13 KB

  1. # Google (Web)
  2. #
  3. # @website
  4. # @provide-api yes (
  5. #
  6. # @using-api no
  7. # @results HTML
  8. # @stable no (HTML can change)
  9. # @parse url, title, content, suggestion
  10. import re
  11. from lxml import html, etree
  12. from searx.engines.xpath import extract_text, extract_url
  13. from searx import logger
  14. from searx.url_utils import urlencode, urlparse, parse_qsl
  15. logger = logger.getChild('google engine')
  16. # engine dependent config
  17. categories = ['general']
  18. paging = True
  19. language_support = True
  20. use_locale_domain = True
  21. time_range_support = True
  22. # based on and tests
  23. default_hostname = ''
  24. country_to_hostname = {
  25. 'BG': '', # Bulgaria
  26. 'CZ': '', # Czech Republic
  27. 'DE': '', # Germany
  28. 'DK': '', # Denmark
  29. 'AT': '', # Austria
  30. 'CH': '', # Switzerland
  31. 'GR': '', # Greece
  32. 'AU': '', # Australia
  33. 'CA': '', # Canada
  34. 'GB': '', # United Kingdom
  35. 'ID': '', # Indonesia
  36. 'IE': '', # Ireland
  37. 'IN': '', # India
  38. 'MY': '', # Malaysia
  39. 'NZ': '', # New Zealand
  40. 'PH': '', # Philippines
  41. 'SG': '', # Singapore
  42. # 'US': '', # United States, redirect to .com
  43. 'ZA': '', # South Africa
  44. 'AR': '', # Argentina
  45. 'CL': '', # Chile
  46. 'ES': '', # Spain
  47. 'MX': '', # Mexico
  48. 'EE': '', # Estonia
  49. 'FI': '', # Finland
  50. 'BE': '', # Belgium
  51. 'FR': '', # France
  52. 'IL': '', # Israel
  53. 'HR': '', # Croatia
  54. 'HU': '', # Hungary
  55. 'IT': '', # Italy
  56. 'JP': '', # Japan
  57. 'KR': '', # South Korea
  58. 'LT': '', # Lithuania
  59. 'LV': '', # Latvia
  60. 'NO': '', # Norway
  61. 'NL': '', # Netherlands
  62. 'PL': '', # Poland
  63. 'BR': '', # Brazil
  64. 'PT': '', # Portugal
  65. 'RO': '', # Romania
  66. 'RU': '', # Russia
  67. 'SK': '', # Slovakia
  68. 'SL': '', # Slovenia (SL -> si)
  69. 'SE': '', # Sweden
  70. 'TH': '', # Thailand
  71. 'TR': '', # Turkey
  72. 'UA': '', # Ukraine
  73. # 'CN': '', # China, only from China ?
  74. 'HK': '', # Hong Kong
  75. 'TW': '' # Taiwan
  76. }
  77. # osm
  78. url_map = ''\
  79. + '?lat={latitude}&lon={longitude}&zoom={zoom}&layers=M'
  80. # search-url
  81. search_path = '/search'
  82. search_url = ('https://{hostname}' +
  83. search_path +
  84. '?{query}&start={offset}&gws_rd=cr&gbv=1&lr={lang}&ei=x')
  85. time_range_search = "&tbs=qdr:{range}"
  86. time_range_dict = {'day': 'd',
  87. 'week': 'w',
  88. 'month': 'm',
  89. 'year': 'y'}
  90. # other URLs
  91. map_hostname_start = ''
  92. maps_path = '/maps'
  93. redirect_path = '/url'
  94. images_path = '/images'
  95. supported_languages_url = ''
  96. # specific xpath variables
  97. results_xpath = '//div[@class="g"]'
  98. url_xpath = './/h3/a/@href'
  99. title_xpath = './/h3'
  100. content_xpath = './/span[@class="st"]'
  101. content_misc_xpath = './/div[@class="f slp"]'
  102. suggestion_xpath = '//p[@class="_Bmc"]'
  103. spelling_suggestion_xpath = '//a[@class="spell"]'
  104. # map : detail location
  105. map_address_xpath = './/div[@class="s"]//table//td[2]/span/text()'
  106. map_phone_xpath = './/div[@class="s"]//table//td[2]/span/span'
  107. map_website_url_xpath = 'h3[2]/a/@href'
  108. map_website_title_xpath = 'h3[2]'
  109. # map : near the location
  110. map_near = 'table[@class="ts"]//tr'
  111. map_near_title = './/h4'
  112. map_near_url = './/h4/a/@href'
  113. map_near_phone = './/span[@class="nobr"]'
  114. # images
  115. images_xpath = './/div/a'
  116. image_url_xpath = './@href'
  117. image_img_src_xpath = './img/@src'
  118. # property names
  119. # FIXME : no translation
  120. property_address = "Address"
  121. property_phone = "Phone number"
  122. # remove google-specific tracking-url
  123. def parse_url(url_string, google_hostname):
  124. # sanity check
  125. if url_string is None:
  126. return url_string
  127. # normal case
  128. parsed_url = urlparse(url_string)
  129. if (parsed_url.netloc in [google_hostname, '']
  130. and parsed_url.path == redirect_path):
  131. query = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url.query))
  132. return query['q']
  133. else:
  134. return url_string
  135. # returns extract_text on the first result selected by the xpath or None
  136. def extract_text_from_dom(result, xpath):
  137. r = result.xpath(xpath)
  138. if len(r) > 0:
  139. return extract_text(r[0])
  140. return None
  141. # do search-request
  142. def request(query, params):
  143. offset = (params['pageno'] - 1) * 10
  144. if params['language'] == 'all':
  145. language = 'en'
  146. country = 'US'
  147. url_lang = ''
  148. elif params['language'][:2] == 'jv':
  149. language = 'jw'
  150. country = 'ID'
  151. url_lang = 'lang_jw'
  152. else:
  153. language_array = params['language'].lower().split('-')
  154. if len(language_array) == 2:
  155. country = language_array[1]
  156. else:
  157. country = 'US'
  158. language = language_array[0] + ',' + language_array[0] + '-' + country
  159. url_lang = 'lang_' + language_array[0]
  160. if use_locale_domain:
  161. google_hostname = country_to_hostname.get(country.upper(), default_hostname)
  162. else:
  163. google_hostname = default_hostname
  164. params['url'] = search_url.format(offset=offset,
  165. query=urlencode({'q': query}),
  166. hostname=google_hostname,
  167. lang=url_lang)
  168. if params['time_range'] in time_range_dict:
  169. params['url'] += time_range_search.format(range=time_range_dict[params['time_range']])
  170. params['headers']['Accept-Language'] = language
  171. params['headers']['Accept'] = 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8'
  172. params['google_hostname'] = google_hostname
  173. return params
  174. # get response from search-request
  175. def response(resp):
  176. results = []
  177. # detect google sorry
  178. resp_url = urlparse(resp.url)
  179. if resp_url.netloc == '' or resp_url.path == '/sorry/IndexRedirect':
  180. raise RuntimeWarning('')
  181. # which hostname ?
  182. google_hostname = resp.search_params.get('google_hostname')
  183. google_url = "https://" + google_hostname
  184. # convert the text to dom
  185. dom = html.fromstring(resp.text)
  186. instant_answer = dom.xpath('//div[@id="_vBb"]//text()')
  187. if instant_answer:
  188. results.append({'answer': u' '.join(instant_answer)})
  189. try:
  190. results_num = int(dom.xpath('//div[@id="resultStats"]//text()')[0]
  191. .split()[1].replace(',', ''))
  192. results.append({'number_of_results': results_num})
  193. except:
  194. pass
  195. # parse results
  196. for result in dom.xpath(results_xpath):
  197. try:
  198. title = extract_text(result.xpath(title_xpath)[0])
  199. url = parse_url(extract_url(result.xpath(url_xpath), google_url), google_hostname)
  200. parsed_url = urlparse(url, google_hostname)
  201. # map result
  202. if parsed_url.netloc == google_hostname:
  203. # TODO fix inside links
  204. continue
  205. # if parsed_url.path.startswith(maps_path) or parsed_url.netloc.startswith(map_hostname_start):
  206. # print "yooooo"*30
  207. # x = result.xpath(map_near)
  208. # if len(x) > 0:
  209. # # map : near the location
  210. # results = results + parse_map_near(parsed_url, x, google_hostname)
  211. # else:
  212. # # map : detail about a location
  213. # results = results + parse_map_detail(parsed_url, result, google_hostname)
  214. # # google news
  215. # elif parsed_url.path == search_path:
  216. # # skipping news results
  217. # pass
  218. # # images result
  219. # elif parsed_url.path == images_path:
  220. # # only thumbnail image provided,
  221. # # so skipping image results
  222. # # results = results + parse_images(result, google_hostname)
  223. # pass
  224. else:
  225. # normal result
  226. content = extract_text_from_dom(result, content_xpath)
  227. if content is None:
  228. continue
  229. content_misc = extract_text_from_dom(result, content_misc_xpath)
  230. if content_misc is not None:
  231. content = content_misc + "<br />" + content
  232. # append result
  233. results.append({'url': url,
  234. 'title': title,
  235. 'content': content
  236. })
  237. except:
  238. logger.debug('result parse error in:\n%s', etree.tostring(result, pretty_print=True))
  239. continue
  240. # parse suggestion
  241. for suggestion in dom.xpath(suggestion_xpath):
  242. # append suggestion
  243. results.append({'suggestion': extract_text(suggestion)})
  244. for correction in dom.xpath(spelling_suggestion_xpath):
  245. results.append({'correction': extract_text(correction)})
  246. # return results
  247. return results
  248. def parse_images(result, google_hostname):
  249. results = []
  250. for image in result.xpath(images_xpath):
  251. url = parse_url(extract_text(image.xpath(image_url_xpath)[0]), google_hostname)
  252. img_src = extract_text(image.xpath(image_img_src_xpath)[0])
  253. # append result
  254. results.append({'url': url,
  255. 'title': '',
  256. 'content': '',
  257. 'img_src': img_src,
  258. 'template': 'images.html'
  259. })
  260. return results
  261. def parse_map_near(parsed_url, x, google_hostname):
  262. results = []
  263. for result in x:
  264. title = extract_text_from_dom(result, map_near_title)
  265. url = parse_url(extract_text_from_dom(result, map_near_url), google_hostname)
  266. attributes = []
  267. phone = extract_text_from_dom(result, map_near_phone)
  268. add_attributes(attributes, property_phone, phone, 'tel:' + phone)
  269. results.append({'title': title,
  270. 'url': url,
  271. 'content': attributes_to_html(attributes)
  272. })
  273. return results
  274. def parse_map_detail(parsed_url, result, google_hostname):
  275. results = []
  276. # try to parse the geoloc
  277. m ='@([0-9\.]+),([0-9\.]+),([0-9]+)', parsed_url.path)
  278. if m is None:
  279. m ='ll\=([0-9\.]+),([0-9\.]+)\&z\=([0-9]+)', parsed_url.query)
  280. if m is not None:
  281. # geoloc found (ignored)
  282. lon = float( # noqa
  283. lat = float( # noqa
  284. zoom = int( # noqa
  285. # attributes
  286. attributes = []
  287. address = extract_text_from_dom(result, map_address_xpath)
  288. phone = extract_text_from_dom(result, map_phone_xpath)
  289. add_attributes(attributes, property_address, address, 'geo:' + str(lat) + ',' + str(lon))
  290. add_attributes(attributes, property_phone, phone, 'tel:' + phone)
  291. # title / content / url
  292. website_title = extract_text_from_dom(result, map_website_title_xpath)
  293. content = extract_text_from_dom(result, content_xpath)
  294. website_url = parse_url(extract_text_from_dom(result, map_website_url_xpath), google_hostname)
  295. # add a result if there is a website
  296. if website_url is not None:
  297. results.append({'title': website_title,
  298. 'content': (content + '<br />' if content is not None else '')
  299. + attributes_to_html(attributes),
  300. 'url': website_url
  301. })
  302. return results
  303. def add_attributes(attributes, name, value, url):
  304. if value is not None and len(value) > 0:
  305. attributes.append({'label': name, 'value': value, 'url': url})
  306. def attributes_to_html(attributes):
  307. retval = '<table class="table table-striped">'
  308. for a in attributes:
  309. value = a.get('value')
  310. if 'url' in a:
  311. value = '<a href="' + a.get('url') + '">' + value + '</a>'
  312. retval = retval + '<tr><th>' + a.get('label') + '</th><td>' + value + '</td></tr>'
  313. retval = retval + '</table>'
  314. return retval
  315. # get supported languages from their site
  316. def _fetch_supported_languages(resp):
  317. supported_languages = {}
  318. dom = html.fromstring(resp.text)
  319. options = dom.xpath('//table//td/font/label/span')
  320. for option in options:
  321. code = option.xpath('./@id')[0][1:]
  322. name = option.text.title()
  323. supported_languages[code] = {"name": name}
  324. return supported_languages