributes', attributes1)
  43. attributeSet = set()
  44. for attribute in infobox1.get('attributes', []):
  45. if attribute.get('label', None) not in attributeSet:
  46. attributeSet.add(attribute.get('label', None))
  47. for attribute in infobox2.get('attributes', []):
  48. attributes1.append(attribute)
  49. if 'content' in infobox2:
  50. content1 = infobox1.get('content', None)
  51. content2 = infobox2.get('content', '')
  52. if content1 is not None:
  53. if result_content_len(content2) > result_content_len(content1):
  54. infobox1['content'] = content2
  55. else:
  56. infobox1.set('content', content2)
  57. def result_score(result):
  58. weight = 1.0
  59. for result_engine in result['engines']:
  60. if hasattr(engines[result_engine], 'weight'):
  61. weight *= float(engines[result_engine].weight)
  62. occurences = len(result['positions'])
  63. return sum((occurences * weight) / position for position in result['positions'])
  64. class ResultContainer(object):
  65. """docstring for ResultContainer"""
  66. def __init__(self):
  67. super(ResultContainer, self).__init__()
  68. self.results = defaultdict(list)
  69. self._merged_results = []
  70. self.infoboxes = []
  71. self._infobox_ids = {}
  72. self.suggestions = set()
  73. self.answers = set()
  74. def extend(self, engine_name, results):
  75. for result in list(results):
  76. if 'suggestion' in result:
  77. self.suggestions.add(result['suggestion'])
  78. results.remove(result)
  79. elif 'answer' in result:
  80. self.answers.add(result['answer'])
  81. results.remove(result)
  82. elif 'infobox' in result:
  83. self._merge_infobox(result)
  84. results.remove(result)
  85. with RLock():
  86. engines[engine_name].stats['search_count'] += 1
  87. engines[engine_name].stats['result_count'] += len(results)
  88. if not results:
  89. return
  90. self.results[engine_name].extend(results)
  91. for i, result in enumerate(results):
  92. position = i + 1
  93. self._merge_result(result, position)
  94. def _merge_infobox(self, infobox):
  95. add_infobox = True
  96. infobox_id = infobox.get('id', None)
  97. if infobox_id is not None:
  98. existingIndex = self._infobox_ids.get(infobox_id, None)
  99. if existingIndex is not None:
  100. merge_two_infoboxes(self.infoboxes[existingIndex], infobox)
  101. add_infobox = False
  102. if add_infobox:
  103. self.infoboxes.append(infobox)
  104. self._infobox_ids[infobox_id] = len(self.infoboxes) - 1
  105. def _merge_result(self, result, position):
  106. result['parsed_url'] = urlparse(result['url'])
  107. # if the result has no scheme, use http as default
  108. if not result['parsed_url'].scheme:
  109. result['parsed_url'] = result['parsed_url']._replace(scheme="http")
  110. result['host'] = result['parsed_url'].netloc
  111. if result['host'].startswith('www.'):
  112. result['host'] = result['host'].replace('www.', '', 1)
  113. result['engines'] = [result['engine']]
  114. # strip multiple spaces and cariage returns from content
  115. if result.get('content'):
  116. result['content'] = WHITESPACE_REGEX.sub(' ', result['content'])
  117. # check for duplicates
  118. duplicated = False
  119. for merged_result in self._merged_results:
  120. if compare_urls(result['parsed_url'], merged_result['parsed_url'])\
  121. and result.get('template') == merged_result.get('template'):
  122. duplicated = merged_result
  123. break
  124. # merge duplicates together
  125. if duplicated:
  126. # using content with more text
  127. if result_content_len(result.get('content', '')) >\
  128. result_content_len(duplicated.get('content', '')):
  129. duplicated['content'] = result['content']
  130. # add the new position
  131. duplicated['positions'].append(position)
  132. # add engine to list of result-engines
  133. duplicated['engines'].append(result['engine'])
  134. # using https if possible
  135. if duplicated['parsed_url'].scheme != 'https' and result['parsed_url'].scheme == 'https':
  136. duplicated['url'] = result['parsed_url'].geturl()
  137. duplicated['parsed_url'] = result['parsed_url']
  138. # if there is no duplicate found, append result
  139. else:
  140. result['positions'] = [position]
  141. with RLock():
  142. self._merged_results.append(result)
  143. def get_ordered_results(self):
  144. for result in self._merged_results:
  145. score = result_score(result)
  146. result['score'] = score
  147. with RLock():
  148. for result_engine in result['engines']:
  149. engines[result_engine].stats['score_count'] += score
  150. results = sorted(self._merged_results, key=itemgetter('score'), reverse=True)
  151. # pass 2 : group results by category and template
  152. gresults = []
  153. categoryPositions = {}
  154. for i, res in enumerate(results):
  155. # FIXME : handle more than one category per engine
  156. category = engines[res['engine']].categories[0] + ':' + ''\
  157. if 'template' not in res\
  158. else res['template']
  159. current = None if category not in categoryPositions\
  160. else categoryPositions[category]
  161. # group with previous results using the same category
  162. # if the group can accept more result and is not too far
  163. # from the current position
  164. if current is not None and (current['count'] > 0)\
  165. and (len(gresults) - current['index'] < 20):
  166. # group with the previous results using
  167. # the same category with this one
  168. index = current['index']
  169. gresults.insert(index, res)
  170. # update every index after the current one
  171. # (including the current one)
  172. for k in categoryPositions:
  173. v = categoryPositions[k]['index']
  174. if v >= index:
  175. categoryPositions[k]['index'] = v + 1
  176. # update this category
  177. current['count'] -= 1
  178. else:
  179. # same category
  180. gresults.append(res)
  181. # update categoryIndex
  182. categoryPositions[category] = {'index': len(gresults), 'count': 8}
  183. # return gresults
  184. return gresults
  185. def results_length(self):
  186. return len(self._merged_results)