mcfwdebug.h 5.0 KB

  1. /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
  2. /****************************************************************************/
  3. /*
  4. * mcfdebug.h -- ColdFire Debug Module support.
  5. *
  6. * (C) Copyright 2001, Lineo Inc. (
  7. */
  8. /****************************************************************************/
  9. #ifndef mcfdebug_h
  10. #define mcfdebug_h
  11. /****************************************************************************/
  12. /* Define the debug module registers */
  13. #define MCFDEBUG_CSR 0x0 /* Configuration status */
  14. #define MCFDEBUG_BAAR 0x5 /* BDM address attribute */
  15. #define MCFDEBUG_AATR 0x6 /* Address attribute trigger */
  16. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR 0x7 /* Trigger definition */
  17. #define MCFDEBUG_PBR 0x8 /* PC breakpoint */
  18. #define MCFDEBUG_PBMR 0x9 /* PC breakpoint mask */
  19. #define MCFDEBUG_ABHR 0xc /* High address breakpoint */
  20. #define MCFDEBUG_ABLR 0xd /* Low address breakpoint */
  21. #define MCFDEBUG_DBR 0xe /* Data breakpoint */
  22. #define MCFDEBUG_DBMR 0xf /* Data breakpoint mask */
  23. /* Define some handy constants for the trigger definition register */
  24. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_TRC_DISP 0x00000000 /* display on DDATA only */
  25. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_TRC_HALT 0x40000000 /* Processor halt on BP */
  26. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_TRC_INTR 0x80000000 /* Debug intr on BP */
  27. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_LXT1 0x00004000 /* TDR level 1 */
  28. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_LXT2 0x00008000 /* TDR level 2 */
  29. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EBL1 0x00002000 /* Enable breakpoint level 1 */
  30. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EBL2 0x20000000 /* Enable breakpoint level 2 */
  31. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDLW1 0x00001000 /* Enable data BP longword */
  32. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDLW2 0x10000000
  33. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDWL1 0x00000800 /* Enable data BP lower word */
  34. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDWL2 0x08000000
  35. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDWU1 0x00000400 /* Enable data BP upper word */
  36. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDWU2 0x04000000
  37. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDLL1 0x00000200 /* Enable data BP low low byte */
  38. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDLL2 0x02000000
  39. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDLM1 0x00000100 /* Enable data BP low mid byte */
  40. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDLM2 0x01000000
  41. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDUM1 0x00000080 /* Enable data BP up mid byte */
  42. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDUM2 0x00800000
  43. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDUU1 0x00000040 /* Enable data BP up up byte */
  44. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDUU2 0x00400000
  45. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_DI1 0x00000020 /* Data BP invert */
  46. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_DI2 0x00200000
  47. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EAI1 0x00000010 /* Enable address BP inverted */
  48. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EAI2 0x00100000
  49. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EAR1 0x00000008 /* Enable address BP range */
  50. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EAR2 0x00080000
  51. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EAL1 0x00000004 /* Enable address BP low */
  52. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EAL2 0x00040000
  53. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EPC1 0x00000002 /* Enable PC BP */
  54. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EPC2 0x00020000
  55. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_PCI1 0x00000001 /* PC BP invert */
  56. #define MCFDEBUG_TDR_PCI2 0x00010000
  57. /* Constants for the address attribute trigger register */
  58. #define MCFDEBUG_AAR_RESET 0x00000005
  59. /* Fields not yet implemented */
  60. /* And some definitions for the writable sections of the CSR */
  61. #define MCFDEBUG_CSR_RESET 0x00100000
  62. #define MCFDEBUG_CSR_PSTCLK 0x00020000 /* PSTCLK disable */
  63. #define MCFDEBUG_CSR_IPW 0x00010000 /* Inhibit processor writes */
  64. #define MCFDEBUG_CSR_MAP 0x00008000 /* Processor refs in emul mode */
  65. #define MCFDEBUG_CSR_TRC 0x00004000 /* Emul mode on trace exception */
  66. #define MCFDEBUG_CSR_EMU 0x00002000 /* Force emulation mode */
  67. #define MCFDEBUG_CSR_DDC_READ 0x00000800 /* Debug data control */
  68. #define MCFDEBUG_CSR_DDC_WRITE 0x00001000
  69. #define MCFDEBUG_CSR_UHE 0x00000400 /* User mode halt enable */
  70. #define MCFDEBUG_CSR_BTB0 0x00000000 /* Branch target 0 bytes */
  71. #define MCFDEBUG_CSR_BTB2 0x00000100 /* Branch target 2 bytes */
  72. #define MCFDEBUG_CSR_BTB3 0x00000200 /* Branch target 3 bytes */
  73. #define MCFDEBUG_CSR_BTB4 0x00000300 /* Branch target 4 bytes */
  74. #define MCFDEBUG_CSR_NPL 0x00000040 /* Non-pipelined mode */
  75. #define MCFDEBUG_CSR_SSM 0x00000010 /* Single step mode */
  76. /* Constants for the BDM address attribute register */
  77. #define MCFDEBUG_BAAR_RESET 0x00000005
  78. /* Fields not yet implemented */
  79. /* This routine wrappers up the wdebug asm instruction so that the register
  80. * and value can be relatively easily specified. The biggest hassle here is
  81. * that the debug module instructions (2 longs) must be long word aligned and
  82. * some pointer fiddling is performed to ensure this.
  83. */
  84. static inline void wdebug(int reg, unsigned long data) {
  85. unsigned short dbg_spc[6];
  86. unsigned short *dbg;
  87. // Force alignment to long word boundary
  88. dbg = (unsigned short *)((((unsigned long)dbg_spc) + 3) & 0xfffffffc);
  89. // Build up the debug instruction
  90. dbg[0] = 0x2c80 | (reg & 0xf);
  91. dbg[1] = (data >> 16) & 0xffff;
  92. dbg[2] = data & 0xffff;
  93. dbg[3] = 0;
  94. // Perform the wdebug instruction
  95. #if 0
  96. // This strain is for gas which doesn't have the wdebug instructions defined
  97. asm( "move.l %0, %%a0\n\t"
  98. ".word 0xfbd0\n\t"
  99. ".word 0x0003\n\t"
  100. :: "g" (dbg) : "a0");
  101. #else
  102. // And this is for when it does
  103. asm( "wdebug (%0)" :: "a" (dbg));
  104. #endif
  105. }
  106. #endif