preferences.html 24 KB

  1. {% from 'oscar/macros.html' import preferences_item_header, preferences_item_header_rtl, preferences_item_footer, preferences_item_footer_rtl, checkbox_toggle, support_toggle, custom_select_class %}
  2. {% extends "oscar/base.html" %}
  3. {% macro engine_about(search_engine, id) -%}
  4. {% if search_engine.about is defined %}
  5. {% set about = search_engine.about %}
  6. <div class="engine-tooltip" role="tooltip" id="{{ id }}">{{- "" -}}
  7. <h5><a href="{{}}" rel="noreferrer">{{}}</a></h5>
  8. {%- if about.wikidata_id -%}<p><a href="{{about.wikidata_id}}" rel="noreferrer">{{about.wikidata_id}}</a></p>{%- endif -%}
  9. {%- if search_engine.enable_http %}<p>{{ icon('exclamation-sign', 'No HTTPS') }}{{ _('No HTTPS')}}</p>{% endif -%}
  10. </div>
  11. {%- endif -%}
  12. {%- endmacro %}
  13. {% block title %}{{ _('preferences') }} - {% endblock %}
  14. {% block content %}
  15. <div>
  16. <h1>{{ _('Preferences') }}</h1>
  17. <form method="post" action="{{ url_for('preferences') }}" id="search_form">
  18. <!-- Nav tabs -->
  19. <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-justified hide_if_nojs" role="tablist">
  20. <li class="active"><a href="#tab_general" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">{{ _('General') }}</a></li>
  21. <li><a href="#tab_engine" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">{{ _('Engines') }}</a></li>
  22. <li><a href="#tab_plugins" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">{{ _('Plugins') }}</a></li>
  23. {% if answerers %}<li><a href="#tab_answerers" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">{{ _('Answerers') }}</a></li>{% endif %}
  24. <li><a href="#tab_cookies" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">{{ _('Cookies') }}</a></li>
  25. </ul>
  26. <!-- Tab panes -->
  27. <noscript>
  28. <h3>{{ _('General') }}</h3>
  29. </noscript>
  30. <div class="tab-content">
  31. <div class="tab-pane active" id="tab_general">
  32. <fieldset>
  33. <div class="container-fluid">
  34. {% if 'categories' not in locked_preferences %}
  35. <div class="row form-group">
  36. {% if rtl %}
  37. <div class="col-sm-11 col-md-10">
  38. {% include 'oscar/categories.html' %}
  39. </div>
  40. <label class="col-sm-3 col-md-2" for="categories">{{ _('Default categories') }}</label>
  41. {% else %}
  42. <label class="col-sm-3 col-md-2" for="categories">{{ _('Default categories') }}</label>
  43. <div class="col-sm-11 col-md-10 search-categories">
  44. {% include 'oscar/categories.html' %}
  45. </div>
  46. {% endif %}
  47. </div>
  48. {% endif %}
  49. {% if 'language' not in locked_preferences %}
  50. {% set language_label = _('Search language') %}
  51. {% set language_info = _('What language do you prefer for search?') %}
  52. {{ preferences_item_header(language_info, language_label, rtl, 'language') }}
  53. {% include 'oscar/languages.html' %}
  54. {{ preferences_item_footer(language_info, language_label, rtl) }}
  55. {% endif %}
  56. {% if 'locale' not in locked_preferences %}
  57. {% set locale_label = _('Interface language') %}
  58. {% set locale_info = _('Change the language of the layout') %}
  59. {{ preferences_item_header(locale_info, locale_label, rtl, 'locale') }}
  60. <select class="form-control {{ custom_select_class(rtl)}}" name="locale" id="locale">
  61. {% for locale_id,locale_name in locales.items() | sort %}
  62. <option value="{{ locale_id }}" {% if locale_id == current_locale %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ locale_name }}</option>
  63. {% endfor %}
  64. </select>
  65. {{ preferences_item_footer(locale_info, locale_label, rtl) }}
  66. {% endif %}
  67. {% if 'autocomplete' not in locked_preferences %}
  68. {% set autocomplete_label = _('Autocomplete') %}
  69. {% set autocomplete_info = _('Find stuff as you type') %}
  70. {{ preferences_item_header(autocomplete_info, autocomplete_label, rtl, 'autocomplete') }}
  71. <select class="form-control {{ custom_select_class(rtl) }}" name="autocomplete" id="autocomplete">
  72. <option value=""> - </option>
  73. {% for backend in autocomplete_backends %}
  74. <option value="{{ backend }}" {% if backend == autocomplete %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ backend }}</option>
  75. {% endfor %}
  76. </select>
  77. {{ preferences_item_footer(autocomplete_info, autocomplete_label, rtl) }}
  78. {% endif %}
  79. {% if 'image_proxy' not in locked_preferences %}
  80. {% set image_proxy_label = _('Image proxy') %}
  81. {% set image_proxy_info = _('Proxying image results through searx') %}
  82. {{ preferences_item_header(image_proxy_info, image_proxy_label, rtl, 'image_proxy') }}
  83. <select class="form-control {{ custom_select_class(rtl) }}" name="image_proxy" id="image_proxy">
  84. <option value="1" {% if image_proxy %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('Enabled') }}</option>
  85. <option value="" {% if not image_proxy %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('Disabled')}}</option>
  86. </select>
  87. {{ preferences_item_footer(image_proxy_info, image_proxy_label, rtl) }}
  88. {% endif %}
  89. {% if 'method' not in locked_preferences %}
  90. {% set method_label = _('Method') %}
  91. {% set method_info = _('Change how forms are submited, <a href="" rel="external">learn more about request methods</a>') %}
  92. {{ preferences_item_header(method_info, method_label, rtl, 'method') }}
  93. <select class="form-control {{ custom_select_class(rtl) }}" name="method" id="method">
  94. <option value="POST" {% if method == 'POST' %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>POST</option>
  95. <option value="GET" {% if method == 'GET' %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>GET</option>
  96. </select>
  97. {{ preferences_item_footer(method_info, method_label, rtl) }}
  98. {% endif %}
  99. {% if 'safesearch' not in locked_preferences %}
  100. {% set safesearch_label = _('SafeSearch') %}
  101. {% set safesearch_info = _('Filter content') %}
  102. {{ preferences_item_header(safesearch_info, safesearch_label, rtl, 'safesearch') }}
  103. <select class="form-control {{ custom_select_class(rtl) }}" name="safesearch" id="safesearch">
  104. <option value="2" {% if safesearch == '2' %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('Strict') }}</option>
  105. <option value="1" {% if safesearch == '1' %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('Moderate') }}</option>
  106. <option value="0" {% if safesearch == '0' %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('None') }}</option>
  107. </select>
  108. {{ preferences_item_footer(safesearch_info, safesearch_label, rtl) }}
  109. {% endif %}
  110. {% if 'theme' not in locked_preferences %}
  111. {% set theme_label = _('Themes') %}
  112. {% set theme_info = _('Change searx layout') %}
  113. {{ preferences_item_header(theme_info, theme_label, rtl, 'theme') }}
  114. <select class="form-control {{ custom_select_class(rtl) }}" name="theme" id="theme">
  115. {% for name in themes %}
  116. <option value="{{ name }}" {% if name == theme %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ name }}</option>
  117. {% endfor %}
  118. </select>
  119. {{ preferences_item_footer(theme_info, theme_label, rtl) }}
  120. {% endif %}
  121. {% if 'oscar-style' not in locked_preferences %}
  122. {{ preferences_item_header(_('Choose style for this theme'), _('Style'), rtl, 'oscar_style') }}
  123. <select class="form-control {{ custom_select_class(rtl) }}" name="oscar-style" id="oscar_style">
  124. <option value="logicodev" >Logicodev</option>
  125. <option value="pointhi" {% if preferences.get_value('oscar-style') == 'pointhi' %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>Pointhi</option>
  126. <option value="logicodev-dark" {% if preferences.get_value('oscar-style') == 'logicodev-dark' %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>Logicodev dark</option>
  127. </select>
  128. {{ preferences_item_footer(_('Choose style for this theme'), _('Style'), rtl) }}
  129. {% endif %}
  130. {% if 'results_on_new_tab' not in locked_preferences %}
  131. {% set label = _('Results on new tabs') %}
  132. {% set info = _('Open result links on new browser tabs') %}
  133. {{ preferences_item_header(info, label, rtl, 'results_on_new_tab') }}
  134. <select class="form-control {{ custom_select_class(rtl) }}" name="results_on_new_tab" id="results_on_new_tab">
  135. <option value="1" {% if results_on_new_tab %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('On') }}</option>
  136. <option value="0" {% if not results_on_new_tab %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('Off')}}</option>
  137. </select>
  138. {{ preferences_item_footer(info, label, rtl) }}
  139. {% endif %}
  140. {% set label = _('Show advanced settings') %}
  141. {% set info = _('Show advanced settings panel in the home page by default') %}
  142. {{ preferences_item_header(info, label, rtl, 'advanced_search') }}
  143. <select class="form-control {{ custom_select_class(rtl) }}" name="advanced_search" id="advanced_search">
  144. <option value="1" {% if preferences.get_value('advanced_search')%}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('On') }}</option>
  145. <option value="0" {% if not preferences.get_value('advanced_search')%}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('Off')}}</option>
  146. </select>
  147. {{ preferences_item_footer(info, label, rtl) }}
  148. {% if 'doi_resolver' not in locked_preferences %}
  149. {% set label = _('Open Access DOI resolver') %}
  150. {% set info = _('Redirect to open-access versions of publications when available (plugin required)') %}
  151. {{ preferences_item_header(info, label, rtl, 'doi_resolver') }}
  152. <select class="form-control {{ custom_select_class(rtl) }}" name="doi_resolver" id="doi_resolver">
  153. {% for doi_resolver_name,doi_resolver_url in doi_resolvers.items() %}
  154. <option value="{{ doi_resolver_name }}" {% if doi_resolver_url == current_doi_resolver %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>
  155. {{ doi_resolver_name }} - {{ doi_resolver_url }}
  156. </option>
  157. {% endfor %}
  158. </select>
  159. {{ preferences_item_footer(info, label, rtl) }}
  160. {% endif %}
  161. {% set label = _('Engine tokens') %}
  162. {% set info = _('Access tokens for private engines') %}
  163. {{ preferences_item_header(info, label, rtl, 'tokens') }}
  164. <input class="form-control" id="tokens" name="tokens" value='{{ preferences.tokens.get_value() }}'/>
  165. {{ preferences_item_footer(info, label, rtl) }}
  166. </div>
  167. </fieldset>
  168. </div>
  169. <div class="tab-pane active_if_nojs" id="tab_engine">
  170. <!-- Nav tabs -->
  171. <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-justified hide_if_nojs" role="tablist">
  172. {% for categ in all_categories %}
  173. <li{% if loop.first %} class="active"{% endif %}><a href="#tab_engine_{{ categ|replace(' ', '_') }}" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">{{ _(categ) }}</a></li>
  174. {% endfor %}
  175. </ul>
  176. <noscript>
  177. <h3>{{ _('Engines') }}</h3>
  178. </noscript>
  179. <!-- Tab panes -->
  180. <div class="tab-content">
  181. <div class="hide_if_nojs">
  182. <p class="text-{% if rtl %}left{% else %}right{% endif %}">
  183. <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-success" id="allow-all-engines">{{ _("Allow all") }}</button>
  184. <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-danger" id="disable-all-engines">{{ _("Disable all") }}</button>
  185. </p>
  186. </div>
  187. {% for categ in all_categories %}
  188. <noscript><label>{{ _(categ) }}</label>
  189. </noscript>
  190. <div class="tab-pane{% if loop.first %} active{% endif %} active_if_nojs" id="tab_engine_{{ categ|replace(' ', '_') }}">
  191. <div class="container-fluid">
  192. <fieldset>
  193. <div class="table-responsive">
  194. <table class="table table-hover table-condensed table-striped">
  195. <tr>
  196. {% if not rtl %}
  197. <th scope="col">{{ _("Allow") }}</th>
  198. <th scope="col">{{ _("Engine name") }}</th>
  199. <th scope="col">{{ _("Shortcut") }}</th>
  200. <th scope="col">{{ _("Selected language") }}</th>
  201. <th scope="col">{{ _("SafeSearch") }}</th>
  202. <th scope="col">{{ _("Time range") }}</th>
  203. <th scope="col">{{ _("Avg. time") }}</th>
  204. <th scope="col">{{ _("Max time") }}</th>
  205. {% else %}
  206. <th scope="col" class="text-right">{{ _("Max time") }}</th>
  207. <th scope="col" class="text-right">{{ _("Avg. time") }}</th>
  208. <th scope="col" class="text-right">{{ _("Time range") }}</th>
  209. <th scope="col" class="text-right">{{ _("SafeSearch") }}</th>
  210. <th scope="col" class="text-right">{{ _("Selected language") }}</th>
  211. <th scope="col" class="text-right">{{ _("Shortcut") }}</th>
  212. <th scope="col" class="text-right">{{ _("Engine name") }}</th>
  213. <th scope="col" class="text-right">{{ _("Allow") }}</th>
  214. {% endif %}
  215. </tr>
  216. {% for search_engine in engines_by_category[categ] %}
  217. {% if not search_engine.private %}
  218. <tr>
  219. {% if not rtl %}
  220. <td class="onoff-checkbox">
  221. {{- checkbox_toggle('engine_' +|replace(' ', '_') + '__' + categ|replace(' ', '_'), (, categ) in disabled_engines) -}}
  222. </td>
  223. <th scope="row"><span aria-labelledby="{{ 'tooltip_' + categ + '_' + }}">
  224. {%- if search_engine.enable_http %}{{ icon('exclamation-sign', 'No HTTPS') }}{% endif -%}
  225. {{- -}}</span>
  226. {{- engine_about(search_engine, 'tooltip_' + categ + '_' + -}}
  227. </th>
  228. <td class="name">{{ shortcuts[] }}</td>
  229. <td>{{ support_toggle(stats[].supports_selected_language) }}</td>
  230. <td>{{ support_toggle(search_engine.safesearch==True) }}</td>
  231. <td>{{ support_toggle(search_engine.time_range_support==True) }}</td>
  232. <td class="{{ 'danger' if stats[]['warn_time'] else '' }}">{% if stats[]['warn_time'] %}{{ icon('exclamation-sign')}} {% endif %}{{ 'N/A' if stats[].time==None else stats[].time }}</td>
  233. <td class="{{ 'danger' if stats[]['warn_timeout'] else '' }}">{% if stats[]['warn_timeout'] %}{{ icon('exclamation-sign') }} {% endif %}{{ search_engine.timeout }}</td>
  234. {% else %}
  235. <td class="{{ 'danger' if stats[]['warn_timeout'] else '' }}">{{ search_engine.timeout }}{% if stats[]['warn_time'] %} {{ icon('exclamation-sign')}}{% endif %}</td>
  236. <td class="{{ 'danger' if stats[]['warn_time'] else '' }}">{{ 'N/A' if stats[].time==None else stats[].time }}{% if stats[]['warn_time'] %} {{ icon('exclamation-sign')}}{% endif %}</td>
  237. <td>{{ support_toggle(search_engine.time_range_support==True) }}</td>
  238. <td>{{ support_toggle(search_engine.safesearch==True) }}</td>
  239. <td>{{ support_toggle(stats[].supports_selected_language) }}</td>
  240. <td>{{ shortcuts[] }}</td>
  241. <th scope="row"><span>{% if search_engine.enable_http %}{{ icon('exclamation-sign', 'No HTTPS') }}{% endif %}{{ }}</span>{{ engine_about(search_engine) }}</th>
  242. <td class="onoff-checkbox">
  243. {{ checkbox_toggle('engine_' +|replace(' ', '_') + '__' + categ|replace(' ', '_'), (, categ) in disabled_engines) }}
  244. </td>
  245. {% endif %}
  246. </tr>
  247. {% endif %}
  248. {% endfor %}
  249. </table>
  250. </div>
  251. </fieldset>
  252. </div>
  253. </div>
  254. {% endfor %}
  255. </div>
  256. </div>
  257. <div class="tab-pane active_if_nojs" id="tab_plugins">
  258. <noscript>
  259. <h3>{{ _('Plugins') }}</h3>
  260. </noscript>
  261. <fieldset>
  262. <div class="container-fluid">
  263. {% for plugin in plugins %}
  264. {% if plugin.preference_section != 'onions' %}
  265. <div class="panel panel-default">
  266. <div class="panel-heading">
  267. <h3 class="panel-title">{{ _( }}</h3>
  268. </div>
  269. <div class="panel-body">
  270. <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-6"><label for="{{'plugin_' +}}">{{ _(plugin.description) }}</label></div>
  271. <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-6">
  272. <div class="onoff-checkbox">
  273. {{ checkbox_toggle('plugin_' +, not in allowed_plugins) }}
  274. </div>
  275. </div>
  276. </div>
  277. </div>
  278. {% endif %}
  279. {% endfor %}
  280. </div>
  281. </fieldset>
  282. </div>
  283. {% if answerers %}
  284. <div class="tab-pane active_if_nojs" id="tab_answerers">
  285. <noscript>
  286. <h3>{{ _('Answerers') }}</h3>
  287. </noscript>
  288. <p class="text-muted">
  289. {{ _('This is the list of searx\'s instant answering modules.') }}
  290. </p>
  291. <table class="table table-striped">
  292. <tr>
  293. <th{% if rtl %} class="text-right"{% endif %}>{{ _('Name') }}</th>
  294. <th{% if rtl %} class="text-right"{% endif %}>{{ _('Keywords') }}</th>
  295. <th{% if rtl %} class="text-right"{% endif %}>{{ _('Description') }}</th>
  296. <th{% if rtl %} class="text-right"{% endif %}>{{ _('Examples') }}</th>
  297. </tr>
  298. {% for answerer in answerers %}
  299. <tr>
  300. <td>{{ }}</td>
  301. <td>{{ answerer.keywords|join(', ') }}</td>
  302. <td>{{ }}</td>
  303. <td>{{|join(', ') }}</td>
  304. </tr>
  305. {% endfor %}
  306. </table>
  307. </div>
  308. {% endif %}
  309. <div class="tab-pane active_if_nojs" id="tab_cookies">
  310. <noscript>
  311. <h3>{{ _('Cookies') }}</h3>
  312. </noscript>
  313. <p class="text-muted">
  314. {{ _('This is the list of cookies and their values searx is storing on your computer.') }}<br />
  315. {{ _('With that list, you can assess searx transparency.') }}<br />
  316. </p>
  317. {% if cookies %}
  318. <table class="table table-striped">
  319. <tr>
  320. <th class="text-muted{% if rtl %} text-right{% endif %}">{{ _('Cookie name') }}</th>
  321. <th class="text-muted{% if rtl %} text-right{% endif %}">{{ _('Value') }}</th>
  322. </tr>
  323. {% for cookie in cookies %}
  324. <tr>
  325. <td class="text-muted">{{ cookie }}</td>
  326. <td class="text-muted">{{ cookies[cookie] }}</td>
  327. </tr>
  328. {% endfor %}
  329. </table>
  330. {% else %}
  331. {% include 'oscar/messages/no_cookies.html' %}
  332. {% endif %}
  333. </div>
  334. </div>
  335. <p class="text-muted">
  336. {{ _('These settings are stored in your cookies, this allows us not to store this data about you.') }}
  337. {{ _("These cookies serve your sole convenience, we don't use these cookies to track you.") }}
  338. </p>
  339. <p>
  340. {{ _('Search URL of the currently saved preferences') }}
  341. <small class="text-muted">({{ _('Note: specifying custom settings in the search URL can reduce privacy by leaking data to the clicked result sites.') }})</small>:
  342. </p>
  343. <div class="tab-pane">
  344. <input readonly="" class="form-control select-all-on-click cursor-text" type="url" value="{{ url_for('index', _external=True) }}?preferences={{ preferences_url_params|e }}{% raw %}&amp;q=%s{% endraw %}">
  345. <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="{{ _('save') }}" />
  346. <a href="{{ url_for('index') }}"><div class="btn btn-default">{{ _('back') }}</div></a>
  347. <a href="{{ url_for('clear_cookies') }}"><div class="btn btn-default">{{ _('Reset defaults') }}</div></a>
  348. </div>
  349. </form>
  350. </div>
  351. {% endblock %}